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Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Your Sleeping Position Might Ruin Your Health

Comfort is important when a person wants to sleep. This is why the best position is a top priority when one hops on the bed.

While we are aware that there are over eight sleeping positions, research has shown that your desire to seek comfort might be harmful to your health.

Sleep coach Elina Winnel says of the foetal sleeping position which is recommended for pregnant women, “What we may not realise is that we are putting our body into a fight or flight posture. If we go to sleep in this position, we may be signalling to our nervous system that we are in fight or flight and that it is not safe to go to sleep.”

Sleep medicine expert and professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine Shelby Harris opines that sleeping on your stomach increases muscle, back and pelvic pain.

Dr Ron Ehrlich, the author of A Life Less Stressed, reaffirmed this with his explanation, “Imagine wringing out a wet towel and that’s pretty much what you do to your muscles and joints while you are asleep on your stomach. It can also restrict your ability to breathe well while sleeping.”

Sleeping position. Photo: votre ART

Experts agree that the best way to sleep is on your back. This is because it helps with acid reflux and helps people with heartburn. However, it is not advisable for people experiencing back pain.

Before you get worked up, Rachel Salas, M.D, an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, says that this might not be something to consider when you are young and fit. “But as you get older and have more medical issues, sleep position can become positive or negative.”
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Wednesday 25 July 2018

Quick And Easy Ways To Fix For Your Anxiety

Anxiety happens to the most well-grounded people. All the traumatic news going around in the world recently is enough to make one curl up and weep all day long.
A lot of Nigerians go through this emotion every day with the uncertainty of the economy, the unending drama of politics and the incessant murder of citizens every day. It is all enough to give anyone panic attacks.

Sometimes anxiety comes with shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, uneasiness, a feeling of dread and a flood of negative thoughts. If not remedied, it could sometimes lead to depression.
There are things that make one more susceptible to anxiety although they do not cause it. They are alcohol, caffeine, lack of sleep and dehydration.

Before it gets to the point where a psychologist and drugs are recommended, you can try some simple remedies to control it.

Here are natural remedies that can ease that feeling of anxiety:

Exercise and meditation
Set out 30 minutes a day to exercise. Burning all that sweat fills the body with relief. It is difficult to think, negatively or positively, while working out. Also, take a few minutes of this time to meditate and let the mind exist in a vacuum. Taking up yoga is also a good idea.

Take deep breaths
No matter what tragedy happens it is important to keep breathing. Take a deep, long breath and exhale. Do this continuously for two to three minutes. Set a three-hour interval timer to repeat this exercise.

Set out stress sessions
 Set out five to 10 minutes every day to stress about problems. When anxiety plagues, keep it till your stress sessions. This time might help you have a different perspective on certain issues.

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Wednesday 18 July 2018

Death risk Of Heavy alcohol intake

Drinking heavily results in uncontrolled iron absorption into the body, putting strain on vital organs and increasing the risk of death, according to a new study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.
Image result for intake alcohol
The study looked at health outcomes in 877 women in sub-Saharan Africa over a median follow-up time of nine years.

The results of the study showed levels of ferritin, a blood marker of the extent of body iron loading, were higher in drinkers than non-drinkers.

Iron loading is when the regulation of iron in the body is compromised by alcohol consumption, leading to more of it being absorbed.

It is known to cause health issues such as heart attacks, liver disease and diabetes.

The study found that higher levels of ferritin and its statistical interaction with alcohol in these subjects predicted all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.

This means that the prognostic significance of iron loading depends on alcohol consumption.

Dr. Rudolph Schutte, Course Leader of the BSc (Hons) Medical Science at Anglia Ruskin University, and lead author of the study, said: “Iron loading puts strain on especially the cardiovascular system through oxidisation, which can cause damage to cells, proteins and Deoxy ribonucleic Acid (DNA).

“The link between iron and mortality has been disputed for around 30 years, but this study is the first to investigate the significance of the interaction between iron loading and alcohol intake.
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Research Reveals That Being In A Bad Mood Can Improve Your Brain’s Productivity(READ DETAILS BELOW

Being in an bad mood can enable certain individuals to think all the more proficiently as far as their capacity to center consideration, oversee time and organize undertakings, as per new research.

New research found that being in a bad mood can help some people’s executive functioning, such as their ability to focus attention, manage time and prioritize tasks. The same study found that a good mood has a negative effect on it in some cases.

Tara McAuley, a psychology professor at the University of Waterloo, and Martyn S. Gabel, a PhD candidate, explored whether our emotional reactivity shaped how mood influences the kinds of thinking skills we need to navigate the demands and stresses of day-to-day life. Emotional reactivity refers to the sensitivity, intensity and duration of our emotional responses associated with our mood.

“Our results show that there are some people for whom a bad mood may actually hone the kind of thinking skills that are important for everyday life,” said McAuley.

The high-reactive individuals – people who have rapid, intense, and enduring emotional responses – performed better on executive function tasks when experiencing a bad mood. Low-reactive individuals showed the opposite effect, with bad mood associated with worse executive functioning.

This pattern of results supports the view that a bad mood may help with some executive skills – but only for people who are more emotionally reactive.

“People shouldn’t interpret the results as saying it’s fine to fly off the handle or overreact, or to be grouchy,” said McAuley. “We know that emotional reactivity differs from person to person starting at a very early age and that these individual differences have implications for mental health later in development.”

Further research is needed to explain the relationship, but some studies suggest that high-reactive people are more accustomed to experiencing negative emotions. As such, bad moods may be less distracting for them compared with lower-reactive people.
The study included 95 participants, each of whom completed nine distinct tasks and questionnaires that measure the interplay of mood, emotional reactivity and various working memory and analytic challenges.
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Sunday 15 July 2018

Ginger: The Secret To Longer Lives For Men

While ginger may have many benefits and is a root of the plant Zingiber officinale, it is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant whose benefits are in large part to compounds in the root like gingerones, gingerols, shogaols, and paradols.

Ginger in tea, ginger ale or even while eaten with food has often been used to treat treat nausea, indigestion and diarrhea. It is also a good source of some vitamins and minerals that are very essential to men’s health.
Here are five surprising benefits of ginger for men;

Ginger tea Photo StyleWe

Prevents Prostate Cancer
Affecting million of men per year, ginger can be used to cure the nausea associated with cancer treatments and may also stimulate appetite.

A study discovered that whole ginger extract prevented the growth of prostate cancer cells and caused existing cells to commit cell suicide. Using a mice, they found out that a daily intake of 100 mg of whole ginger extract per kilogram of body weight per day inhibited the progression of cancer cells by about 56% and also noted that ginger did not cause any damage to non-cancerous cells.

Prevents Heart Disease
Ginger a good source of vitamin B-6, magnesium and potassium can help prevent heart disease. As high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease these three compounds helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Studies have shown that ginger may also lower cholesterol and prevent clogged blood vessels that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
It is however, very important to note that high doses of ginger have been known to worsen certain heart conditions. If you have heart problems, make sure to consult your doctor before taking ginger.

Infertility and Erectile Dysfunction
Although the University of Maryland Medical Center has stated that it is rare to develop a manganese deficiency, having insufficient amounts in your diet may also lead to infertility and erectile disorders. Which is why Manganese, a mineral contained in ginger and found throughout the body, is essential to neurological health and helps to form and trigger the release of the sex hormone testosterone.

Prevents Colon Cancer
Men are at a higher risk of developing colon cancer than women and is the 2nd leading killer among cancers in the United States. According to a study carried out by a team led by Chul-Ho Jeong at the University of Minnesota, gingerol, the compound that gives ginger its spicy taste, may help to treat and prevent cancer. Based on these findings, the National Institutes of Health are currently conducting clinical trials exploring ginger’s use in chemoprevention for colon cancer and the University of Minnesota is working on creating pharmaceutical drugs using gingerol as an anti-cancer drug.
Regulates blood sugar level

Due to its manganese and magnesium content, ginger plays a role in the treatment of diabetes. As suggested by the University of Maryland Medical Center, these minerals present in ginger helps to regulate blood sugar in both diabetic and non-diabetic men. With blood concentrations of these minerals lower than average in people with diabetes, ginger may be essential to preventing both the development of and complications that may arise from diabetes in men.
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Saturday 14 July 2018

For Pregnant Women Five Benefits Of Bananas

Here are some benefits of this delicious fruit for pregnant women:

Good source of calcium
200 grams of banana contains about 10 mg of natural calcium. Known for the development of bones and skeletal system at all ages, calcium is also helpful in speeding up the neurotransmitter in the process of muscle contraction in the development of the foetus in the womb.

Contains folic acid
The benefits of folic acid to a pregnant woman cannot be overemphasised as it plays a major role in the development of the nerve, brain and spine. Bananas help to prevent folic acid deficiency which causes a baby to be born prematurely, it also reduces the risk of birth defects.

Boosts energy
Bananas provide instant energy for pregnant women, especially when combined with milk. For mothers facing the last trimester and postpartum stages, bananas contain about 28 grams of sugar in each 225 gram. It also contains three natural sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) which can boost the energy of pregnant women.

Reduces digestive disorders
Constipation has become increasingly common among pregnant women. Bananas help reduce abdominal bloating and can smoothen bowel movement. Pregnant women can increase the intake of banana as it contains fibre which helps improve bowel movements.

Reduces Anaemia
Anaemia is the lack of red blood cells in the body. It is a common thing with pregnant women and can cause complications during the last stages of pregnancy and childbirth. There is an average of 3% iron in 225 grams of bananas which produces haemoglobin to reduce anaemia.
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Does Yoghurts Boost Sex Drive In Men?

Well, we all know for sure that Red bulls gives you wings but what you don’t know is that yoghurts gives you bigger “cojones”.

A study by researchers in Massachusetts Institute of Technology meant to examine the effects of yoghurt on obesity showed that male mice that ate a diet supplemented with yoghurt grew larger testicles. Although previous research has shown that yoghurt could prevent age-related weight gain, researchers fed a group of mice a junk food diet—high in fat, and low in fibre and nutrients and a second group ate standard mouse food and another half of each group also received vanilla-flavoured yoghurt.

At the end of the study, the testicles of the mice that ate yoghurt were five percent heavier than those of the standard-diet group, and 15 percent heavier than the junk food group. The yogurt-eating mice inseminated their partners faster and produced more offspring.

Although not yet proven of its sexual effect on men, here are other health benefits of yoghurts;

Contains likely anti-cancer properties
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Due to an improvement of the immune response, it is suggested that yoghurts consumption may be associated with a lower risk of Colorectal cancer. Although a deeper research is needed, it has been suggested that yoghurts may be associated with lower incidence of upper digestive tract cancer.

Reduces risk of high blood pressure
According to a study by university students in Spain, although using milk for the experiment they found out that low-fat dairy intake was associated with lower incidence of high blood pressure and would most likely have the same result with low-fat yoghurt.

Good for strong bones
Yoghurts help provide calcium required to build bones in children and also helps to prevent the loss of bone density that occurs naturally with adults or teenagers. It is also a good source of calcium and vitamin D also necessary for strong bones.

Helps to prevent yeast infections
There are suggestions that consuming yoghurt which contains the active strain of bacteria Lactobacillus, may help prevent a case of vaginal yeast infection.
Although not all yoghurt contains this active culture, more research is required to determine the best way to introduce lactobacillus into the body to reduce the risk of infection.
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Saturday 30 June 2018

About Five Hidden Benefits Of Coconut Water

Coconut water is mostly packed with lots of nutrients that yield an array of health benefits. It is an ultimate thirst quencher which offers a tasty alternative to water and can be taken alone as a beverage or mixed with any other liquid product.

coconut water photo credit Pinterest

Unlike any other beverage on the market, coconut water contains five essential electrolytes that are present in the human body. These include: calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. Because of its unique composition, coconut water can be enjoyed by individuals with varying medical conditions.

To make the perfect choice which shopping for coconut, avoid those that have a hard brown shell as this indicates it maturity. Rather, search for those with a young and green exterior as they often contain a large supply of the actual coconut water. You can simply shake the coconut to gauge how much liquid it actually contains.

Here are the five hidden benefits of coconut water;

Helps with weight-loss
Coconut water contains a very low amount of fat and can therefore be consumed in generous quantities withouth the fear of adding body fats. It also reduces the appetite and immediately fills you up due to its rich nature.

Gives you that Perfect Skin
Coconut water has the ability to clear up acne and other skin blemishes on the skin and subsequently tone the skin. It also eliminates a large amount of oil in the body and maoisturizes the skin if ingested orally. This is why most beauty products like shampoos, body lotions and face creams contain traces of coconut extract which makes it more effective.

Hangover Remedy
Hangovers would sometimes have you rethinking your life choices as not everyone has a quick remedy for hangovers. Next time, consume coconut water as it settles your stomach and replaces those essential electrolytes that leaves the body during the period.

coconut water as a cure for hangovers photo credit Pinterest

Helps with Indigestion
Coconut water provides the perfect relief if you ever experience difficulty during a digestion process as it contains a high amount of fiber which helps prevent indigestion and reduce the occurence of acid reflux.

Reduces Blood pressure
In some cases,high blood pressure could be as a result of a disproportionate level of electrolyte in the body. Coconut water is used as a balancing mechanism as it contains the right supply of each. It is mostly recommended to be taken at the start of each day to foster the balance of these electrolytes.

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Thursday 21 June 2018

Lack of self-worth, cause of depression = suicide

This was done over 3 sessions using various self-discovery probing tools and taking various personality tests.

I was able to help Helen highlight her strengths, qualities, values and her limiting, disempowering, negative beliefs and weaknesses.

The second step I took with Helen was to get her to embrace Change, and understand the need to have a different Mindset and Perception about herself.

I achieved this by first eliciting her most deadly, limiting and negative beliefs, then showing her how powerful they were and their overall effects on her.

Once I was done with the two steps, I proceeded to helping Helen Create a New Self-Image. She re-created this New Personal of who she wanted to be.

With all the great positive qualities found from her personality and profiling test reports – Helen suddenly began to see her True Self in the mirror.

I worked with her to create her own bespoke Affirmation statements, which she said to herself every day for 40 days, while looking into her mirror.

I got Helen to start talking, thinking and acting like the new “HER”, which she has just been introduced to.

The next Exercise was to help Helen Identify 3 Positive Female Role Models – These are inspirational women who Helen aspired to be like. She was made to study their lives and set her goals (that is what she wanted to become) in line with certain things these women had achieved.

The next step was a Visualization Exercise, where I got Helen to Picture Her Desired self in 10 to 20 years from her present moment.

I got her to maintain her new self-image by daily visualizing her future self and identifying what she needs to do, to become HELEN-F which was the name I gave her future self.

As I continued our Sessions, I got Helen to accept the fact that she will have many high and low moments each day.

Hence I helped her develop her own set of coping mechanisms.

I also helped her develop Emotional Resilience using various tools and techniques which she now uses daily to manage her low moments.

Helen soon began to feel good about herself every day, as I worked on her inner self confidence and self esteem.

Would you like to meet the real “YOU”?

Would you like to feel the same way as Helen felt after this Exercise?

Even though you have such limiting beliefs that have held you back for years and caused you sadness and gloom, the Olusola Lanre Coaching Academy is available to help you change these negative, limiting, disempowering beliefs into very powerful, positive and empowering beliefs. 
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To Steam Or Not To Steam Your Vagina

Teigen is not the first person to try this. Gwyneth Paltrow gave it high praise in a long-deleted article on her website, Goop, after which the practice surged in popularity. She said the process is an energetic release that cleanses the vagina and uterus. Other proponents of vaginal steaming have claimed that it balances the hormones, regulates menstruation, eases period cramps and bloating, cures cancer, and other things not yet proven.

What is vaginal steaming?
The age-old practice, usually done at a spa, requires one to sit over a steaming bowl of herbs like chamomile, basil or oregano. This process directs herb-infused steam into the vagina. It can be done in a spa or at home, although most doctors do not recommend it. This process allegedly relieves, stress, depression, haemorrhoids, infections, infertility, hormone imbalance, headaches, fatigue, digestive issues and pain.
But other than offering a soothing warmth to down below, does this work? And is it safe?

Does it work?
There is no scientific evidence to confirm that this hot trend helps any condition. There is little chance that the herbal steam would penetrate vaginal tissues to regulate hormones and infertility. It is also not clear how steaming herbs will gain access to the uterus through the tightly-closed cervix at the end of the vagina.

A benefit of V-steaming, however, may be that the moist heat from the steam increases blood flow to the vaginal area, although this isn’t well-studied.

Steaming iron. Photo: Reference

Is it safe?
There is no scientific research to show whether vaginal steaming is harmful or safe. However, it is commonly known that the vagina isn’t meant to be steam-cleaned. A vagina is a self-cleaning machine and vaginal skin is delicate, sensitive and easily traumatised. Steaming it may cause vaginal burns or scalding. It may also make the vagina the perfect environment for bacteria that cause yeast and other vaginal infections to thrive.

Thinking about this makes you wonder how anyone can recommend vaginal steaming to heal the ailments it may cause in the first place. Some of the herbs you use may also cause an allergic reaction in your vagina and nobody wants that.

Bottom line
As mentioned earlier, your vagina is a self-cleaning machine and doesn’t need help from any herbal steam session. Yes, vaginal steaming may make you relax and ease cramping, but there are safer ways to use heat and herbs for period relief. A heating pad will equally ease the paint without threatening to cause harm to your insides. You can also sip a cup of warm herbal tea for maximum benefits of the herbs. If you want to feel relaxed, get a good massage or have an orgasm.

Vaginal health. Photo: Readers Digest

There is no evidence to show that it cleanses the vagina, improves fertility or balances hormones. It may also increase your risk of getting vaginal infections because vaginal steaming alters the vaginal bacteria ecosystem.

Natural herbs may improve reproductive health when ingested, but steaming them into your vagina may not do so. They could cause an allergic reaction and the last place you want one is in yout vagina.

At the end of the day, if you still want to try vaginal steaming, talk to your doctor or a qualified alternative health practitioner to weigh the pros and cons.

We thought the problems of vaginal steaming were widely understood but, apparently, we were wrong.

Chrissy Teigen recently posted a photo on Instagram, saying that she was trying out vaginal steaming even though she wasn’t certain whether it would work or dissolve her vagina.

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Tuesday 19 June 2018

Reasons You Should Avoid A Late Dinner

Image result for late dinnerFitness experts have advised that late dinner increases the risk of gaining weight. Apart from this, there are other risks inherent in this habit. With a busy schedule, it is unarguably inevitable to have a late meal but there are reasons to adjust schedule and grab an early dinnner

1. Late Dinner increases the risk of Heart Attack and type 2 Diabetes
A study conducted by Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, at the University of Pennsylvania, has shown that late meals do not only have the risk of weight gain, it also affects cholesterol level which increases the risk of a heart attack. It also triggers the increase of insulin and glucose which causes type 2 diabetes.

2. Late dinner affects the memory
American researchers have shown in their study that late dinner can affect memory. Although this study was conducted on mice, it showed that mice fed late meals for two weeks had long-term memory problems.

3. Late dinner increases the risk of acid re-flux
Acid reflux is also known as heartburn. Heartburn happens because the meal eaten very close to bedtime is not fully digested, the acidic contents spill back to the oesophagus.
Dinner should be taken before 7 pm.

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Friday 15 June 2018

From Russia With Health: Four Tips To Stay Healthy In Russia

It is exciting when travelling to another country because you expect the trip to be exciting and memorable. Russia is a beautiful country with many places to explore. To enjoy Russia 2018, you need to stay healthy considering you are away from home. In addition to other travel preparations, there are things you need to do to ensure you enjoy the experience.

These are worthy tips to help you worry less about your wellbeing and enjoy the games.

Maintain A Healthy Diet
Food is very important. Find a good restaurant that serves a variety of recipes. Take meals that have the right amount of nutrients to nourish and keep you healthy. Remember to take a lot of water but source for clean water.

Limit Socialising
While basking in the euphoria of watching the games live, remember to be cautious. Beware of strangers. Always have a tour guide or google maps. But tour guides are better in this case because they will tell you all the dangerous spots.

Road Safety
In Russia, Cars have the right of way. They drive on almost anywhere even on the curb. You don’t want to be hospitalised when you ought to be enjoying the games. Be careful when you are walking on the streets get a good travel guide to assist you.

Heat Stroke
Remember that it is summer in Russia, temperatures will soar made even hotter by the crowd. Protect yourself from the heat, use SPF and other sunscreens that suits you to shade you from the effect of the sun to avoid heat stroke.
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Tuesday 12 June 2018


You might have heard the popular statement that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While this may not be entirely correct (scientists are still debating it), it may not be the ‘most important’ but certainly has its benefits.
Image result for breakfast
Nowadays, there are many companies and bloggers that preach that you need to skip breakfast to maintain a healthy weight, also, you might have seen a couple of your friends who live their lives without eating a proper meal in the morning seemingly doing just fine. But the question you may have is: ‘Is a proper breakfast really necessary?’.

The thing is based on research, there many arguments on both sides about the pros and cons of skipping breakfast, particularly for people who are trying to shed some weight.

In this article, we will be exploring 4 reasons why you should take breakfast.

1. Skipping Breakfast May Not Help You Lose Weight
People who have been promised that skipping breakfast may help with weight loss may be in for a big shock when the scale readings still stay up. The fact is that studies have shown that people who do not take breakfast may not shed any weight, also, if they stay physically inactive, they may even gain some weight instead of losing it.
You may be wondering how this is possible. Well, the truth is that skipping breakfast may make you take higher-calorie meals later in the day. You may make a quick semi-heavy brunch by quickly baking a small snack using your countertop oven then go ahead to cook a ‘proper lunch a few hours later. Afterall, the body needs an energy source for its daily activities. People who take meals in the morning also were found to have about the same calorie intake per day as those who do not take meals until later in the afternoon.

2. Your Hormones Need A Balance
Hormones are chemicals released by the body that act on organs or tissues that are located far from where it is released. You might have heard about one important hormone that regulates the blood sugar- insulin. Insulin with other hormones and growth factors work effectively in maintaining the amount of glucose present in the cells and bloodstream. Insulin helps the cells in our bodies take up glucose. Some studies have shown that skipping breakfast may upset this natural balance, and may cause long-term problems later on. For instance, diabetes mellitus develops if the amount of insulin secreted by the pancreas drops or if the body’s cells become resistant to the presence of insulin.

3. You Might Be Less Physically Active
When you wake up in the morning, your body would have been fasting for about 10-12 hours, so, if you choose to increase this fast by an extra 4-5 hours by skipping breakfast, you may not have enough energy to carry out adequate physical exercise. It is not uncommon to find people less productive or averse to exercise, just because they feel very weak when skipping breakfast. Eating a meal in the morning can help your body have some extra calories to provide enough energy to stimulate you to run, walk briskly or even use the staircase instead of elevator when at work.

4. Your Brain Needs Some Energy
Unlike some other organs in the body that can cope with an alternative source of energy like ketones, the brain requires glucose to work effectively. So, starving yourself off breakfast may deplete the amount of glucose available for your brain, making you feel dizzy, confused and very unproductive. Low blood glucose is a common reason why people faint and sometimes die.
Skipping breakfast should not be an option if a person has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus and is on medications to lower blood sugar.
Guest article by Dr. Charles-Davies, a medical doctor based in Lagos. He runs 25 Doctors, a health educational website, and also serves as an editor of 93 Treats, a food informational blog.
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Wednesday 6 June 2018

How Often Do You Really Need To Change Your Bed Sheets?

Every week, there is a possibility that you spend between 49 to 63 hours in bed lying on those sheets. This leaves quite a lot of time for sweat, dirt, oil, makeup and other allergens to build up. Add all that up and one could get skin issues like those breakouts we hate, allergy symptoms and even fungal infections.

Sounds scary, right?
This is why it is very important to keep your sheets clean. But how often should you wash and change your bedding?

We all know that washing them too often may cause them to wear out and fade. But washing them too rarely can let all that dirt and allergens build up.

Well, there is no rule for how often to wash your sheets. But a good rule of thumb is to change them once a week. Or you can stretch that out to once in two weeks if you don’t sweat while you sleep.

Also, remember to have them washed once you have been sick to kill any lingering germs. You don’t want to give yourself a cold all over again.

Another tip, especially when you cannot wash your sheets every week, is to wash your pillowcases once a week. This is because your face is more likely to break out than other areas in your body. You can also ingest allergens like dust mites more easily through your nose and mouth.

When washing your sheets, use warm water and not hot water which can shrink the fibres in the fabric, making it easier for them to wear out. Also, make sure your sheets are completely dry before you store them, otherwise, mildew may form on them.

One last thing to note is that not every single thing on your bed needs to be washed often. Duvet covers should be washed once a month. Pillows, comforters and blankets should be washed only a few times a year. You can wash them once every three months. Wash these items delicately and make sure to rinse properly to get all the soap out.
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Sunday 3 June 2018

Eight Ways To Deal With Skin Breakouts (Pimples)

Pimples – we all get them and we all hate them. You might think because you’re grown up and have left puberty behind, you can’t get breakouts, but you still can!

So what causes them?
It is mainly the overproduction of oil-blocked hair follicles that don’t allow the oil to leave the pore, often resulting in a clogged pore. With a clogged pore, bacteria grows and leads to nasty pimples. Another reason you could be breaking out due to changes in your hormone levels, like menopause or stopping birth control pills.

Don’t fret! Acne doesn’t get to ruin your skin or your life. Here are eight steps you can take to turn your skin around at any age:

Keep your face clean
Whether or not you have acne, it’s important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells and extra oil from your skin’s surface. Use warm water and a mild facial cleanser such as the Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Face Cleanser.

Beauty Formulas Activated Charcoal Face Cleanser. Photo: Amazon

When buying moisturisers, look for “non-comedogenic” on the label, which means it will not cause acne. There are moisturisers made for oily, dry or combination skin. A good moisturiser for oily or acne prone skin is the Mary Kay TimeWise Combination/Oily Skin Age-Fighting Moisturiser.

Try using spot treatments
These acne products don’t need a prescription. Most of them have ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or lactic acid, which curb bacteria and dry your skin. A great spot treatment is the Neutrogena On-The-Spot Acne Treatment with Benzoyl Peroxide.

Wear a sunscreen with zinc oxide
Wear sunscreen on your face 15 minutes before you go outside. The sunscreen will protect your skin from the sun and the zinc can kill bacteria that might contribute to your acne. Our favourite sunscreen is the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer® Dry-Touch Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 100+. It doesn’t leave a grey cast on darker skin tones.

Cut out or reduce the sugar and simple carbohydrates in your diet
These make your blood sugar spike which triggers insulin production. Insulin production also leads to oil production which can clog up your pores.

Reduce stress
While stress itself does not actually cause acne, it can lead to a more noticeable breakout. Find relaxing things to do on a regular basis. Meditation, exercise, reading or learning a new skill are great things to add to your schedule and might keep the breakouts at bay.

Clean your brushes regularly
Makeup brushes and applicators should be cleaned at least once per week. These tools harbour bacteria and yeast, which can infect and irritate your skin.

Consult a medical professional
If over-the-counter treatments are not enough, you may need to go to a medical professional, such as your general practitioner or dermatologist. Dermatologists are experts in treating skin conditions and can also be helpful in coming up with the right treatment for you.
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Sunday 27 May 2018

A medical practitioner warned women against the use of artificial eyelashes

A medical practitioner, Dr Ayopo Adeyemi, on Sunday warned women against the use of artificial eyelashes, commonly used to enhance beauty, in view of its grievous consequences.
Image result for Eyelashes
Adeyemi told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that the health implications of fixing false eyelashes included corneal abrasions or ulcers, damage of the natural eyelashes, eye sensitivity, amongst others.

She said fixing of artificial eyelashes had become an increasingly popular trend in the fashion world as most ladies, regardless of the health implications, seek perfection and glamour.
According to her, natural eyelashes had its natural way of preventing dirt, sweat, bacteria and other foreign materials from entering into the eye by trapping and keeping out anything that comes near.
Adeyemi, a practitioner at Mushin General Hospital, Lagos, said false eyelashes would accommodate the dirt, thereby causing different forms of allergy and infections.
“The use of harmful chemicals on the eyelashes can cause them to fall out quicker than they naturally would and it is also dangerous when tools to be used come in close proximity to the eye.
“Artificial eyelashes can cause trauma to the eye either through the glue and other materials used or unprofessional operators; there could be introduction of microbes into the eye causing conjunctivitis of all types.
“The lashes themselves can cause allergic conjunctivitis trapping and retaining dirt around the eye,” she said.Adeyemi advised ladies to minimise the rate at which they fix false eyelashes if they must retain healthy natural ones.
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Tuesday 22 May 2018

FOR Ladies: Expert Tips On How To Care For Your Fertility Before Marriage

As a single lady, there isn’t any pressure about giving birth just yet until when the right man comes along and your dream wedding is actualized. After the wedding comes the quest to raise a family; this is a period where you need your fertility and ability to conceive intact.
Image result for VIRGINA
As simple as this process may sound, you may be amazed that a large number of married couples are trying hard to conceive. A process that affects the couple physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially. It is something you shouldn’t have to look forward to when you take the right precautions to stay healthy and detect fertility issues on time.

Ovulation in female is the process leading to reproduction. It is the essence of our fertility, a synchronization of all female reproductive organs (Internal: uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries; External: vulva, labia, clitoris and vaginal opening) towards creating a new life and as a woman, you wouldn’t want anything to tamper with this natural process.

Now even though they are other genetic or natural causes of infertility, it is better to do your own part and maintain optimal fertile health through engaging in the following:

How to care for your fertility

Chart and take note of disorders in your menstrual cycle and report quickly to a specialized doctor for treatments.
When your menstrual cycle is above 36 days or fewer than 8 cycles in a year then your fertility alarm should be ringing. Similarly you should be worried when your menstrual flow is longer than the usual 4-6days or it is heavier or lighter than usual. These are not signs of a normal ovulation process and an indication that you may have any of the disorders such as Oligoovulation, anovulation, Oligomenorrhea and Amenorrhea. It is advisable to see a gynecologist fast.

Maintain a healthy nutrition that supports hormonal health.
Do you know that your ovaries are responsible for the production of hormones such as Estrogen and progesterone the important hormones for reproduction? And that excess consumption of foods that are processed, have additives or preservatives are generally not good for your health and ovaries? Too much intake of caffeinated food and drinks, alcohol and sugar too cause unhealthy conditions to our ovaries; the best practice is therefore to take fresh, unprocessed and fiber rich foods like organic vegetables, fish rich in omega 3 acid and fruits.

Avoid contraceptives that don’t react well with your body system or contain system altering hormone
As a sexually active single female, it is essential to be on a contraceptive to avoid unintended pregnancy. An example is with the use of hormonal contraception which can be in form of pills, injections, patches, vaginal rings and intrauterine devices. Like their name, this form of birth control methods uses hormone such as estrogen and/or progestin to either suppress ovulation occurrence or thicken the cervical mucus thereby reducing the chances of the egg and sperm to meet or making implantation difficult.

There are benefits to this method as they are side effects: bordering from the minor (headaches, anxiety, weight gain, irregular periods, nausea, mood changes etc.) to the major (heart attack, stroke, ovarian cancer, blood cots etc.). The rule of thumb is to consult a family planning specialist to examine and determine the best method for your body system. But please take note that no birth control method is 100% effective other than abstinence.

Note also: extensive use of birth control pills for long period of years (i.e. over eight years) is not advised because the continuous altering of your hormone and cycle may cause hormonal imbalance in your general body system.

Carefully manage your weight; Don’t be underweight or over weight.
Fat stored in our body especially tummy fat, also produce estrogen and may lead to an imbalance of this hormone in the body. Its attending fertility issues like fibroids, endometriosis, PMS Etc could occur if not cheCCoed. So if you’ve been procrastinating on your weight loss routine or tummy fat reduction exercises, now is the right time to stop unless you want to cause fertility issues for yourself.

Similarly, being underweight is not any better because it has a negative consequence to how your brain send signal to other hormone producing organs of your body. For example, hormone production needed for ovulation may be abandoned in preference to other body functions. Functions that would help the body retain the much needed fat and energy.

Quit smoking and the intake of excessive Alcohol
Smoking is not only unladylike but also brings about fertility issues. Eggs of smokers are prone to abnormalities more than non-smokers. Also, the risk of having a miscarriage during pregnancy is higher for smokers than non-smokers. And according to Yourfertility “smoking affects each stage of the reproductive process, including egg and sperm maturation, hormone reproduction, embryo transport, and the environment in the uterus.”

Do you also know that smoking causes you to reach menopause earlier than usual? And that it affects the development of the fetus in the womb, lead to pregnancy complications, birth defects and low birth weight? The best and only solution is to quit.

Consider the dangers of having an abortion to your fertility
Sometimes, these things happen that no matter how much careful we are, unwanted pregnancy occur. Added to the fact that contraceptives are not 100% reliable.

Now you may be thinking of having an abortion, but before you carry out the procedure; consider the risk it may have on your future fertility, especially if it is not done appropriately. Or if post-abortion treatments (Antibiotics) are not administered or you allow the pregnancy stay longer before getting it done. Such risks according to NHS include:

1.Womb infections; damage to the uterus and/or cervix (entrance to the womb)
2. Severe pain in your abdomen that defiles pain killers
3. Excessive bleeding days after the procedure
4. Getting some of the pregnancy remains in the womb
5. Infection spread to your fallopian tubes and ovaries causing Pelvic Inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies or infertility.
6. Smelly vaginal discharge
7. High temperature fever
8. Experiencing a continuing pregnancy symptoms

Note also that having series of abortions is very dangerous to your health and can impede your ability to conceive again in the future or give birth to normal healthy babies.

Avoid multiple sexual partners
As this could increase your chances of contacting Sexually Transmitted Diseases that may lead to infertility or pelvic inflammation if not well treated. Also, ensure that your sexual partner clean their sexual organs before intercourse so that underlying germs do not find their way to your vaginal.
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FOR LADIES: Four Tips To Fix Dry Hair In A Day

The old saying, “Good things take time,” is not exactly accurate when it comes to repairing dry, damaged hair.

It is sadder considering that hair can be damaged relatively quickly due to humidity. However, while we cannot do anything about the humidity, we, however, can suggest a few quick fixes that can put your hair back into shape.

These inexpensive homemade tricks will remedy your damaged, dry locks and hair leaving you with healthy hair.

Rinse with tea

Photo credit: Research Nutrition

You may think of tea as a sore throat remedy, but you can also use it to give hair a natural shine.

Use a cup of warm, unsweetened tea as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea can enhance hair colour, so make sure to use a tea type that works with your hair colour.

Use eggs

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, then apply to your damaged hair for five minutes and rinse well.

This treatment helps to enhance the protein in your hair. Your stylist will not tell these secrets you.


Photo Credit: Getty Images

Try this home remedy using butter; treat dry, brittle hair with a small amount of butter for a glossy shine.

Massage it into your dry hair, and then cover your hair with a shower cap for about a half hour. Shampoo as usual, and rinse all the butter out.

Use olive oil for conditioning

photo Credit: Health Hacks

Put the moisture back into dry hair by warming up 1/2 cup olive oil without boiling it and then rub it into your hair. Cover hair with a plastic bag, and then wrap everything in a towel. Let this home remedy do its thing for 45 minutes, then shampoo and completely rinse. 
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The Vegetarian Secrets Way To Losing Weight

By now, you may have heard about the great success people have with the vegetarian weight loss diet. You’re also wondering if it works for long-term sustainable weight loss. Rumour has it that celebrities like singer Adele and actor Anthony Anderson lost weight following a vegetarian diet.

There are some insider secrets you need to know to, not only lose weight through a vegetarian diet but also to maintain it for a prolonged period. To help you slim down and optimise your health, vegetarian meals should contain plenty of vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy plant-based fats like avocado.

First of all, it is important to note that a vegetarian diet isn’t an automatic low-calorie diet. You can gain weight on a vegetarian diet if your portion sizes are too big or if you eat too many high-calorie foods, such as sweetened beverages, fried items, snacks and desserts. Weight loss on any type of diet occurs when you eat fewer calories than you burn. A deficit of 3,500 calories leads to 1-pound loss. You create this deficit by cutting calories, exercising more or a combination of the two.

Various studies show that adults and children who follow a vegetarian diet are generally leaner than those who follow a non-vegetarian diet. This may be because a vegetarian diet emphasises more fruits and vegetables. It also includes whole grains and plant-based proteins like foods that are more filling, less calorie dense and lower in fat.

Another reason why the vegetarian diet is so successful is that it cuts out potentially high-calorie foods. Foods such as fatty meats, poultry with the skin and processed meat are completely removed from your diet. A vegetarian diet includes no animal flesh and sometimes no animal products.

An ovo-lacto vegetarian chooses to eat dairy and eggs along with plant foods. A lacto-vegetarian eats dairy and no eggs. A vegan consumes only plant foods.

Yet, an ovo-lacto vegetarians need to be extra careful to avoid full-fat dairy and baked treats made with butter and eggs while dieting.

Also, the immediate weight loss on a vegetarian diet is as a result of the consumption of fibre-rich foods. When you eat fibre rich foods, it thoroughly cleans out your gut and pushes out all the waste from the intestines. Giving your body a constant supply of fibre means you are always cleaning yourself out.

Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater! It is important to keep your protein levels up. Protein is a key factor in weight control because it boosts satiety, preserves muscle and revs up metabolism. Lentils provide 17 grams per cup cooked, one serving of extra firm organic tofu contains 9 to 11 grams, and almonds provide 6 grams per ounce.

Vegetarian diets do not always lead to weight loss. If you are becoming a vegetarian to lose weight, it will take discipline, some sacrifice and attention to detail just like every other diet. Counting calories and keeping track of portion sizes at each meal will enhance your chances of achieving weight loss goals. Careful planning of your meals each day will also help you reach weight goals.

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Monday 21 May 2018

Primate Ayodele tells FG what to do on Codeine abuse

Primate Babatunde Ayodele, founder and head of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Oke Afa, Lagos, has called on the federal government to employ psychologist to proffer lasting solutions to the abuse of hard drugs.

He stated this while featuring on Channels TV on Sunday, where he commended the Federal Government for its recent ban on local production and importation of codeine addictive cough syrup.

The cleric noted that youths addicted to hard drugs do not realise the harm caused by the drugs.

“The federal government has done a good thing by taking steps to fight hard drugs, unfortunately the people who take these drugs do not realise they are destroying themselves.

“It takes so many steps to fight hard drugs, you begin by questioning why young people are taking hard drugs.

“What is happening to young people out there, Are they frustrated? Is it an attempt to escape from reality?

“The federal government should hire psychologists to find out why hard drug becomes best seller in some parts of the country at this time.

“While we commend the government, they should go beyond that and find out the main reason for taking hard drugs.

“Is it a result of unemployment, Is it attempt to escape reality or are they confused by the confusion in the country?” Ayodele wondered.
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