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Saturday 14 July 2018

Does Yoghurts Boost Sex Drive In Men?

Well, we all know for sure that Red bulls gives you wings but what you don’t know is that yoghurts gives you bigger “cojones”.

A study by researchers in Massachusetts Institute of Technology meant to examine the effects of yoghurt on obesity showed that male mice that ate a diet supplemented with yoghurt grew larger testicles. Although previous research has shown that yoghurt could prevent age-related weight gain, researchers fed a group of mice a junk food diet—high in fat, and low in fibre and nutrients and a second group ate standard mouse food and another half of each group also received vanilla-flavoured yoghurt.

At the end of the study, the testicles of the mice that ate yoghurt were five percent heavier than those of the standard-diet group, and 15 percent heavier than the junk food group. The yogurt-eating mice inseminated their partners faster and produced more offspring.

Although not yet proven of its sexual effect on men, here are other health benefits of yoghurts;

Contains likely anti-cancer properties
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Due to an improvement of the immune response, it is suggested that yoghurts consumption may be associated with a lower risk of Colorectal cancer. Although a deeper research is needed, it has been suggested that yoghurts may be associated with lower incidence of upper digestive tract cancer.

Reduces risk of high blood pressure
According to a study by university students in Spain, although using milk for the experiment they found out that low-fat dairy intake was associated with lower incidence of high blood pressure and would most likely have the same result with low-fat yoghurt.

Good for strong bones
Yoghurts help provide calcium required to build bones in children and also helps to prevent the loss of bone density that occurs naturally with adults or teenagers. It is also a good source of calcium and vitamin D also necessary for strong bones.

Helps to prevent yeast infections
There are suggestions that consuming yoghurt which contains the active strain of bacteria Lactobacillus, may help prevent a case of vaginal yeast infection.
Although not all yoghurt contains this active culture, more research is required to determine the best way to introduce lactobacillus into the body to reduce the risk of infection.

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