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Showing posts with label FEATURES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FEATURES. Show all posts

Sunday 12 August 2018


Everybody wants to succeed at everything, they want to be successful at their jobs, their business, their academics and so on. Nobody wants to fail, although some people being successful means being rich.
True success entails being successful in not only wealth but in health, relationship and spirituality. Success doesn’t come through cheating, wish and just dreaming. Here are the paths that lead to achieving success.

Work hard to achieve your dream
Some people have dreams but they leave at that. They do not work towards achieving that dream even when they do at the first sign of trouble they turn tail and run. Achieving your dreams may not be easy, it may not be a straight path. There might be detours along the way but they will still take you to where you want to be. But it needs determination, hard work and perseverance.

Find your strength
The reality is that your strength may not lie in what you dreamt or aspired to become. Some people have dreamed and then discovered they had a strength and even passion in something else entirely, they quickly got over their disappointment and forged a different path for themselves using their strong points.

Do not make excuses
Everybody has limitations. Nobody is perfect. But that does not mean accepting to try again when something fails. No matter the snag, determine to win, do not stop trying. “If it is important to you, you will find a way, if not, you will find an excuse”-Frank Bank.

Deal with fear
Fear is something that niggles at the bravest of minds, fear of failure. Giving fear free reign can give rise to anxiety and depression. Rather exchange that fear for courage and forge ahead.

Forgiveness is not as easy as said. But in the path of success, people will wrong you and you will wrong people. Forgiveness polishes all the other great quality in you that will drive you to greatness.
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Thursday 26 July 2018

Queen Amina: The Real Strength In A Woman (WATCH VIDEO BELOW)

Contrary to the belief that leadership in Africa has patriarchal roots, Queen Amina of Zaria negates the belief. Amina Mohamud was born in 1533 and died in 1610. She was the daughter of a ruler, Barkwa Turuntu. Her brother took over the throne after the demise of her father but he reigned for only 10years before he died.
Image result for queen amina
During the reign of her brother, she trained to be a warrior and gained great respect because of her skills and because of this she became the queen at the demise of her brother. Queen Amina of Zazzau was a somewhat controversial woman who did not get married rather took slave husbands from villages she conquered but executed them afterwards.
She has become a legend and a symbol of strength, a great warrior and great leader who through her conquests, rule and power made other regions pay homage to her.
Recently the BBC made a video to tell her story. View the video below.

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Wednesday 25 July 2018


Being lonely sucks. Some people remain single for such a long time that they start to think that the universe is out to get them or the terrestrial forces from their village put a target on their forehead. Well, the good news is that you’re not being attacked by the universe or terrestrial forces. The bad news, however, is that you may be the cause for your relationship status.

While the title is inspired by the famous TV show, “13 reasons why”, here are the 13 likely reasons why you are still single:

1.You fear being vulnerable
People often fear what they don’t know and try to protect themselves from situations where they become dependent on someone else either for their happiness or something else. People fear getting hurt, but the only trick or solution to this is to find the right person to be vulnerable with.

2.You’re stuck in a “Situation-ship”
Like the modern day relationship tagged “Friends with benefits”(FWB), most people these days like to avoid the responsibilities that comes with being in a relationship so they just prefer to have their sexual needs met without being emotionally attached.
Getting out of this type of relationship gets tough when one party gets emotionally attached. The only way out of this is having a discussion about what you both want and if it doesn’t match your needs, take a further step to end it and move on.

3.You’re stuck on an ex
Moving on from a loved one can prove tough but, no matter how cliche it may seem, you have to go out and meet new people. Some breakups can leave you confused and have you questioning your awesomeness. But give yourself another chance to love and stop pushing away people who make an attempt.

4.You believe in “e-romance”
Although it may seem easier and they may meet your attachment needs, online romances aren’t always the real deal and are often not good enough.

5.You’re looking for “the one”
Most people think there is only one ideal partner meant for them in the entire universe and they limit themselves to finding the perfect one without giving any other person a chance. We suggest that you correct your mindset, choose someone, and then allow them to get closer to you.

6.You limit yourself with standards
People often focus on certain criteria like “must have a college degree,” “must live within this distance” “must be this age” “must drive this car” “must be 6ft tall” etc, but while its always good to have a standard, learn not to limit yourself to types and get carried away as someone could possess all of your superficial criteria, and still be a wrong for you or not be even remotely attracted to you.

7.You don’t know what you want
People often like to lament on how they are single and haven’t met anyone, but when asked what exactly they want or need from a partner they go blank. Deciding what you really want in a partner gets you 50% ahead of your search.
If you’re really ready to be serious,you’ll have to be very expressive with your words and stop saying things like “lets see how things go”, “I’m not sure what i want right now”,etc.

8.You’re impatient and settle too easily
You hear of people starting a new relationship just after breaking up with another person. Although some people use this as a coping mechanism, it mostly never works as they just always try to fill a void. After a break up, allow yourself be sad and cry if you want, express your emotions instead of bottling it up then when you feel you’ve moved on then you can begin a new relationship

9.You Play Hard to Get
While it may seem like fun to take your time and play the hardball game,there is really no point in making a person to keep trying if you don’t share the same feelings. Once you realize there is no possible chance to have a serious relationship with a person,let this person know so you both can move on to other people.

10.You Think You Should Wait.
These days you hear guys say they are waiting to have money before they get into a relationship and other excuses from ladies on wy they would rather wait.
The truth remains that you can find that special someone and improve while you’re with them.

11.You Think Good Mates Are Scarce
The fact that you have met some bad eggs doesn’t mean everyone is out to disappoint you.Sitting back and hoping the right one finds you isn’t the way to go as you’ll only be setting yourself up for disappointment so just go out there and date.

12.You can’t express yourself
Hard to believe as it may seem,maybe due to social awkwardness or other reasons, some people find it hard or don’t know hot to express themselves and lose out experiencing beautiful relationships. Learn to express your feelings even if its reciprocated or not.

13.You don’t put yourself out there
As the popular internet slang says “shoot your shot”, we now see people taking chances to meet new people they fancy by asking them out on several platforms.
Note that if you wait for fate to drop Mr/Mrs. Right on your laps then you’re up for a disappointment as in this case, you have to take the bull by the horn. Also don’t shy away from social events,who know who you may meet.

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Friday 20 July 2018

How To Get Soft Pink Lips Naturally With This Toothbrush And Lip Balm Trick

The prettiest thing you can wear is a smile. There’s no doubt about that. However, your smile is not all about shiny white teeth. It’s also about your lips.

We all wish to have those kissable, soft, pink and luscious lips but sometimes, due to the weather or other habits, it seems like a distant dream.

The lips are more sensitive and delicate than you think, and they deserve extra attention and care in order to restore their natural softness and smoothness.

DIY Tips For Beautiful Lips
Before we go into tips on how to get back those lips we all dream to have, let’s look into what actually causes them to dry up and turn dark.

Compared to the face, the lips have very thin skin and no sweat glands. Because of this, they require special care on a daily basis to keep them moisturised and healthy.

Dry and discoloured lips are mostly caused by any or a combination of the following:

An unhealthy lifestyle, including stress, a bad diet or smoking
Exposure to the sun and pollution
Excessive intake of caffeine
Expired or cheap lip products
Not taking off makeup before bed
It can be tough keeping up with these factors but we need to stay mindful to protect our lips from further damage.

Now that we’ve covered that, there are many simple ways to restore your lips to their natural softness and lush colour in the comfort of your home.

One of the most basic and effective of these ways to get rid of dry, chapped lips is to use a soft toothbrush or washcloth and a quality lip balm. For even better results, make sure to use a lip balm with natural ingredients like Vitamin E.

Start by applying a thick layer of lip balm all over your lips. The best time to do this is at night before you go to bed. This is because leaving the lip balm on your lips overnight allows it to absorb into your skin overnight, acting as an intensive night treatment.

When you wake up, use a damp, soft toothbrush or washcloth to gently massage and exfoliate your lips. Exfoliating the lips gently with lip balm efficiently removes the dead and flaky skin on your lips. It also helps heal cracks and restore moisture.

Wipe off the excess balm for your fresh moisturised lips

You can do this every morning. Make sure to keep your lips moisturised all through the day. Stick to this simple hack religiously and you will achieve your desired lips.

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Wednesday 18 July 2018

Top 10 Weakest Currency In Africa (See List)

Image result for guinea franc2018 List of top 10 weakest currency in Africa has just being revealed. Nigeria currency (Naira) make it to the list as the 9th weakest currency in Africa. While guinea currency (Guinea franc) top the list.
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Saturday 14 July 2018

10 Ways of Everyday Examples Of Rape Culture

The Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT), recorded 306 raped cases of women and 33 for men between the months of January to March 2016, while the Mirabel Centre records over 90 cases per month.
Image result for rape
Rape culture is a societal trend which allows and encourages the activities or words that promote and tolerate sexual assault and obscene indulgence.

There are activities that promote the rape culture. Quite unsettling, they include:

1. Conversations that project the opposite sex as a sexual object that needs to be tamed and exploited.

2. Songs that convince you that even though she says “uncle, stop touching me”, she really means that she wants it because of the “blurred lines” of consent.

3. Women who insist that it is the victim’s fault, claiming that the perpetrator was “lured to sin”.

4. The lackadaisical attitude of the right authorities to investigate and take up rape cases because “both parties enjoyed the act”.

5. Sending nude photos without the consent of the other party.

6. Politicians who support statutory rape and seek the legalisation of child marriage.

7. Advertisements that portray a woman used as a sex object.

8. People who preach that a man cannot be raped.

9. Those who replace the word sex with rape.

10. Couples who claim that once married, your body belongs to your spouse.

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Issues on Rape: Who Is To Blame?

Image result for rape
Yuwe visits her fiance as usual on the only day they get to spend time together in the week. As they are accustomed to, they share gentle kisses in the middle of the conversation and it evolves into something more heated.
In the heat of the moment, Yuwe changes her mind and tells her boyfriend to stop. She no longer wishes to continue. But his hormones are raging and he pays her no heed. He only lets go of her when he is satisfied.

She is still crying when he turns to her, recoiling when he makes to touch her. “Why?” he asks. “You raped me,” she screams.


An often-debated word, examples such as this, are met with responses that fuel the rape culture in many societies, Nigeria inclusive.

With lyrics, lewd jokes and actions glorifying this culture, Nigeria’s rape statistics continue to be on the rise. Although concerned institutions state that rape cases go underreported because of the heightened level of victim-shaming, the issue of false accusations is also a cause for concern.

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Monday 9 July 2018

The Reality About Kazakhstan And Warning To Nigerians

I opened this Thread few days ago about Kazakhstan.
Image result for kazakhstan
I decided to visit kazakhstan after reading what Gorry wrote about it in this thread

My plan was to go there for greener pasture but little did i know that the person called gorry is a visa Agent who ran away from Nigeria after being involved in a Visa scam.

My plan is to warn the future travelers, please, kazakhstan is not a place to hustle, the ppl of Kazakhstan are very poor people and few people are interested in learning English.

Most Nigerians there are stranded and cant even come back because they don't have returning tickets.

Most of the people stranded were decieved by their Agents that they can teach and make money while in Kazakhstan.

The Agent behind the gorry123 monicker is currently wanted in Kazakhstan and to make matter worst, He has overstayed his visa.

Be warned, No hustle In Kazakstan

I am begging all Nigerians, I met one guy, he sold of his Shop in Onitsha main market because of Kazakhstan and as it is now, he is begging to eat.

About traveling From Kazakhstan to Another country, please, don't allow them to decieve you.

I have every single detail about the ruthless Agent behind Gorry123 monicker.

Police are on check arresting blacks recently because they are causing Nuisance, they work up and down without doing anything.
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Tuesday 3 July 2018

10 Businesses You Can Start With N100,000

Searching for a business to start with N100,000 in Nigeria? Search no more. Read this post from beginning to the end to find any preferable business.

“People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy.” — Tony Robbins

Below is a list of compiled businesses you can start with one hundred thousand naira (N100,000) in Nigeria.

1. Bedsheet/Beddings Production.
Visit Lagos Island, or Oshodi where they sell bulk materials, pick good designs of your choice, there are guys who will sew it for you are just within the same Market. You can start with less than 100k and diligently grow your money.

2. Shirt Production:
There are tailors in Lagos Island or better learn the skill it will save you all the heartbreaks imaginable. Taiwo Street in Lagos Island is where you should be. Materials ranging from 700 – 1k per yard, sew for 1500/2k, Sell for 5-7k.

3. Boxers:
Schedule a trip to Aba Market, The cost of production of boxers, you can get one for as low as N300, all you need is to package it in 3s, and market these babies properly beg your friend on twitter for RTs, we buy 3s pack boxers for 1500-2500 sell yours for 1200 and gradually grow.

4. E-Payments and POS Business:
You can a get POS machine from your Bank, and activate online banking: If you live in a place where banks aren’t much you can handle e-payments for people and make your small change. I paid someone N200 to withdraw 10k in Ikorodu. ATM queue was crazy.

5. Mobile and Electronic Accessories:
Mobile and electronic Accessories such as Pouches, Chargers, USB cables, HDMI cables, earphones and more, can be sourced on Alibaba, Ali Express, Deal Extreme, etc. The more you buy the lower the price. And they are light so shipping won’t be a burden. Sell on here or Jumia and co.

6. Popcorn:
We all know this popular product! We buy it every time. Only require bags of corn – Mile 12 Branded Nylon Sugar, Salt & Butter. The beauty of this is when properly made, its aroma will attract customers. Manual sealing machine -7/9k Popcorn Machine is 65k on Jumia as at the time of filing this report. Popcorn can be served anywhere. It costs less than N40 to make a pack of popcorn.

7. Branding – Sales and Customizing
Football team supporters always want to show how much they’re rooting for a team.

8. Snail Farming:
Snail farming in Nigeria is even more popular, due to its relatively cheap cost of startup and If you market your products well, your business will thrive. This is a business you can start from your backyard. Best in mind, snails take almost a year to mature so Patience is the key!

9. Fairly Used Goods
Fairly used goods such as Jeans, Tops, t-shirts, shoes etc. They can be sourced at Badagry, even Cotonou. 100k can’t get you a bale but you can select and mix them. Wash then and pack neatly. Marketing is all it takes, you’ll sell and see your money multiply.

10. Cleaning Services:
Some people find it hard to clean their apartments ‘cos they’re busy from Monday to Friday and Saturday they have engagement and on Sunday all they wanna do is rest. Your tools won’t cost you up to 30k and you can clean 6 apartments a weekend.

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Friday 29 June 2018

Visiting Exotic Beaches In Seychelles Will Change Your Life

Breathtaking and flawless, the Seychelles star in countless tropical island fantasies. Beautiful boulder-strewn beaches, unexplored jungles, thriving coral reefs are just many of the attractions in Seychelles. The beaches there are so beautiful and captivating that it exudes peace and the perfect music of nature.

Anse Intendance, Mahé
This is one of the most astonishing beaches in Mahe, this small and sheltered crescent of sandy beauty is a treasured spot for surfing owing to its frequent big swells and wild waves. There is no protective reef hence it is quite difficult to swim when it is windy, but tourist will enjoy this picturesque beautiful work nature.

<em>Anse Intendance Beach. Photo: AskBeach</em>

Anse Lazio
In the beautiful south shore of Praslin lies Anse Lazio beach which is also known as Chevalier Bay. It is quite a treasure hidden on a hill. The idea of a beach on the top of a hill is so appealing that it’s worth the hike. There are restaurants flanking the sides of the beach and the best time to visit is in the morning for a tranquil and unforgettable experience.

<em>Anse Lazio. Photo: Wikipedia</em>

La Digue
The fourth largest island in the archipelago, La Digue is a haven for nature lovers and those seeking the experience of conservative life; bicycles and oxcarts are common means of transport. Stunning white-sand beaches and granite protuberance rim the coast, and beach connoisseurs will find one of the planet’s most stunning stretch of sand and sea.

<em>La Digue. Photo: Huffington Post.</em>

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Study: Human Lifespan May Not Have Peaked After All

Has the maximum lifespan for a human already been reached? Maybe not, said a study of Italian centenarians published Thursday that found that human longevity is slowly increasing.

Scientists have long debated whether or not the ultimate lifespan in people has been attained. A 2016 study in the journal Nature argued that it has, in 1997, when Frenchwoman Jeanne Calmant died at the record-breaking age of 122.

Lifespan. Photo: Wasteless Future

But the new findings in the journal Science point to the possibility for extended human longevity, and that our species’ lifespans may increase over time.

Based on data from more than 3,800 centenarians in Italy, researchers found the risk of death slows, and even plateaus, above age 105.

“As we age, our health and risks of death get worse faster and faster. But at extreme ages, they stop getting worse,” said co-author Kenneth Wachter, a professor of statistics at the University of California, Berkeley.

“They don’t get better, but they stop getting worse. They level out — it’s called a plateau,” he told AFP.

Researchers studied data on all inhabitants of Italy aged 105 and older between 2009 and 2015 — those born between 1896 and 1910, for a total of 3,836 documented cases, said the study.

Focusing on mortality among people born in the same years, over time they found slight declines in mortality rate.

This suggests as time went on, people were living a bit longer than those born in prior years.

“The slow but distinct improvements over time that we see in the level of the plateau beyond age 105 give hope that a fixed limit to lifespan is not currently in view,” explained Wachter.

Better health, survival
Socioeconomic factors and improved medical care could be factors in the lengthening human lifespan.

But “similar mortality plateau patterns in extreme age are observed in other species, hinting at common structural and evolutionary explanations,” said the report.

If the research is confirmed by other studies, that could mean the limit of the human lifespan has yet to be reached.

Life expectancy globally has risen almost continuously since the 19th century but has levelled off in recent decades.

Babies born in the United States today, for example, can expect to live to nearly 79 compared to 47 for Americans born in 1900.

But people who live to extreme old age are rare.

Since Calmant’s death, the general trend for the oldest person in the world has been to reach about 115 years old.

Wachter said the findings do not point to a new potential lifespan limit.

“Our findings do not say anything about ages beyond about 113,” he told AFP.

“But they do provide some hope that increased understanding of interactions between genetic variants and medical and behavioural factors may contribute to better health and survival for people in their 80s and 90s, 10 or 15 years from now.”
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Thursday 21 June 2018

How do driverless cars work?

Since it would take forever to program a driverless car with every conceivable driving scenario, drive computers use deep neural networks to learn through practice. Using preloaded data on roads, vehicles, pedestrians, and so on, they learn to identify others in test and virtual drives.

The cars also use sensors to build a detailed, dynamic representation of their environment. Lidar, an array of lasers that continuously spin through 360 degrees, builds up a real-time image. Radar measures the distance and velocity of nearby objects. These sensors feed into the driving computer, and together with camera data, give the car a thorough understanding of what’s going on around it.

Environmental data doesn’t give its location, however. Upgrades to the Global Positioning System (GPS) will make geolocation accurate to around 30cm, which is better than one to two meters currently, but not sufficient for a car to drive safely on the road. Therefore, as well as GPS, a driverless car uses triangulation algorithms (using road signs, traffic lights, and other landmarks) and high-definition maps to accurately pinpoint its location to within a few centimeters.

Finally, when the drive computer knows where the car is and what’s around it, it can plan a route to the desired destination. When driving, the car responds to other objects, both moving and stationary, and modifies its behavior accordingly (such as slowing down at roundabouts, giving other vehicles way when obliged to, and so on).

Ideally, the car’s projected trajectory and its actual one should be identical, but as other objects can interfere, and precise maneuvering is difficult, they’re sometimes a bit different. In real life, this happens all the time with human drivers, but engineers are shrinking the gap all the time.

Driverless cars are the future. By replacing human drivers with sensors, data, and machine learning code, we remove human error (behind the wheel, at least). This might not resolve every ethical dilemma, but if every vehicle on the road is a driverless one, it should make our roads much safer for everyone.

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MTN set to take over Visafone licence

Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has begun the process for the transfer of the licence of Visafone Communications Limited to digital mobile operator, MTN Nigeria Communications Limited.

It was gathered that the transfer of Visafone’s license would also involve the transfer of its frequencies to MTN.Towards this goal, the regulatory agency confirmed through Tony Ojobo, its spokesperson, that it would hold a public forum in Abuja next Monday on the transfer of the resources belonging to Visafone to MTN.

In industry realignment, MTN had acquired 100 percent stake in Visafone, one of the frontrunners in the provision of telecommunication services deploying the Code Division Multiple Access technology, which is more in use in the United States than Europe.

Although the transaction was approved by the NCC as required by the law, the regulatory agency later issued a statement clarifying that the transfer of the shares of Visafone to MTN did not automatically mean the transfer of the license and frequency to the mobile operator.Ojobo had stated that a decision had yet to taken on the transfer of the license from Visafone to MTN Nigeria after the acquisition of the Visafone shareholding by the latter.He had said, “A decision to transfer the Visafone licence to MTN has not yet been taken.

What has been approved in the transaction is 100 percent shareholding and not the licence.“The NCC’s final approval to the changes in shareholding of Visafone Communications was taken by virtue of Section 38 of the Nigerian Communications Act, 2003. Section 38 of the Act states that ‘the grant of a licence shall be personal to the licensee and the licence shall not be operated by, assigned, sub-licensed or transferred to any other party unless the prior written approval of the commission has been granted’.“This clarification has become necessary in order to allay the fears in some quarters that the frequency has been withheld by the commission.”

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Sunday 17 June 2018

Father’s Day: Fatherhood Truths No One Will Tell You

You wake up at 5:30 am to start on some official work before you hit the road to the office. Then your 11-month-old son rolls off onto your laptop instantly breaking the screen.

Your mind is split into two: you are seething, perhaps, boiling inside of you about the money you have to spend repairing the laptop. Then you are also concerned about your child’s well-being. If you are like me, you would want to check if the child is okay before grieving about your laptop. Your phones and iPad are additional victims of his tyranny.

Welcome to the world of fatherhood.

Seriously, the feeling you get watching your kids grow is incomparable. But, the gay feeling will always be punctuated by those moments that will make you wish for an emergency vacation. ALONE! Especially when you mistakenly step on a toy that sends you spiralling down to the floor. No, you can’t raise your hand to hit the toddler. And it becomes even a tad more annoying when the kid thinks it is funny. His or her laughter will make you mad momentarily, and in an instant, you are sitting there on your butt laughing out loud with him or her.

Then there are moments, you are lying on your stomach, in bed, on a Saturday afternoon, trying to catch some sleep before the rat race begins on Monday. Out of the blues comes a kid whose idea of a weekend fun sport is to jump on your back. He has no care about shattering your spine or you getting some beauty sleep.

It is worse if he sits on your face with a diaper full of shit. Your brain will be scarred for a week, but that’s a lot better than finding that ‘shitful’ diaper inside your backpack.

And talking about the backpack, there are times you will realise your bag contains NSFW (not in sexual terms) items only when you get to the office. Woe betide you if you ask someone to pick something from your bag. You will become the butt of the office joke.

A Young Dad Biking With His Son. Photo credit: Courierpostonline

There are times you have to sit down and ask yourself if truly you are the one paying the rent or the kid. Trust me, he understands the benefit of division of labour: he owns the house, you pay the rent. And don’t even think about fighting him for the remote when he is watching PJ Mask on Disney Junior and you want to watch a Champions League match. You’d better stream the match. There is a 90% chance that you will lose the fight. Even when you win, you will be quick to concede defeat because of deafening unending screeching.

Read More: Should Men Show Vulnerability In Relationships?

You want him healthy always, but he wants to pick up stuff on the floor to eat. When you try to remove whatever he’s got in his mouth, your fingers will come out of his mouth looking like a victim of a train accident. And yes, he thinks that’s funny, too.

You are there thinking that you are ‘suffering’ because your kid is a boy, but when your neighbour visits you with her hyperactive daughter, you get the message. Girls can do the damage, to

When you put all these instances into proper perspective, you will have a lot to be thankful for. The day you come back from work and the sitting room is super neat, you will become instantly agitated: is he okay? If he’s truly sick, you will pray that he receives instant healing and become strong enough to ‘wreak havoc’ in the house.
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Wednesday 6 June 2018

TRUE LEADERSHIP.....What Differ The True Leader?

These days it’s apparently almost impossible to succeed all by yourself, all on your own, without help or support from anybody. The world and processes have become more complex and sophisticated, expertise in many things and several areas have become critical for a dream or an ambition to come to pass.

In business, the various units and compartments that make up a whole, capable of delivering expected results can’t all be managed efficiently by a single individual. Different experts in different relevant fields are expected to man and manage the various functioning units of the enterprise for there to be substantial results and accomplishments subsequently.

Consequently, teamwork has become more relevant, imperative and necessary for there to be great results in anything these days. Now, a team is not just a group of relevant experts working together. A team is a group of relevant, united and efficiently integrated experts working together towards the same goal with the required level of passion and enthusiasm.

Finding experts these days that are truly passionate and committed to work – not solely driven by employment rewards can be quite daunting. What is even more difficult than that, is the possibility of blending these various professionals together successfully.

Many young working class Nigerians these days, as I’ve observed, and in my opinion are somewhat arrogant. I need to explain this. For reasons best known to them, when they come together with other people for certain reasons, for the first time,   the first thing they do is compare themselves with everyone else in the group or team to see if they are competitive especially in class, in style, in looks, exposure and/or swag.

They quickly carry out a mental assessment of everyone else and draw conclusions on who they think they are, and how they’ll want to relate or interact with such others based on how they appear, without truly knowing them.

Any member of the team they perceive as superior, they choose to be nasty too; anyone they perceive as inferior, they want to be condescending towards – even without being sure of whom these people truly are. They draw conclusions on perceptions and personal interpretations based on what they assume, not the reality.

So as a team leader or business owner, even before your team members interact, they are already divided in their minds. They’ll have chosen who they will like or dislike, who they would rather work with and who they would not, whose opinion they would counter and who’s they’ll support all based on baseless assumptions, perception and vain contest.

Many judge others based on how they see them, not how they truly are. This simply means every team is born divided not united. Hence, a smart leader cannot take it for granted, the people in his team will work together without any effort to see to it that they will truly work together.

Many books have been authored, many lectures, training, courses and workshops organized to improve the quality of leadership not just in business organizations, but even in sports teams, learning institutions, social movements and governance the world over.

However, I personally think, there is a lopsidedness in how many of these messages and teachings are drafted, hence putting most of the responsibility on the leader, and exonerating or absorbing the followers from required responsibility as followers. Ladies and gentlemen,   I’m convinced, in this life, there are bad followers as well. The success of a team, a project or an agenda is not just about the quality of leadership, it’s also about the quality of followership. When followers are bad, even the best of leaders can fail. A lion leading a pack of sheep may win a battle but the same lion leading a herd of stubborn goats may die in battle. Followers, in fact, have the power to fire a great leader they do not want. Followers do have their own power, simply because they are not robots. They can think, and they have the power to choose to support a vision or frustrate the vision depending on their mentality and personal interest.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are many complex factors that make leading people these days more difficult than ever before. Many leaders today, have to double their efforts in leadership capability to get minimal results. Their threshold for tolerating irresponsibility, selfish excuses, covert disrespect, feigned ignorance, laziness and irritating wiles from their subordinates must be really high for them not to overreact or act in ways unbecoming of a truly seasoned leader.

Leaders are expected to be looked up to and respected by subordinates based on perhaps experience, age, position, and role. But these days, some subordinates, as a matter of fact, compete with their leaders in vain matters of looks, exposure, trendiness, and background. For example, some subordinates from affluent backgrounds, or married to wealthy spouses or with other means of income other than their salaries are somewhat condescending towards superiors who perhaps don’t appear to have what they have materially.

Some subordinates also who perhaps schooled overseas hence have foreign certifications tend to want to challenge the knowledge, experience, and mastery of a seasoned leader who perhaps never schooled overseas.

Some younger subordinates, just conclude their leaders can’t teach them much and don’t know much, simply because that leader lacks much dexterity in the use of social media and modern internet applications.

Yes, being up to date and contemporary is essential for any leader, but being better than a leader in the use of modern technology does not mean that leader can’t lead successfully.

A great leader is not expected to know everything a subordinate knows, a great leader is expected to achieve great results through subordinates and followers who know better than him in their areas of expertise.

Followers or subordinates who mock leaders who are not as good as, or better than them in a field of specialization are ignorant.

Ladies and gentlemen, perhaps today, you are a team head and you’re discouraged and tired of managing immature and ignorant subordinates, perhaps you’re tired of coping with the shenanigans of subordinates who are still lost in arrogant witlessness, perhaps it is time to move from the zone of a positional leader to a true leader. Knowledge is not capacity. You may know about leadership but not have what it takes to lead effectively. It’s like knowing how a car works but not knowing how to drive one. Knowledge is not capacity.

Beyond the knowledge of leadership, perhaps it’s time you get the facts about how to really lead to achieve results.

The good news is, leadership is still ever powerful in driving any people to achieve desired results. But the key does not lie in just how you are as a leader, it’s also about how your crop of followers are.

You can’t lead people successfully based on how you are alone, you lead people successfully based on how they are as well. There are four areas of influence in this life, every subordinate is responding or reacting to. Truth is, they are not reacting to you; they are reacting to life based on these influences. These are; their temperaments – their natural tendencies. Their nurture – that is their upbringing. Their exposure; the environment where they were raised and where they live.  And lastly, the generation they belong to. Are they the generation X, are the millennials, are they generation Z subordinates of employees.

Mastering them within these complex of influence would help you lead them better and not react to them in despair, discouragement and frustration. A true leader wouldn’t take things personal; understand these subordinates and deal with them as they are, not as you wish they were. Come on, be a true leader, go ahead and lead for greater results, best of luck.
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Monday 4 June 2018

Container Truck Crushes Keke Napep At Agege-Pen Cinema, Lagos (Photos)

A container truck fell on a tricycle popularly known as Keke Napep at inwards stadium, at Agege-Pen Cinema, Lagos.

A unit of the Lagos Response Unit (LRU) came in to salvage the situation.

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Sunday 27 May 2018

The Many Challenges Of Nigerian Children Face Today

On November 20 , 1989 , the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child ( CRC ) , whilst the OAU Assembly of Heads of States and Governments adopted the African Union Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child ( CRCW ) in July 1990 .Nigeria signed both International Instruments and had ratified them in 1991 and 2000 respectively . Both protocols reflect children as human beings and as subjects of their own rights . The Convention on the Rights of the Child ( CRC ) outlines the human rights to be respected and protected for every child under 18 years and requires that these rights be implemented .
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Against this background , a draft of the Child Rights Bill aimed at principally enacting into Law in Nigeria the principles enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the AU Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child was prepared in the early 90 s. But it is only after about 10 years with several Heads of Government and heated debates by the lawmakers that the Bill was eventually passed into Law by the National Assembly in July 2003 .

It was assented to by the then President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria , Chief Olusegun Obasanjo in September 2003, and promulgated as the Child Rights Act 2003. The Act is a legal document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of a child in Nigeria and provides for a system of child justice administration .With these developments, it is expected and mandatory that Nigerian children are well protected and a breach of such act attracts a punishment to the offenders . But the question is, even in these states where the bill has been passed , to what extent are children’s rights being protected and enforced ?

This is the question begging for answer in the face of enormity of challenges confronting Nigerian children on a daily basis . Apart from the privileged ones, majority of Nigerian children are being faced with the problems of living on the streets, communal conflicts , deprivation , drug abuse , human trafficking , weaknesses of the juvenile justice system , child abuse, rape , violence poverty and many other social vices . According to a 2014 survey by the National Population Commission, with support from UNICEF and the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, six out of 10 Nigerian children experience at least one of these forms of violence before they reach the age of 18 .

With this , it is obvious that it is not yet uhuru for Nigerian children even with passage of the Child Rights Acts being implemented by some states .But so shocking is the discovery that majority of Nigerian children do not even know what their rights are .
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“I believe the children are our future.
Teach them well and let them lead the way.
Show them all the beauty they possess inside.
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier.
Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be.”

– Greatest Love Of All, Whitney Houston

Children have always played an important role in society. They have an inquisitive nature that directs them to observe society and question things without bias. This includes social norms, taboos, religion, sex, politics and philosophy. In the search for answers, they turn to their parents and teachers. But, in the absence of a safe space for inquisitiveness provided by parents and teachers, they turn to the media. This makes it important for society to make a deliberate effort to engage children and cater to their deep and unique interests. As well as provide them with the tools they need to integrate into society as functional citizens.

The media’s role in the socialisation of children via TV shows, movies, music, literature and all forms of art can be used to show ideological positions towards the general role of children in society. When they see themselves represented, it gives them a relatable reference point from which they can model their behaviour.

In the last few decades, a few examples of child stars who readily provided this reference point for their peers come to mind. Pre-teen gospel artist, Benita Okojie, rose to nationwide fame off with hits like Child of God and Osemudiamem. She gained massive airplay on radio and TV with little institutional backing even before the viral influence of the internet. Sharon Ezeamaka was her theatrical equivalent, starring in hit Nollywood movies such as Little Angel and TV series like Dear Mother alongside industry heavyweights like Richard Mofe Damijo and Oge Okoye. Olumide Oworu began even earlier than the two girls, starring in the primetime TV drama Everyday People.

“Everybody searching for a hero.
People need someone to look up to.
I never found anyone who fulfils my needs.
A lonely place to be.
And so I learned to depend on me.”

– Greatest Love Of All, Whitney Houston

Yet, in recent years, it has become difficult to find child stars. Why? It seems there are no spaces for children to thrive, even in the entertainment industry. It could be argued that the type of music and movies in high commercial demand is not at par with what we would want or allow our children to create.

Yet, there are always a few exceptions to the norms like Emmanuella Samuel, also known as Emmanuella. She gained success in skits distributed via mobile phones and the internet. She is the first African to have one million subscribers on her YouTube comedy channel. Yet, her career model is not structured and would prove difficult to replicate and, even if replicated, difficult to monetise.

It is vital that we deliberately create platforms and opportunities for children to represent themselves and their ideas. They deserve to be heard and seen. We owe it their futures and our society depends on it.

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Tuesday 22 May 2018

CAN tells Buhari to forget second term over killings in Nigeria

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has advised President Muhammadu Buhari not to seek a second term in office.

CAN said this on Tuesday while commiserating with the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria (CSN) as it conducts mass burial for the two priests and parishioners killed by the Fulani herdsmen in Benue State recently.

Pastor Adebayo Oladeji, the Special Assistant on media to CAN President, Rev Dr Samson Olasupo Ayokunle, in a statement described the present moment in Nigeria as a trying time for the church.

“We also urge all Christians to identify with the Catholic Church in its nationwide peaceful protest against senseless killings in Nigeria”, it noted.

CAN asked the Nigerian security agencies to rise up to the security challenges in the country.

It expressed dismay that killing of innocent was assuming global embarrassment with mass burial being carried out at all times without a country like Nigeria fighting a war.

The statement added: “CAN calls on President Muhammadu Buhari not to forget his 2015 campaign promises including fighting insecurity and keeping Nigeria united and upon which Nigerians overwhelmingly voted for him.

“Buhari’s government should not fold arms and watch misguided Nigerians, mostly Boko Haram and herdsmen promote killing as a past time in the name of politics and ethnics while solution appears very elusive.

“CAN is disheartening to note that criminal Fulani herdsmen, bandits, kidnappers and other hoodlums have reduced Nigeria to a Banana Republic.

“This development is unacceptable and we call on all well meaning people anywhere in the world to join hands in praying for the deliverance, freedom and liberty from this self inflicted bondage.

“CAN asks President Buhari to suspend his re-election bid until he restores sanity to the country while ensuring the release of Leah Sharibu, the remaining Chibok girls and other abductees from the captivity of the Boko Haram terrorists”.
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Monday 21 May 2018

RCCG Orders “Genital Test” For Members That Want To Marry

A leading Pentecostal church in the country, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) has issued a directive compelling members intending to get married to subject themselves to what it called: “genital test.”

The directive, the church said, was intended as a measure against “the recurrence of cases of marital crises resulting from falsehood, especially in the case of undeclared or unconfessed reproductive/genital status.”

The church’s directive is contained in a document dated May 10, 2018, signed by Pator J. F. Odeola for the General Overseer.

The document labelled “memo,” from Assistant General Overseer (Admin & Personnnel), with reference: RCCG/PERS/IFO/AD/MENO/10/05/2018, has as subject: Directive on pre-marital examination.

The “memo” reads: “Calvary greetings in Jesus’ name.

“The Mission Authority has observed the recurrence of cases of marital crises resulting from falsehood, especially in the case of undeclared or unconfessed reproductive/genital status.

“We have the directive of the General Overseer to instruct the entire Mission’s outpost that forthwith, pre-marital medical examination for intending couples should also include genital test.

“Further, Provinces are requested to register with particular (trusted) government approved hospital for the various pre-marital examinations for intending couples.

“Remain blessed in this season of songs and victory in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Efforts by The Nation to get a clarification, as regard what the church’s definition of “genital test” implies, was not successful as known court’s spokespersons declined to comment on the issue.
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