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Tuesday 22 May 2018

FOR LADIES: Four Tips To Fix Dry Hair In A Day

The old saying, “Good things take time,” is not exactly accurate when it comes to repairing dry, damaged hair.

It is sadder considering that hair can be damaged relatively quickly due to humidity. However, while we cannot do anything about the humidity, we, however, can suggest a few quick fixes that can put your hair back into shape.

These inexpensive homemade tricks will remedy your damaged, dry locks and hair leaving you with healthy hair.

Rinse with tea

Photo credit: Research Nutrition

You may think of tea as a sore throat remedy, but you can also use it to give hair a natural shine.

Use a cup of warm, unsweetened tea as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea can enhance hair colour, so make sure to use a tea type that works with your hair colour.

Use eggs

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Mix one egg with a small amount of shampoo, then apply to your damaged hair for five minutes and rinse well.

This treatment helps to enhance the protein in your hair. Your stylist will not tell these secrets you.


Photo Credit: Getty Images

Try this home remedy using butter; treat dry, brittle hair with a small amount of butter for a glossy shine.

Massage it into your dry hair, and then cover your hair with a shower cap for about a half hour. Shampoo as usual, and rinse all the butter out.

Use olive oil for conditioning

photo Credit: Health Hacks

Put the moisture back into dry hair by warming up 1/2 cup olive oil without boiling it and then rub it into your hair. Cover hair with a plastic bag, and then wrap everything in a towel. Let this home remedy do its thing for 45 minutes, then shampoo and completely rinse. 

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