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Thursday 21 June 2018

Lack of self-worth, cause of depression = suicide

This was done over 3 sessions using various self-discovery probing tools and taking various personality tests.

I was able to help Helen highlight her strengths, qualities, values and her limiting, disempowering, negative beliefs and weaknesses.

The second step I took with Helen was to get her to embrace Change, and understand the need to have a different Mindset and Perception about herself.

I achieved this by first eliciting her most deadly, limiting and negative beliefs, then showing her how powerful they were and their overall effects on her.

Once I was done with the two steps, I proceeded to helping Helen Create a New Self-Image. She re-created this New Personal of who she wanted to be.

With all the great positive qualities found from her personality and profiling test reports – Helen suddenly began to see her True Self in the mirror.

I worked with her to create her own bespoke Affirmation statements, which she said to herself every day for 40 days, while looking into her mirror.

I got Helen to start talking, thinking and acting like the new “HER”, which she has just been introduced to.

The next Exercise was to help Helen Identify 3 Positive Female Role Models – These are inspirational women who Helen aspired to be like. She was made to study their lives and set her goals (that is what she wanted to become) in line with certain things these women had achieved.

The next step was a Visualization Exercise, where I got Helen to Picture Her Desired self in 10 to 20 years from her present moment.

I got her to maintain her new self-image by daily visualizing her future self and identifying what she needs to do, to become HELEN-F which was the name I gave her future self.

As I continued our Sessions, I got Helen to accept the fact that she will have many high and low moments each day.

Hence I helped her develop her own set of coping mechanisms.

I also helped her develop Emotional Resilience using various tools and techniques which she now uses daily to manage her low moments.

Helen soon began to feel good about herself every day, as I worked on her inner self confidence and self esteem.

Would you like to meet the real “YOU”?

Would you like to feel the same way as Helen felt after this Exercise?

Even though you have such limiting beliefs that have held you back for years and caused you sadness and gloom, the Olusola Lanre Coaching Academy is available to help you change these negative, limiting, disempowering beliefs into very powerful, positive and empowering beliefs. 

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