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Saturday 14 July 2018

For Pregnant Women Five Benefits Of Bananas

Here are some benefits of this delicious fruit for pregnant women:

Good source of calcium
200 grams of banana contains about 10 mg of natural calcium. Known for the development of bones and skeletal system at all ages, calcium is also helpful in speeding up the neurotransmitter in the process of muscle contraction in the development of the foetus in the womb.

Contains folic acid
The benefits of folic acid to a pregnant woman cannot be overemphasised as it plays a major role in the development of the nerve, brain and spine. Bananas help to prevent folic acid deficiency which causes a baby to be born prematurely, it also reduces the risk of birth defects.

Boosts energy
Bananas provide instant energy for pregnant women, especially when combined with milk. For mothers facing the last trimester and postpartum stages, bananas contain about 28 grams of sugar in each 225 gram. It also contains three natural sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) which can boost the energy of pregnant women.

Reduces digestive disorders
Constipation has become increasingly common among pregnant women. Bananas help reduce abdominal bloating and can smoothen bowel movement. Pregnant women can increase the intake of banana as it contains fibre which helps improve bowel movements.

Reduces Anaemia
Anaemia is the lack of red blood cells in the body. It is a common thing with pregnant women and can cause complications during the last stages of pregnancy and childbirth. There is an average of 3% iron in 225 grams of bananas which produces haemoglobin to reduce anaemia.

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