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Showing posts with label inspired. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspired. Show all posts

Thursday 19 July 2018


What scares you? What are you afraid of today?

The force of fear is sweeping across the whole world today. Just pay attention and analyse the state of most nations and continents, the primary driver of all they are doing or planning to do is fear. The fear of the present, the fear of the future, the fear of negative surprises.

The United States today has millions of her citizens, cowering before the force of fear due to the outcomes of the last elections and the consequences it portends for them as a nation and as individuals.

Europe today is besieged with the force of fear based on diplomatic reconsideration by the UK within the union, the social and economic implications of Brexit appears delicate and dicey for most of Europe even a prime minister decided to resign.

Across the Middle East terrorism, power tussle, agitations, strong desire for a new order and system failures keep spreading the force of fear within the people and across the nations.

In Nigeria, our economic crisis, social problems, financial challenges, high cost of living, unemployment, business failures, terrorism, militancy, crime, corruption, impunity, and instability have triggered the force of fear across the land and many of us are overwhelmed with despair, tension, anxiety, hopelessness and deep worries. We are mostly afraid.

On a personal note, you look at yourself, you look at your life, you feel the fear deep inside, though you’re so good at pretending many people around you can’t see it, but the fear is there. You are so afraid to lose your job, you’re afraid your business may collapse, you’re afraid you’ll become broke, you’re afraid of so many outstanding bills you’ll have to pay, you probably owe so much to people and financial institutions, you’re afraid you may lose your husband to another, you’re afraid of your wife’s progress and prosperity and how you can still remain in charge, you’re afraid for your kids, you’re afraid for your health, your reoccurring ailment, you’re afraid you may die, you’re afraid of your sins; your secret sins, you’re afraid of God’s wrath, you’re afraid of the consequences of bad deeds of your past,  you’re afraid of the future, some afraid they may never conceive, some afraid they may never get married, we’re all afraid we could lose any member of our household to sudden death –    Suppressed, covered up with empty excitement, entertainment, hanging out, clubbing, drinking, smoking, immorality, vain and purposeless religious activates, plenty prayers motivated by fear not faith making them unanswered still,  sports, music and movies, but, the fear is there.

Isn’t it obvious, just check out the frequent broadcast on social media and interactive apps and you’ll get messages asking you to type amen if you don’t want a described calamity to befall you within certain periods and you’ll see the amen rolling out in high numbers!

Empty prayers, meaningless prayers, curses repackaged as prayers all over social media and you’ll find thousands receiving it and rebroadcasting it. All out of fear!

So much, so frequent, broadcasts on how kidnappers operate now, how armed robbers operate now, how rapist are now thinking, how terrorists now poison water, fruit and food to kill some people from certain parts of the country – all to propagate fear!

As if that is not enough, every food now can kill you, every drink now can kill you, too much sleep can kill you, insufficient sleep can kill you, everything causes heart disease, liver infection, blood infection, cancer is in everything; even breathing too hard now can kill you. All the broadcast with unreliable sources – “scientist have proven…”, which scientist, no one knows. “Some medical experts claim…”, what experts, no one knows, “a recent research reveal…”, what research, where, no one knows and it all ends with kindly broadcast to save a friend or relative. “They said, I hear, I read somewhere, a government official said…” everything is driving the force of fear into our minds, into our lives and everyone is fast becoming victim – paranoid, perplexed, anxious, scared and absolutely terrified.

That’s the plan, that’s the force, that’s the ruling spirit sweeping across the whole world today and probably ruling in your life and situation as well. The powerful and penetrating force of fear! Fear!

Fear attacks your mind, paints pictures that are unreal and make you trust them. Fear is always and always a suggestion of a negative outcome, never a reality.

You don’t fear what has happened, you fear what could happen. Fear has its powers rooted in the future not in your past. It could be your immediate future of a distant future but the force of fear comes from the future – an expected negative occurrence.

Fear thrives when you allow it toy with your mind long enough for you to consider it as a most likely possibility of what could happen in your future.

A possibility is not always a reality or an eventuality but when you allow a possibility possess your mind to the point where it dominates and appears real, the force of fear has conquered you. When fear takes over your mind, it weakens your nerves and you eventually lose your nerves.

Your nerves are the most critical requirement for any great thing you desire to carry out. Your nerves electrify you, energises you, mobilizes, you, powers you up, inspires you, and fires you up, when you gather your nerves, all things look possible and easier. No matter how prepared you are for anything, once you lose your nerve, you fail. Beyond preparations, your nerves are necessary for you to pass exams, win in sports, debates, contests, competitions and even interviews. Great preparations without nerves can lead to failure. Once you lose your nerve, your next decision is run, give up, take a flight, abandon everything and take off.

Ladies and gentlemen, enough is enough, shut out this force called fear from your life. It has done enough damage, limited you, derailed you, restricted you and even imprisoned you long enough. It’s time to fight back.

Don’t allow fear rob you of all the great things you’ve got and can possibly get and achieve. You must reposition your mind, your thoughts, your nerves and life for courage. You are not going to retreat, give up or compromise.

You deserve a happy life, fight for it, you deserve a happy marriage, fight for it, you deserve a growing and great business fight for it, you deserve peace, love, joy and of course a second chance, fight for these.

Put on your whole armour as a fighter and get ready to fight and pull down all those thoughts and imaginations that contradict the original purpose of your creator for your life.

Your life is great, your future is greater, you’re not a product of your past; you’re still work in progress for an excellent future. Your past can’t define you, you’re not done yet, you’re moving from one level of perfection to another, from glory to glory, from greatness to greatness.

Four action points to deal with fear in your life.

Stay informed. Don’t believe everything you hear. Inquire, confirm, and affirm. Research everything and hold on to what is the truth. Information reforms, you and transforms you. Only the truth, can bring true freedom, not rumours or misleading broadcasts.
Get knowledge. Knowledge is simply to understand the why, behind everything. Anything you don’t understand will scare you. Driving a sports car will scare you the first time you get behind the wheels if you’ve never driven a car before. For a skilled driver, it’s a pleasure. Seek to know the why behind everything, it kills fear.
This is the correct and effective application of what you already know. It’s simply doing things with the outcome in mind. Wisdom is consistent outcome based thinking. Consider the consequence of that act, that word, that decision before you carry them out. Wisdom is profitable, if it directs you.
The kind of people you hang out with will determine if you’ll be fearful or courageous. In a multitude of good counsel, you’ll find safety. But when you always hang out with people that spread fear, and bad news every time, you may destroy your mind and destiny.
Ladies and gentlemen, You don’t take off from what’s yours and what you’re entitled to in this life, flight out of fear is not an option for champions in life, so you stand and fight.

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Saturday 14 July 2018

A FULL LIFE (What does it really mean to you about)

What is a good life? Do you have a personal definition, a concept or idea of what your good life means? As you run around, work hard, dream, plan and make sacrifices daily, at what point exactly would you say you’ve apprehended whatever it is you’re chasing? Do you know exactly what it is you’re chasing?

It is possible some of us aren’t chasing anything in life but mere survival. Our daily effort is towards the ability to pay all our bills and secure social relevance. We want to align with our contemporaries. When our mates buy cars, we buy too, when they dress well we dress as well, when they send their kids to good schools, we do the same school, when they build their houses we follow suit and build ours just like it too, when they are spending good money, we ensure we’re not left out and try to match them. All out hope and desire is to ensure we are not embarrassed or relegated in social rating. Our approach to life is that ambition to catch up and meet up.

There are some other people whose lives are driven by the desire to intimidate and oppress others. The primary motive for all they do is prove they are superior or better than their contemporaries. They assume the role of the trend setter – they make choices and activate plans purely to impress or oppress others. They are excellent at showing off their wealth, achievements and successes; simply to make other people jealous, envious;   inferior or feel like failures.

My dear friend, of which of these two are you? Are you playing catch up in life or you’re the oppressor? Any which one, I’m afraid you’re perhaps living a life derailed from purpose and empty in essence. It is not a truly happy life.

The inability to define who you are, what you want, where you’re going, what you want to become and the impact you want to make in this world will downgrade your very valuable life to that of catching up or oppressing others.

A good quality life has a meaning, a purpose, an essence, a sense of direction and timelines for great achievements. A good quality life is properly managed having no regard for vile competition or inferiority complex.                                                                                                                                                     

When you decide to build a good life for yourself, when you have a mental picture of your eventual self in the future, your daily choices and decisions will not be manipulated or influence by what others are thinking, doing or not doing. Your plans and strategy would be tailor made to suit your nature, your passion, your interest and things that really make you happy.

A few associates have challenged me and judged my lifestyle as boring and uninteresting simply because I don’t fit their own picture of a life of fun. Partying frequently, hanging out at night, drinking and having plenty friends is not me. Its repugnant to my nature, I’m not wired that way so the fact I don’t do all these doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying my life. I live my life for myself not to impress anyone, this decision has brought me so much peace and rest; I’m living the life suitable for my nature.

In this zone, creativity, deep thinking, clarity of mind, inner strength and the power to perform is easier. My locus of control is within me, not external hence, the mental and psychological fatigue that comes with living to impress or oppress or catch up is far removed from me, hence my productivity and progress is at optimum gauge.

Ladies and gentlemen, I assure you, your life can be more peaceful, restful and fulfilling than you can ever think or imagine. The ability to pull back and redesign your life for meaning will launch you to a realm you probably never knew existed in this life.

The pressure that comes from resisting intimidation and oppression from the society will vanish when you embrace your life of independence.

Too many of us today spend so much time complaining about how unfair life is and how unfair other people are to us. We become so angry at life and others it becomes impossible to keep at playing our own game in life and winning.

We are distracted by decisions, policies, developments, and some people we think are the reasons for our failures, stagnation and non-achievement.  Our minds are daily filled with thoughts about these problems and these people, our hearts are also filled with resentment and hate for the people we think are the cause of our pains and failures in life.

Ladies and gentlemen, a mind fixated on problems and difficulties, and a heart filled with resentment and hate cannot achieve anything phenomenal in this life.

Life can treat you anyhow, people can treat you as they please, but you are absolutely responsible for your own reaction to these treatments.

Listen to me my dear friends, life has never been fair to anyone; even those you believe are your oppressors are victims of life’s cruelty sometimes. You can’t wish life to be as you like, you must accept life as it is and keep progressing no matter what it brings.

Putting your life on hold and directing your whole energy towards fighting an unfair world is not wise. You can never win against life simply because your time here is limited, you are here for a season, life was here before you and life will continue after you with its unfair nature.

Wisdom, my dear friend, is making your own time count. You need to focus on your own life and make a miracle and a wonder out of your time of sojourn on earth.

Spending so much of your time fighting and focusing on what you can’t control at the expense of what you can control will make your own life unfruitful.

As we advocate and intensify pressure for good infrastructure, better policies, superior leadership and good governance in Nigeria, please don’t let go of your own personal life. It is possible to have a better Nigeria without a better you and it is very much possible to have a better you even if Nigeria keeps struggling.

Get a grip on your life, focus on all you can control and deal well with them. Take that seal off your limited thinking and do all you have to do. Stretch yourself, challenge yourself, do the needful! Enough of excess pleasure, excess playing, excess excuses; dear friend your time is running out.

It is time to live a full life. I’ve heard too many advocacies about making sacrifices today for a better tomorrow and I’ve heard people say also they will choose to enjoy their lives today as no one knows tomorrow. I personally don’t subscribe to these two ideologies.

I do not want to make any sacrifice for tomorrow if I can afford not to, and I don’t want to sacrifice my tomorrow to enjoy today because I don’t want to suffer at old age. I have therefore decided to live a full life.

A full life is that decision to enjoy every moment of your life and every season in your life. I have decided to enjoy every bit of my today and every bit of my tomorrow.

I want to eat what I want, wear what I like, drive the car I like, live in the neighbourhood I want, travel to any country I want and spend on all I like today and still be able to afford all the comfort, all the riches and all the security I need socially and financially at old age. I want to definitely pass on good inheritance to my children’s children.

This decision has changed the way I think, work, interact and live my life. It takes a certain kind of lifestyle – hard work, brainwork, smart connections, right associations, healthy friendships and know-how to live a very comfortable and fun life today and sustain it all lifelong. That for me, is living a full life.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time you focus on your time, season and duration on earth and make it count. Stop dwelling and worrying about things you can’t control. Take proper charge and control of the things you can control and control them well to your advantage. Study the dynamics of the things you can’t control and take advantage of the waves – look for the favourable tides within life’s dynamics and exploit them positively.

There are some clothes you can’t wear at old age, there are some food you can’t eat at old age; there are some travels that’ll become too stressful at old age and some kind of fun you can’t afford at old age. Dear friend, enjoy your life now and enjoy your life when you’re old. Make up your mind today to live a full life. Work hard, learn what you need to learn, become friends with people that’ll help and inspire you, adopt new and productive habits, repackage your life for good success and reinvent yourself. Dear friend, live a full life.
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Tuesday 19 June 2018


As a psychologist and a student of humanity, I’ve come to realize that our lives are as happy and fulfilling as our interpretation and understanding of things.
Simply put, things or situations are actually not responsible for our moods, emotions and feelings passé. Our interpretation of these things determine if we will be happy or otherwise should they occur.
For example, I know some women who can do anything right not to birth children of their own, and I know some women, though able, have made up their minds never to have kids and they’re happy. I know some women who attend many religious vigils, mountaintop prayer meetings and consult spiritualists regularly on the account of wanting a life partner – husband. And I know some ladies who are under intense pressure daily by very mouthwatering suitors to marry them and they are saying no, they’ve made up their minds to remain single for life.
I know some people praying, crying and desperately seeking employment in any organization and I know some people today, no matter what you offer them, they will never engage in paid employment, they can never work for anybody, they want to be self-employed and they are doing well and happy.
I know some people with 10 million bank balance yet, they can’t sleep, they’re worried and anxious, with 10 million they’re broke already, and I know some people, with half a million bank balance they’re on top of the world – they’re super rich in their own view.
Dear friend, being happy, sad, worried, anxious, depressed or excited cannot be separated from your understanding, mindset, dreams, expectations and interpretation of things in your life.                                                                                       
This means life is less of what happens around you, it’s more of what’s happening within you.
This simply means if anyone can control the way you think and see life, such a one can control your life choices and decisions. If you permit anyone to influence your thinking successfully, they can actually manipulate you to their advantage if they’re selfish and you’re naive.
Many of us today are victims of all sorts of manipulation and exploitation due to life’s frustrations and the desperation for answers. We were mostly raised by inexperienced parents and caregivers who passed on some wrong principles and outdated philosophes about life that didn’t fit our season hence, mostly failed, consequently, most of us became disillusioned, confused and perplexed about life and what next to do. This situation, unfortunately, made us vulnerable to expert manipulators who many times lie to us, tell half-truths and sugar coat toxic ideologies and concepts with the potential to further plunge us into hardship, poverty and nothingness and in fact, we are glad to believe, accept and embrace these limiting ideologies.
For example, being told going to school and obtaining a formal education and a certificate will make you rich or successful in life is not a complete truth. People are not rich or successful or outstanding because of formal education and a certificate. People are rich, relevant and successful because after their formal education, they continued with self-education, relevant exposure, continuous improvement, smart interactions and regular studying of trends and opportunities. They refused to become obsolete and archaic in what they know and can do. They are hardworking, productive and knowledgeable thinkers.
If anyone wants to take advantage of you in an unfortunate condition even after your formal education, they’ll tell you, your unemployment, lack of promotion and inability to hold on to a job is a spiritual problem. Hence you need serious prayers, prolonged fasts, sacrificial giving and dedication to ministry and all will be well, you’ll become victorious.
You’re most likely going to believe them because its human nature to reject responsibility and hold someone or something else responsible for our failures. So rather than spend good time studying, developing yourself, upgrading your skills, improving your office place behaviours, you’d prefer to fight it spiritually and eventually remain the same or worse of year after year because you truly don’t have a spiritual problem, you perhaps have a wisdom problem.
My dear friend, for the first time in forever, choose to tell yourself the truth. Be true to yourself and your maker. Perhaps your challenges in life is not a spiritual problem. Somehow, somewhere in a corner of your mind you know this is true, but you want God to solve your problems based on what you choose to believe and your own prescription not how things really are, so you spiritualize everyday human issues wisdom can easily solve.
Maybe you can’t seem to hold down a job, your bosses don’t always like you and your colleagues can’t stand you. Hence as soon as you get a job, you get fired. Rather than think it’s a spiritual attack, have you considered your own attitude to others and to the job itself in your numerous place of employment? Are you a selfish employee, always looking for how to dodge responsibility, passing the buck, cheating other colleagues, taking advantage of your employer, rejecting extra work, a habitual latecomer, incompetent, insincere, a gossip, a traitor, pulling others down, an expert in eye service but very good at sharing religious handbills, praying in the office, always playing gospel music at work and using office internet and data to stream religious programs and download spiritual messages? Friend, if this is your way, you don’t have spiritual problems, you have work attitude issues and believe me if I’m your employer, no matter how prayerful you are, I’ll fire you successfully in one week no matter how hard you pray or fast.
Dear friend, let no one lie to you, favour can never replace labour in any progressive company in this world. Any employer that places favouring employees over hard work will soon kill the business. If you want me to favour you as my employee, show me your labour first, then be of good character, then favour even unmerited will follow.
Ladies and gentlemen, prayer is good, fasting is good, retreat is good, spiritual conventions are good but after all these, if there are no improvements or significant transformation in your life and results, something is fundamentally wrong with your case.
Maybe it’s time for you to do your path. Take a day and think about your life thus far. For once, believe you don’t have a spiritual problem and be objective and true to yourself. Are you knowledgeable in your profession? Are you up to date in capacity and skills? Do you truly deserve the promotion and income you’re praying for considering your performance and real competence? Do you have modern work capacity or you’re archaic in your methods and expect favour to make up for failure? Are you an honest person, or you play games with your work and employment? Are you jealous of your employer, your boss and other colleagues you feel are less religious hence don’t deserve their blessings, and you secretly wish for their downfall? Dear friend are you kind, considerate, respectful, loving, passionate about work, hardworking and given to continuous improvement? Do you help other colleagues, support the business vision; make sacrifices for the business and diligent at what you do? Dear friend. It’s time to tell yourself the truth. Why not do it differently this time. Apply not just spirituality but intelligence in making your life better and see if your results won’t be different this time. As you enter 2018, be different in your ways, not just spiritual, apply intelligence and character.
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Sunday 24 December 2017


Image result for BODYYou are born with a specific and defined purpose and role to pay in this world and at this time. All humans exist for a purpose. All animals exist for a purpose. All created things exist for a purpose. Nothing in this world or this life is useless. Everything’s got its role and purpose. From the invisible to the visible, from the galaxy of stars that light up the firmament to the tiniest particle of dust that make up the crust of the earth, all things exist for a purpose. You have a purpose as well.
The superiority of our makeup and the sophisticated nature of our minds as humans, has unfortunately worked against the natural purpose of our existence on earth. Up till now, humanity at large is yet to fathom, agree and conclude on why we are here on earth.
Consequently, mankind in general and most humans unfortunately, grow up to develop a takers mentality. We do not naturally have a sense of responsibility towards the earth or other people. It’s not in our reasoning to care or give, the popular orientation is to take, collect and amass.
Humanity has over the years developed a sophisticated system that thrives on taking from the world and taking from others. The more you’re able to take, gain and amass, the more respectable, valuable and powerful you become in your society.
The more money you have, the more material possessions you gather, the more land you occupy, the more people serving your dreams, desires and goals, the more important you become in this world.
This system has unfortunately rewired our mentality to thrive and be driven by what to get, how to get it, from where to get it and from whom to get it.
The formal education system and the employment systems have consequently structured and empowered a world order where the general ambition is inspired by the need to apprehend power, money, position and relevance.
Sadly and unfortunately, every getting we can get still leaves the human soul empty. Everything you’ve chased, labored for and made sacrifices to get becomes very ordinary and bland as soon as you get it. Once you get it, you get used to it and you’ll sense it’s no longer satisfying.
That expensive car after a while becomes just another car, that expensive house after a while becomes just a house, that expensive outfit, shoes, wristwatch, bag and everything you’ve loved and wanted becomes very normal to you once you apprehend. Even qualifications, education, degrees and certificates mean nothing after a while. The position, title, office and business become ordinary when familiarity with them sets in. All things after a little while, leave you in that same emotional condition you were in before you apprehended. No matter what you have, it can never remove depression, anger, sadness, loneliness and frustration from your life. With every higher level comes a more aggressive devil.                                                                                                                                                         
The popular mentality of chasing and pursuing possessions and power all lifelong unfortunately can’t fulfill us because true fulfilment comes from service. It’s in your ability to serve others and make better the world at large; that’s your very essence and purpose in this life.
Anything you choose to do different from what you’re meant or designed to do and problems you’re created to solve can never bring you satisfaction.
The deceitfulness of riches, vain glory and painful pretense is to make you think richer people are happier and more satisfied in life, this is so not true. This deception is what keeps you chasing after the very wrong things all lifelong. You’ll assume if you have a certain amount you’ll be happy and satisfied, if you obtain certain status, you’ll be happy and satisfied, you’ll think if you achieve certain dreams you’ll be happy and satisfied and after getting all these things you’re realize you’re still unhappy and dissatisfied.
Ladies and gentlemen, kindly think with me this morning and try not to conform to the thinking pattern of this world and its systems. Pull back a bit in your mind and ask yourself this important question. What are you really chasing in this life? Is it the job, is it the cars, is it the money, is it the position, is it the titles, the relationship, is it the dream. Truth is these are not the things you’re really chasing.
What you’re really chasing is how obtaining these things will make you feel. Your purists in life are driven by your feelings not by that need or the pursuits in themselves.
You don’t want an expensive car for the sakes of the car, you want it because of how getting it will make you feel. Your feeling is driving the pursuit of that expensive car.
You don’t want the big house in that classy neighborhood because you want a roof over your head, no, you want it because of how owning such a house will make you feel.
You don’t want a seven figure bank balance because of the money, you want it because such an amount will make you feel secure, successful and powerful.
Most of the things we’re chasing in this life are not our real goals in themselves, the real goal is how getting or obtaining these things will make us feel.
What we’re really chasing in life include happiness, safety, security, acceptance, respect, appreciation, confidence, companionship, influence, self-esteem and a sense of worth.
These, ladies and gentlemen are our real goals in life, these are the things we’re really chasing. That’s why our levels of contentment vary. It’s not just one kind of car or house or qualification that does it for everyone. Individual feelings suggests and controls individual pursuits and the pursuits determine individual level of contentment per season.
Hence, one man’s pursuit may be a three bedroom bungalow back home in his village and his neighbor’s pursuit may be to own a mansion on the most expensive island in Lagos.
Both men are not running after houses passé, they are running to satisfy their unique individual feelings.
But my dear friend, the real worth of a man is not measured in the quantity or extent of his acquisition but impact made in life. This is because we are not designed as takers, we are designed as givers. We are designed not just for blessings but to be a blessing to the world. Our existence on earth should make the whole world celebrate and be glad.
That is the real essence and nature of your soul. Most of us have our souls, drained, empty and weak because our souls are not functioning in the place of the original essence. We have allowed this container, this flesh that houses our soul take priority over the real us. Over our spirits and our souls.
Feelings is of the flesh, destiny is of the soul and purpose is of the spirit. We have allowed the cravings of the flesh align us with a world’s system that is basically about taking, which is repugnant to your soul nature which thrives by creating, giving, contributing and adding value to this life and humanity.
My dear friend, the cravings of the flesh can never be satisfied even if you own the whole world. Riches, wealth and power can never address the feelings of fear, insecurity, anger, low self-esteem, loneliness, sadness, depression, frustration and helplessness.
A life that will find satisfaction is that one that will not conform to the systems of this world, but will choose transformation by mind renewal so as to understand the good and perfect essence of its existing. You must change your thinking and switch it from that of a taker to that of a giver.
Your labour pattern henceforth must be in the place of service to humanity. How to make this world better, how to make life easier, how to make living more comfortable, how to make the world safer and better for men and women for children and the youth, for orphans and widows for the rich and the poor, the leaders and the governed, the sick and the healthy, the educated and the non-literate. , how to make everybody happier.
Satisfaction and peace comes from using your natural and acquired gifts, talents and even possessions to make others happy. The real key to satisfaction and happiness is not in what you have or own, it’s in what you give. When you make others happy, when you make others safe, when you make others comfortable, yours will naturally come. No matter how blessed you think you are, you are not really blessed until you become a blessing to others.
When you become a blessing, your soul will be satisfied. Your happiness, safety, peace security, confidence, courage, boldness, joy and fulfilment wouldn’t depend on what you own or pursue anymore, it will be drawn from the lives you are daily touching.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you take leaves you empty, what you earn leaves you fulfilled.
Stop competing with others in life, don’t conform to this world’s system, come out from amongst them and be separate. Let your light shine. Don’t just exist, choose to live, let the whole creation rejoice at your season, touch your generation. Make your life count.
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Tuesday 19 December 2017


The world today is full of too many hardworking non achievers. The real potentials and possibilities of our nation is yet to be harnessed or realized because many of us are not doing what we should be doing, we are actually busy at what we assume we should be doing.
Success does not come by doing what you find, success does not come by doing what you choose; you can only succeed by doing what you should be doing.
You see, the world can be very difficult and uninteresting for people wrongly placed in life. If you are working hard on something not meant for you, if you’re toiling very hard in a place not meant for you, you will not be a happy or fulfilled person in life.
If the motivation, pleasure and happiness on your job is tied exclusively to the money made, I’m afraid you’re perhaps not in your place in life.
If you’re not deriving joy, fun and satisfaction from doing what you’re currently doing, you are most likely in a place not meant for you.
Money and financial comfort should be a byproduct of an interesting and fulfilling career venture, it should never be the motivating factor. What you do should, in itself, bring excitement, motivation and inspiration. If you’re not motivated and inspired by your job, you will hardly be happy at it.
If you don’t enjoy what you do, you won’t be excited about it, if you’re not excited about it, you can’t be creative with it, if you’re not creative with it, you can’t be innovative about it and if you’re not innovative, you will become obsolete, irrelevant, outdated and consequently broke.
It is impossible to improve or grow or be innovative about anything you don’t find exciting or interesting. That, I submit is a major bane on our collective speed of growth and development in Nigeria. Many of us are just doing the basic required of us in our employments, we are not applying our minds to innovation, creativity and improvement. This is because we really don’t enjoy what we do, we’re doing it basically for the salary. The primary motivation for employment for many Nigerians is the financial reward, not the job or task itself.                                                                                                          
Many of us were unfortunately raised and nurtured to prioritize money as the exclusive definition of a good employment, so it is not entirely our fault. A fantastic job today in Nigeria is defined by how much you’re paid, not how fulfilling or satisfying the job is. This orientation is unfortunately frustrating our productivity index as a nation, as many of us are working for salary and not for real productivity.
Many of us go to work daily because we have to show up to get paid, even if we do nothing all day long we don’t feel bad or guilty. We showed up, hence should get paid. That’s why many of us look forward to public holidays with excitement. Hmmm
If you are employed in organizations that pay rather well in Nigeria, you are perceived as lucky and successful even if you hate the job, hate the place, find it restricting, frustrating, demeaning, stressful and in total contrast with what you truly love and want to do in life.
A society where cash is primarily celebrated as evidence of success cannot truly grow, develop or advance as it should. This is because the people will avoid employments at places they rightly belong, and gravitate towards employments that tend to pay more cash wise.
Psychology, history and research have confirmed people tend to excel more doing what they are gifted and passionate about not really what they studied in formal schools.
Talented and passionate people are the most successful people in the world through history and till now, not only in net worth but in impact and transformation effected within their societies and beyond.
Success is not just what you possess, success is measured more by what you influenced and improved positively in your society and in your generation.
A mentality and venture that prioritizes what you can acquire and own will bring you deep regrets and loneliness in the latter years of your life.
Being successful in life comes from pursuing wealth, not just riches. Being rich is measured in terms of cash and items and properties, being wealthy however is measured in terms of cash, items, properties and most of all people.
The number of people you know in this world is not as important as the number of people who know you, love you, appreciate you and desire to bless you. Your wealth is measured by the number of people who know you and appreciate you enough to release things to you freely without you paying for it.
When people are willing to offer you houses, cars, food, travel tickets, seven star hotel experience, offer you free holidays, vacation trips, scholarship for your children, free medical services and all you desire in life without you paying for anything, you are indeed wealthy.
When your name and reputation becomes more valuable than your bank balance, you are indeed wealthy.
A life situation where you have to pay for every single thing you want in this world will eventually leave you broke, frustrated and limited. A rich man may struggle to own and maintain a private jet for example, but a wealthy man can have a private jet anytime he wants for free with just a phone call to one of his admirers who’s got it.
Many Nigerians toil every day to become rich, but very few understand how to become wealthy.
The key to wealth is when you decide to invest in people and not just in things. The key to wealth is when you have the best answers to people’s problems and situations. The key to wealth is when you decide to work on people and not for people.
How do I mean? Working on people is the career effort you make to improve their lives and make them better. When you lift people, promote people, coach them, offer opportunities and support their dreams, you’re working on people.
Every human being is born with a gift, a talent; an ability to solve a humanity problem. It could either be a physical challenge, emotional or psychological problem.
This capacity and passion to work on people is inborne. The day we decide either by external influence or by choice to priorities ourselves, our needs and our wants is the day we subjugate this inborne passion and miss the opportunity for wealth creation.
People who are active at meeting the needs of others, solving their problems improving them, offering them opportunities and chances for jobs, for businesses, for growth, improvement and riches, are the wealthiest people on earth.
The world celebrates them hence, they’re called celebrities. They’re mostly talked about, and the media makes them famous, hence people that matter know them and would do favors for them.
A celebrity is not just an entertainer. You can become a celebrity in any field or vocation by becoming outstanding, excellent, popular and phenomenal.
Many politicians, enterprise owners, religious leaders, doctors, engineers, lawyers, hoteliers, fashion icons, models, sports people, IT experts and even military personnel have become celebrities through outstanding performances, audacity to be themselves, manifesting their uniqueness and creativity, and giving others growth and improvement opportunities.
To be honest, doing this will be difficult when you’re servicing someone else’s vision by being employed by them perpetually, all lifelong. Your own glory, manifestation and influence can only be fully expressed in your own place where you can fully unleash your own unique God given abilities.
Your ability to do this excellently is connected to you doing what you’re designed and meant to do in this life, not chasing after financial reward in vocation or career you don’t naturally fit into all lifelong.
Dear friend, if you don’t want to end up with an average life experience, it’s time you review your journey through this life. At this time of the year, it is wisdom to consider how far you have come, where you’re headed and where you really should be headed. Make wise decisions and be willing to pay the price of time, effort and discipline to pursue your God given unique dreams. Don’t just go through this life, make your life count, don’t chase material possessions that usually fades with time, invest in your dreams; invest in yourself, don’t sneak through life, decide to make your life great.
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