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Thursday 19 July 2018


What scares you? What are you afraid of today?

The force of fear is sweeping across the whole world today. Just pay attention and analyse the state of most nations and continents, the primary driver of all they are doing or planning to do is fear. The fear of the present, the fear of the future, the fear of negative surprises.

The United States today has millions of her citizens, cowering before the force of fear due to the outcomes of the last elections and the consequences it portends for them as a nation and as individuals.

Europe today is besieged with the force of fear based on diplomatic reconsideration by the UK within the union, the social and economic implications of Brexit appears delicate and dicey for most of Europe even a prime minister decided to resign.

Across the Middle East terrorism, power tussle, agitations, strong desire for a new order and system failures keep spreading the force of fear within the people and across the nations.

In Nigeria, our economic crisis, social problems, financial challenges, high cost of living, unemployment, business failures, terrorism, militancy, crime, corruption, impunity, and instability have triggered the force of fear across the land and many of us are overwhelmed with despair, tension, anxiety, hopelessness and deep worries. We are mostly afraid.

On a personal note, you look at yourself, you look at your life, you feel the fear deep inside, though you’re so good at pretending many people around you can’t see it, but the fear is there. You are so afraid to lose your job, you’re afraid your business may collapse, you’re afraid you’ll become broke, you’re afraid of so many outstanding bills you’ll have to pay, you probably owe so much to people and financial institutions, you’re afraid you may lose your husband to another, you’re afraid of your wife’s progress and prosperity and how you can still remain in charge, you’re afraid for your kids, you’re afraid for your health, your reoccurring ailment, you’re afraid you may die, you’re afraid of your sins; your secret sins, you’re afraid of God’s wrath, you’re afraid of the consequences of bad deeds of your past,  you’re afraid of the future, some afraid they may never conceive, some afraid they may never get married, we’re all afraid we could lose any member of our household to sudden death –    Suppressed, covered up with empty excitement, entertainment, hanging out, clubbing, drinking, smoking, immorality, vain and purposeless religious activates, plenty prayers motivated by fear not faith making them unanswered still,  sports, music and movies, but, the fear is there.

Isn’t it obvious, just check out the frequent broadcast on social media and interactive apps and you’ll get messages asking you to type amen if you don’t want a described calamity to befall you within certain periods and you’ll see the amen rolling out in high numbers!

Empty prayers, meaningless prayers, curses repackaged as prayers all over social media and you’ll find thousands receiving it and rebroadcasting it. All out of fear!

So much, so frequent, broadcasts on how kidnappers operate now, how armed robbers operate now, how rapist are now thinking, how terrorists now poison water, fruit and food to kill some people from certain parts of the country – all to propagate fear!

As if that is not enough, every food now can kill you, every drink now can kill you, too much sleep can kill you, insufficient sleep can kill you, everything causes heart disease, liver infection, blood infection, cancer is in everything; even breathing too hard now can kill you. All the broadcast with unreliable sources – “scientist have proven…”, which scientist, no one knows. “Some medical experts claim…”, what experts, no one knows, “a recent research reveal…”, what research, where, no one knows and it all ends with kindly broadcast to save a friend or relative. “They said, I hear, I read somewhere, a government official said…” everything is driving the force of fear into our minds, into our lives and everyone is fast becoming victim – paranoid, perplexed, anxious, scared and absolutely terrified.

That’s the plan, that’s the force, that’s the ruling spirit sweeping across the whole world today and probably ruling in your life and situation as well. The powerful and penetrating force of fear! Fear!

Fear attacks your mind, paints pictures that are unreal and make you trust them. Fear is always and always a suggestion of a negative outcome, never a reality.

You don’t fear what has happened, you fear what could happen. Fear has its powers rooted in the future not in your past. It could be your immediate future of a distant future but the force of fear comes from the future – an expected negative occurrence.

Fear thrives when you allow it toy with your mind long enough for you to consider it as a most likely possibility of what could happen in your future.

A possibility is not always a reality or an eventuality but when you allow a possibility possess your mind to the point where it dominates and appears real, the force of fear has conquered you. When fear takes over your mind, it weakens your nerves and you eventually lose your nerves.

Your nerves are the most critical requirement for any great thing you desire to carry out. Your nerves electrify you, energises you, mobilizes, you, powers you up, inspires you, and fires you up, when you gather your nerves, all things look possible and easier. No matter how prepared you are for anything, once you lose your nerve, you fail. Beyond preparations, your nerves are necessary for you to pass exams, win in sports, debates, contests, competitions and even interviews. Great preparations without nerves can lead to failure. Once you lose your nerve, your next decision is run, give up, take a flight, abandon everything and take off.

Ladies and gentlemen, enough is enough, shut out this force called fear from your life. It has done enough damage, limited you, derailed you, restricted you and even imprisoned you long enough. It’s time to fight back.

Don’t allow fear rob you of all the great things you’ve got and can possibly get and achieve. You must reposition your mind, your thoughts, your nerves and life for courage. You are not going to retreat, give up or compromise.

You deserve a happy life, fight for it, you deserve a happy marriage, fight for it, you deserve a growing and great business fight for it, you deserve peace, love, joy and of course a second chance, fight for these.

Put on your whole armour as a fighter and get ready to fight and pull down all those thoughts and imaginations that contradict the original purpose of your creator for your life.

Your life is great, your future is greater, you’re not a product of your past; you’re still work in progress for an excellent future. Your past can’t define you, you’re not done yet, you’re moving from one level of perfection to another, from glory to glory, from greatness to greatness.

Four action points to deal with fear in your life.

Stay informed. Don’t believe everything you hear. Inquire, confirm, and affirm. Research everything and hold on to what is the truth. Information reforms, you and transforms you. Only the truth, can bring true freedom, not rumours or misleading broadcasts.
Get knowledge. Knowledge is simply to understand the why, behind everything. Anything you don’t understand will scare you. Driving a sports car will scare you the first time you get behind the wheels if you’ve never driven a car before. For a skilled driver, it’s a pleasure. Seek to know the why behind everything, it kills fear.
This is the correct and effective application of what you already know. It’s simply doing things with the outcome in mind. Wisdom is consistent outcome based thinking. Consider the consequence of that act, that word, that decision before you carry them out. Wisdom is profitable, if it directs you.
The kind of people you hang out with will determine if you’ll be fearful or courageous. In a multitude of good counsel, you’ll find safety. But when you always hang out with people that spread fear, and bad news every time, you may destroy your mind and destiny.
Ladies and gentlemen, You don’t take off from what’s yours and what you’re entitled to in this life, flight out of fear is not an option for champions in life, so you stand and fight.

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