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Saturday 14 July 2018

10 Ways of Everyday Examples Of Rape Culture

The Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team (DSVRT), recorded 306 raped cases of women and 33 for men between the months of January to March 2016, while the Mirabel Centre records over 90 cases per month.
Image result for rape
Rape culture is a societal trend which allows and encourages the activities or words that promote and tolerate sexual assault and obscene indulgence.

There are activities that promote the rape culture. Quite unsettling, they include:

1. Conversations that project the opposite sex as a sexual object that needs to be tamed and exploited.

2. Songs that convince you that even though she says “uncle, stop touching me”, she really means that she wants it because of the “blurred lines” of consent.

3. Women who insist that it is the victim’s fault, claiming that the perpetrator was “lured to sin”.

4. The lackadaisical attitude of the right authorities to investigate and take up rape cases because “both parties enjoyed the act”.

5. Sending nude photos without the consent of the other party.

6. Politicians who support statutory rape and seek the legalisation of child marriage.

7. Advertisements that portray a woman used as a sex object.

8. People who preach that a man cannot be raped.

9. Those who replace the word sex with rape.

10. Couples who claim that once married, your body belongs to your spouse.

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