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Friday 20 July 2018

How To Get Soft Pink Lips Naturally With This Toothbrush And Lip Balm Trick

The prettiest thing you can wear is a smile. There’s no doubt about that. However, your smile is not all about shiny white teeth. It’s also about your lips.

We all wish to have those kissable, soft, pink and luscious lips but sometimes, due to the weather or other habits, it seems like a distant dream.

The lips are more sensitive and delicate than you think, and they deserve extra attention and care in order to restore their natural softness and smoothness.

DIY Tips For Beautiful Lips
Before we go into tips on how to get back those lips we all dream to have, let’s look into what actually causes them to dry up and turn dark.

Compared to the face, the lips have very thin skin and no sweat glands. Because of this, they require special care on a daily basis to keep them moisturised and healthy.

Dry and discoloured lips are mostly caused by any or a combination of the following:

An unhealthy lifestyle, including stress, a bad diet or smoking
Exposure to the sun and pollution
Excessive intake of caffeine
Expired or cheap lip products
Not taking off makeup before bed
It can be tough keeping up with these factors but we need to stay mindful to protect our lips from further damage.

Now that we’ve covered that, there are many simple ways to restore your lips to their natural softness and lush colour in the comfort of your home.

One of the most basic and effective of these ways to get rid of dry, chapped lips is to use a soft toothbrush or washcloth and a quality lip balm. For even better results, make sure to use a lip balm with natural ingredients like Vitamin E.

Start by applying a thick layer of lip balm all over your lips. The best time to do this is at night before you go to bed. This is because leaving the lip balm on your lips overnight allows it to absorb into your skin overnight, acting as an intensive night treatment.

When you wake up, use a damp, soft toothbrush or washcloth to gently massage and exfoliate your lips. Exfoliating the lips gently with lip balm efficiently removes the dead and flaky skin on your lips. It also helps heal cracks and restore moisture.

Wipe off the excess balm for your fresh moisturised lips

You can do this every morning. Make sure to keep your lips moisturised all through the day. Stick to this simple hack religiously and you will achieve your desired lips.

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