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Saturday 30 September 2017

Six Health Benefits Of Tumeric: The New Superfood

Almost every spice that is used and cooking provides some health benefits but turmeric tops the list. Turmeric is also one of the most researched herb that has found positive impact in curing many health conditions even better than the prescribed medicine in many cases.

This ancient folklore medicine is used for healing wounds to treating cancer. Turmeric is sometimes used with other popular herbs such as ginger and garlic but in most cases it is used on its own.
Curcumin is the most important nutrient in turmeric providing most of the medicinal properties of turmeric.
What is Turmeric?
Turmeric belonging to Ginger family is native to South Asia. The plant is cultivated annually during monsoon and the rhizomes are used in most of the curries. The yellow color in the curry comes from turmeric.
The rhizomes can be used fresh during the season and in dried powder form throughout the year. It is also used as natural dye.
Turmeric contains a group of the following compounds called curcuminoids
  • diferuloylmethane (curcumin)
  • demethoxycurcumin
  • bisdemethoxycurcumin
Turmeric also contain following powerful volatile oils
  • turmerone
  • atlantone
  • zingiberene
Out if all its important and useful components curcumin is most researched for its therapeutic values.
1. Prevents Diseases Due to Its Anti-inflammatory Properties
The most important health benefit is provided by anti-inflammatory capabilities of curcumin in turmeric. Inflammations are main causes of many diseases and health conditions including major health conditions ranging from chronic pain to ulcerative colitis, arthritis, heart diseases, cancer Alzheimer and other degenerative conditions.
Researchers have found curcumin to be more powerful than commonly prescribed medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Both these medicines and other have many side effects for their long term use.
When inflammation is controlled. Many conditions can be reversed and stopped from recurring. Therefore, make turmeric as part of your daily intake. Add to your food. There is no other herb as powerful as turmeric.
2. Improves Brain Functioning
Alzheimer is one disease whose treatment is unfortunately not yet been found. As a result it leads to dementia. Since oxidative stresses and inflammation play a role in Alzheimer and curcumin has been found to be dealing well with both oxidative stresses and inflammation, researchers are finding it encouraging to treat Alzheimer.
The protein build up in the brain called Amyloid plaques is responsible for Alzheimer. Curcumin has been found to clear the Plaque. More research is required to see if the progression of protein build up can be stopped by curcumin.
Since Turmeric has been good for inflammation, a regular use gives you so many benefits, add turmeric in your regular diet.
3. Reduces Depression
Turmeric has been found to be antidepressant. Some studies have compared the impact of turmeric on the depression by comparing the impact with anti depressant drug prozac. The finding showed the same effect. This is significantly important as turmeric is natural and has no side effect.
Some researcher have found that curcumin can in turmeric boost the brain neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. This  boost improves the mood of person and get him out of depression.
4. Increases Immunity
In addition to curcumin a compound known as lipopolysaccharide is responsible for boosting immunity of the body. The antibacterial and and anti-fungal properties keep the microorganism at bay. All these properties do not let cold, flu and other infections to impact you.
5. Reduces Cholesterol
Curcumin in turmeric has been found to reduce LDL- the bad cholesterol responsible for the plague built up in the arteries. The power of curcumin is very similar to the LDL reduction achieved with exercise.
Researchers have compared cholesterol reducing drugs lipitor with curcumin and found them equal in reducing cholesterol. Turmeric has no side effects so consume one gram of turmeric daily. It is safe quantity for daily consumption.
6. Heals Wounds
Turmeric is a natural antibacterial and antiseptic agent. When you get minor cuts and bruises, you can apply turmeric powder on the affected area. Your woulds will heal fast. Make sure that your cloths are protected from turmeric as it acts as a strong dye. The color sets on the cloth is permanent so be careful.
In addition to the above there are a large number of other minor health conditions turmeric cures. Add turmeric to your daily diet and stay healthy.

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