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Friday 25 August 2017


As humans our minds a renewable. We can easily be influenced, brainwashed and made to accept new facts, new truths, new theories and even new lies.
Our mind is like a sponge, ready made and prepared to absorb any information we come across either good, bad, true, untrue, productive, destructive, scary or motivating. Our minds are designed to absorb and retain what we mostly hear and see daily. We then go ahead to interpret these information within the context of our emotions, exposure, ambition and fears and consequently order our lives in consonance with what we’ve accepted as the truth or as the reality within the confines of our exposure.
Dear friend, not everything you believe is the truth. Not everything you’ve accepted is the fact and guess what, today’s truth and facts may become tomorrow’s errors and lies because life keeps evolving, changing and progressing. What works today may fail woefully tomorrow. Driverless cars, self-driving cars for example are about to hit the market. Twenty years ago, this appeared impossible, even now I wonder how this will happen in a city like Lagos. But I assure you one day, we shall all see it.
The nature of our minds and the dynamics of our world unfortunately are the powers that trap us and tend to wrest control of our lives out of our hands.
Many of us today, frankly speaking are not in charge. We are not in control of our lives. We are working and walking within the dictates of what we’ve accepted as the facts of life. And these so called facts of life keep leading, shaping and dictating our activities and daily endeavors.
Who told you life must be hard, tough, rough and boring to make it meaningful? Who told you, you have to be mean, ruthless, selfish and insensitive to become a billionaire? Who told you all billionaires are criminals or cultists? Who told you the poor are poor because of the greed of the rich? Who told your formal education is the key to success? Who told you everyone is a victim of a bad economic situation? Who told you paid employment offers job security? Who told you entrepreneurship is a product of nature and can’t be learnt? Who told you being broke today means you can never become rich? Who told you being rich or poor is a permanent status? Who told you hard work alone can make you rich?
Ladies and gentlemen, these are theories, these are beliefs that most of us have learnt and hold as a matter of fact and hence, these keep directing, leading, informing and channeling the course and direction of our lives.                                                   
Because of some or all of these beliefs, many of us are not truly happy, satisfied, peaceful and calm in our souls. We have troubled souls, troubled minds, frustrated in will and can’t get a good handle of how we really want to live our lives.
We’re tossed back and forth by the waves of these beliefs that are deep seated within our minds. These believes hold us captive and have taken over our powers! We have become subjected and subjugated in life, not as a result of what is happening around, but as victims of what’s happening within our souls.
We lose our joy when others appear to be doing better than us in life, We lose our peace when our employments appear threatened, our highs and lows, happiness  or melancholy are directly linked to our bank balances. We chase things not because we love them or want them or need them but because society says it’s cool to have them and they automatically become a must have for us as well.
Dear friend, it’s time to take it back. Its time you take back control over your soul. It is highly unprofitable to gain the whole world and lose your soul. It’s time you take back the control over your future, your time, your life, your family and your business.
Some of these beliefs are so deadly and have affected us so badly some of us actually feel guilty when we’re relaxing and resting instead of working hard, when we’re uneasy spending time with family instead of being at work, we’re condemn ourselves when we’re sleeping instead of making more money. A life of balance makes us feel guilty. This is not good.
Many of us are stuck with the sad, the hard, the rough and the tough side of life and have chosen to accept that as the realities of life. We see happy and worry free people as unserious, playful and potential failures and we label friendly people as mischievous.
We’ve lost the appetite for fun, we work very hard for money, yet feel guilty when we spend this money pampering ourselves.
Your own money has become more powerful than you, your job now owns you and your soul has been reconfigured to feel bad and guilty when you show love to yourself and take good care of yourself. Even your health has become secondary when your job beckons.
Dear friend, it is time. Something has to change. Your freedom must appear today. Your soul deserves freedom and rest.  Now you have to take control. Stop! Okay, just stop, stop running, sit back, it’s your life, it must be run by you, its time you build it your way. Regain control of your soul today by following these simple but very powerful and effective steps.
  1. Set Goals.
Set family goals, set financial goals, set personal development goals, set health and fitness goals, set relationship goals and set dream goals.
    2.Put plans behind these goals.
A plan is when you set activities, time and target to goals. Financial goals for example is how much do you want, when do you want it, how will you get it? Health and fitness goals could include how much weight you want to gain or lose, eating habits, exercise, your body PH balance, your stress levels and blood pressure.
    3. Get help.
Find a qualified life coach not just an eloquent speaker. Get a business, career or finance coach to show you how to achieve your goals in these regards. Get a psychologist to help you deal with anxiety, depression, insecurity and low self-esteem. Get a spiritual mentor. A spiritual mentor may not hold any religious office or position, but that spiritual person has your time, knows how to pray hard, connect with divinity, win spiritual battles with you and can bring you on-point revelation without asking for any offering. A spiritual person on assignment from God.
    4. Transform
Become different. No contest or competition with anybody. No more politics or games at work or at home.  Be at peace within, seek peace with everyone, treat people well not because they deserve it, but because you won’t let them bring you low.
5. Change your world.
Avoid toxic and negative people, run away from vile critics, avoid people who focus on your weaknesses, find motivators, encouragers and people who like you sincerely. Keep company with positive, progressive and passionate people. Keep company with people who will truly bless your soul. Dear friend, taking these simple steps will definitely set your soul free. You shouldn’t continue living this life of desperation and weight. Find rest for your souls. Don’t just keep enduring life, it’s time to enjoy life.

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