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Friday 25 August 2017

Has Trump lost the plot?

(FILES) This file photo taken on August 12, 2017 shows US President Donald Trump speaking to the press about protests in Charlottesville at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. PHOTO: JIM WATSON / AFP
President Donald Trump appears to have lost the plot after less than a year into the job which Obama and many observers, including members in his own party had predicted.  This was clearly evident on Tuesday, August 15 at a press conference which was supposed to be on infrastructure but quickly descended into a typical brawl with the media on the Charlottesville clash between KKK, neo-Nazis and White supremacists on one side and protesters against that group.
Trump reverted to type, equally blamed both groups to the consternation of politicians from both major parties and even the two former Bush (Republican) presidents.  This event followed a tumultuous month including bellicose rhetoric on North Korea, fights with the Republican Senate majority leader regarding the failure of that body to pass a bill on healthcare, denigration of his Justice Secretary, the dismissal of key aides and the continuing Russian election investigation.

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