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Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts

Sunday 24 December 2017

Five Creative Ways To Eat Raw Garlic

Garlic is one of the most common and effective ways to deal with minor health issues and infections that tend to affect everyday life. It also happens to be one of the food items that people run away from the most primarily because of the way it smells.

Photo Credit: Youtube
Here are some interesting ways to consume garlic that could help make the experience a little more bearable.

1. Honey Shot

Simply take a spoonful of honey, sprinkle some shredded garlic on the top and swallow it all at once. The honey will help with smell and taste while making it easier to ingest and swallow.

2.   Toast

Mix some shredded cloves of garlic with some butter and spread it on your bread toast. You would hardly notice it when you take a bite.

3.  Sandwich

This applies almost the same principle as the toast but instead, you shred the garlic as a part of whatever the content of your sandwich is. The garlic will blend in nicely with all the other flavours and will be almost non-existent when you taste it.

4.  Dip-In-Sauce

Similar to the honey shot, simply take a piece of the shredded garlic clove and dip it in mayonnaise or tomato ketchup. It will help mask the taste and smell of the garlic for easier consumption.

5. Bottoms Up

This is perhaps the crudest method on the list but it’s still quite effective. Simply swallow shredded pieces of a garlic like a pill and help it down with a cup of water.
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Interesting Benefits Of Soy Milk For The Ageing

It is often said that the body is the most complex machine ever created and like all machines after a period of time, it requires special maintenance to help it function at optimum capacity.

Photo Credit: Youtube
Soy milk is one of the most popular alternatives to dairy milk in the w0rld today. With its high protein and fibre content, it’s not surprising that many health experts recommend it to people.
The interesting thing is that even with all it’s obvious health benefits, a lot of people haven’t warmed up to Soy Milk as an active part of their diet. This might be because soy milk is made from soaking, grinding and boiling soybeans in water and truth be told, it just doesn’t taste like milk.
Here are some specific benefits that just might make soy milk a more favourable choice for a healthier post-retirement life.
  • Healthy Heart

Soy milk helps with the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. It is low in calories and total fat and very high in protein levels which is a contrast to dairy milk. Also, soy milk has more unsaturated fats than saturated fats and this helps blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Antioxidants

Soy milk contains soy isoflavones which have high antioxidants. Studies have shown that these antioxidants can help to reduce oxidative stress, cell damage and liver damages caused by oxidative stress. Further studies have shown that it may help reduce menopausal symptoms in women.
Photo Credit: kvalifood
  • Weight Loss

Soy milk also helps to control obesity and helps with weight loss especially in men and postmenopausal women. It has a lower sugar content compared to regular milk, and the monounsaturated fatty acids in soy milk stop the intestinal absorption of fat which is good for weight loss.
  • Cancer Prevention

Research has also shown that intake of soy milk could help reduce serum estrogen levels which closely linked to the development of breast cancer. Post-menopausal women stand a higher risk of breast cancer and soy milk can be a good source of estrogen replacement. The isoflavones in soy milk also contribute immensely to the elimination of free radicals that could cause prostate cancer in men.
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Tuesday 19 December 2017

Exercise for a Healthy Heart

Image result for heartYour heart is a muscle, and it gets stronger and healthier if you lead an active life. It's never too late to start exercising, and you don't have to be an athlete. Even taking a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference.
Once you get going, you'll find it pays off. People who don't exercise are almost twice as likely to get heart disease as people who are active.
Regular exercise can help you:
Ready to get started?

How to Start Exercising

First, think about what you'd like to do and how fit you are.
What sounds like fun? Would you rather work out on your own, with a trainer, or in a class? Do you want to exercise at home or at a gym?If you want to do something that's harder than what you can do right now, no problem. You can set a goal and build up to it.
For example, if you want to run, you might start by walking and then add bursts of jogging into your walks. Gradually start running for longer than you walk.
Don't forget to check in with your doctor. He'll make sure you're ready for whatever activity you have in mind and let you know about any limits on what you can do.

Types of Exercise

Your exercise plan should include:
Aerobic exercise ("cardio"): Running, jogging, and biking are some examples. You're moving fast enough to raise your heart rate and breathe harder, but you should still be able to talk to someone while you're doing it. Otherwise, you are pushing too hard. If you have joint problems, choose a low-impact activity, like swimming or walking.
Stretching: You'll become more flexible if you do this a couple of times a week. Stretch after you've warmed up or finished exercising. Stretch gently -- it shouldn't hurt.
Strength trainingYou can use weights, resistance bands, or your own body weight (yoga, for instance) for this. Do it 2-3 times a week. Let your muscles recover for a day between sessions.

How Much Should You Exercise and How Often?

Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity (such as brisk waking). That amounts to about 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. If you're just getting started, you can slowly build up to that.
In time, you can make your workouts longer or more challenging. Do that gradually, so your body can adjust.
When you work out, keep your pace low for a few minutes at the start and end of your workout. That way, you warm up and cool down each time.
You don't have to do the same exact thing every time. It's more fun if you change it up.

Exercise Precautions

You'll probably be able to exercise with no problem if your doctor says you can and if you pay attention to how you're feeling while you're working out.
Stop and get immediate medical help if you have pain or pressure in your chest or the upper part of your body, break out in a cold sweat, have trouble breathing, have a very fast or uneven heart rate, or feel dizzy, lightheaded, or very tired.
It's normal for your muscles to be mildly sore for a day or two after your workout when you're new to exercise. That fades as your body gets used to it. Soon, you might be surprised to find that you like how you feel when you're done.
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Sunday 17 December 2017

Keto diet burns ten times more fat than normal diet

The Keto diet burns ten times more fat than a standard diet – even without exercise, research suggests.
Researchers studied people who have type 2 diabetes or were at risk of developing it.
They found that that those following the low-carb plan advocated by the diet saw the most health benefits compared to those on a typical diet, whether the latter carried out physical activity or not.
The findings were published in the journal Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.
Researchers from Bethel University in Minnesota, United States (U.S.), studied 30 women and men between the ages of 18 and 65. All had previously been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, or type 2 diabetes.
Metabolic syndrome is the medical term for a cluster of conditions – increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels – that occur together, increasing your risk the heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Their BMI was greater than or equal to 25 (or waist circumference above 37 for men and 31.5 for women) and body fat percentage above 30 percent.
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Masturbation Effects on Your Health: Side Effects and Benefits

Image result for masturbationMasturbation is a common activity. It’s a natural and safe way to explore your body, feel pleasure, and release built-up sexual tension. It occurs among people of all backgrounds, genders, and races.
Despite the myths, there are actually no physically harmful side effects of masturbation. However, excessive masturbation can negatively impact your relationships and everyday life. Other than that, masturbation is a fun, normal, and healthy act.
Keep reading to learn more about the side effects and potential health benefits of masturbation.

Side effects of masturbation

Masturbation doesn’t have any harmful side effects, though some people may feel guilty about masturbating or have issues with chronic masturbation.

Masturbation and guilt

Some people may feel guilty about masturbating because of cultural, spiritual, or religious beliefs. Masturbation is neither wrong nor immoral, but you may still hear messages that self-pleasure is “dirty” and “shameful.” If you feel guilty over masturbating, speak with someone you trust about why you feel this way and how you can move past that guilt. There are also therapists that specialize in sexual health and may be a good resource.

Addiction to masturbation

Some people can and do become addicted to masturbating. You may be spending too much time masturbating if masturbation causes you to:
  • skip your chores or daily activities
  • miss work or school
  • cancel plans with friends or family
  • miss important social events
Being addicted to masturbation can have a negative impact on your relationships and other parts of your life. Masturbating too much may interrupt your work or studies, which can lower productivity. It may also hurt your relationships and friendships because you don’t spend as much time with your loved ones as you used to, or don’t pay attention to their needs.
If you’re worried you may be addicted to masturbation, speak with your doctor or a counselor about ways to cut down on masturbating. Talk therapy can help you manage your addiction. You could also cut down by replacing masturbation with other activities. Next time you have an urge to masturbate, try:
  • going for a run
  • writing in a journal
  • spending time with friends
  • going for a walk

Does masturbation cause a decrease in sexual sensitivity?

For women who have sexual dysfunction, enhanced stimulation, including masturbation, can help increase sexual desire and sensitivity. In fact, two 2009 studies found that vibrator use among women and men has been linked to an increase in desire, arousal, and overall sexual function. Women also reported an increase in lubrication, while men reported better erectile function, according to the studies.
Masturbation can affect sensitivity during sex for men because of their technique. Research has shown that too tight of a grip on a penis during masturbation can decrease sensation. Sexual health experts recommend changing your technique during masturbation to restore sensitivity levels during sex.

Benefits of masturbation

Masturbation is a healthy sexual activity that has many benefits for your physical and mental health. There are limited studies on the benefits of masturbation, but studies on sexual intercourse and anecdotal reports suggest that sexual stimulation, including stimulation through masturbation, may help you:
  • relieve built-up stress
  • sleep better
  • boost your mood
  • relax
  • feel pleasure
  • relieve cramps
  • release sexual tension
  • have better sex
  • better understand your wants and needs
Couples may also mutually masturbate to explore different desires, as well as avoid pregnancy. Self-pleasuring also helps you prevent sexually transmitted infection.

Masturbation and prostate cancer

Some research suggests that regular ejaculation may lower your risk for prostate cancer, though doctors aren’t exactly sure why. A 2015 study found the risk of prostate cancer decreased by about 20 percent in men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month. An Australian study published in 2003 also discovered a similar link between frequent ejaculation and lower prostate cancer risk. There is no evidence, though, that ejaculating regularly protects against advanced prostate cancer.

Masturbation during pregnancy

Hormone changes during pregnancy cause some pregnant women to feel heightened sexual desire. Masturbation is a safe way to release sexual tension during pregnancy. Self-pleasure may also help ease pregnancy symptoms such as lower back pain. You may feel mild, irregular cramping, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, during and after orgasm. They should fade away. If the contractions don’t disappear and become more painful and frequent, contact your doctor right away.
Masturbation may not be safe for women with high-risk pregnancies because orgasm can increase your chances of labor.


Masturbation is a healthy, natural, and safe way to practice self-love and improve your health. Masturbating may have many benefits for your mind and body. Despite the possibility of addiction, there are no harmful side effects. You should feel free to enjoy self-pleasure without guilt or shame. Speak with a therapist or someone you trust about any negative feelings you have.
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Saturday 16 December 2017

Foods for a longer and stronger erection

Admit it or not, when it comes to our sex life, we all want it exciting, sometimes wild and most of all, something that lasts longer. Unfortunately, stress and everyday chores have impacted our sexual desires the most, causing various issues, one of which is erectile dysfunction. And believe it, men cannot go soft when it is about satisfying your partner!

You may be surprised to know that there are certain foods that help you in getting a longer and stronger erection. We have mentioned a list of certain foods that help in maintaining erection for a longer duration!

Watermelon, papayas and bananas: Enriched with potassium, watermelons, papayas and bananas help in smooth blood flow by dilating arterioles. This, in turn helps in improved erection.

Porridge: This not-so-tasty food is loaded with soluble fibre which keeps a check on cholesterol level and helps your blood vessels to function smoothly.

Salmon: Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids which makes the blood less sticky and enhances your blood flow to all the body parts. You can also go for mackerel, trout and fresh tuna. Eating them at least twice a week is good for your overall health.

Nuts, milk and cheese: These foods contain zinc and are great for male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is required for a longer and stronger erection. Hence, eat these foods daily.

Garlic and onion: Onions and garlic contain allicin, which helps in increased blood flow. Increased blood flow means better and improved erection.

Dark chocolates: Another great food for harder erection is dark chocolate. Dark chocolates contain flavonoids, which also help in increased blood flow.

Cherries: This tiny little fruit, if eaten regularly, is effective in promoting health as it fights against free radicals and improves blood circulation. Cherries are packed with anthocyanins, which protect your artery walls too. Berries, peaches, nectarines and plums help in keeping your arteries

Walnuts: Loaded with Omega 6 fatty acids and arginine, walnuts help in the production of nitric oxide. They relax arterioles and increase the blood flow.

It should be noted that there are cases where diabetes leads to erectile dysfunction. A person suffering from diabetes must keep his blood sugar levels in check. Maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle to get rid of diseases. Health experts also suggest that men who suffer from erectile dysfunction should avoid high-salt diet!
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Everyday Foods You Didn’t Know Could Give Prostate Cancer

Generally speaking, nobody likes to be told what to eat or what not to eat, especially when it’s their favourite meal in question.

Prostate cancer is one of the biggest threats to a man’s health and, as much it might hurt, there are some foods that contribute to this dreaded disease that need to be reduced in a man’s diet.

Red Meat Or Processed Meat

Red Meat. Photo credit: comercarne.com
This is indeed a tough one. A high consumption of red meat or processed meat could increase the chances of prostate cancer, especially when the meat is well cooked. This is because of the presence of Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) which are carcinogens found in cooked meat. These HCAs are responsible for a number of cancers and are largely associated with prostate cancer.
Meats like beef, pork, hot dogs, suya and sausages fall under the category and their consumption should be reduced. Lean poultry (chicken or turkey) or fish are a good replacement for red meats.


Dairy products. cheese, milk, sour cream. Photo credit: holisticwellness.ca
A large intake of dairy products could also greatly increase the risk of prostate cancer. This is because taking milk and other dairy products in large quantities can increase cell proliferation in the prostate, which can eventually lead to cancer.
Whole milk, full-fat cheeses, yoghurts and butter are all included in this list. They can be replaced by their low-fat or nonfat versions for healthier living.

Baked Goods

Baked Goods. Photo credit: Ingredients Network
This is also very difficult to avoid but it’s absolutely necessary to cut down the intake of baked goods to prevent prostate cancer. Baked goods have a high concentration of saturated fats which could cause a number of health complications including prostate cancer if taken in large proportions.
The watchword for this list is ‘moderation’. If you cannot avoid them all together, taking these foods in small, regulated portions is the safest bet for any man who wants to live a healthy long life.
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Five Causes Of Anxiety You Might Not Know About

Anxiety is a common disorder in this day and age that a number of people can relate to. Health practitioners around the world have dedicated their time and lives to extensive research on anxiety and panic attacks. Although there is no known cure, they have been able to come up with methods to help reduce the occurrence of anxiety and panic attacks by identifying things that could trigger them.

Listed below are some of those triggers.

1. Sugar

A Wooden Spoon Full Of Sugar Photo Credit: AgroNigeria
Sugar is a double-edged sword when it comes to anxiety. Although it doesn’t cause anxiety it could trigger anxiety if you’re already prone to it. When your sugar levels swing either too low or too high, there is a tendency that you will experience anxiety. As a cautionary measure, be sure to eat wholesome foods and maintain a balanced diet at all times.

2. Caffeine

Coffee and Coffee Beans Photo Credit: Health Magazine
Caffeine is a stimulant commonly found in coffee, tea or coke that generally helps to keep people active and agile. However, people react to coffee very differently and this mostly due to a gene called CYP1A2. If a person’s body has a fast metabolizing CYP1A2 then caffeine will have positive effects however a low metabolizing variant of the gene can cause anxiety.

3. Alcohol

A Gin Tonic Glass In A Bar Photo Credit: Health Magazine
Most people think alcohol helps alleviate anxiety but it actually has the opposite effect. Studies have shown that excessive alcohol intake could induce anxiety over time. Alcohol also affects serotonin levels in the brain which helps to regulate moods.

4. Deficiency In Nutrients

Fruits And Vegetables Photo Credit: Burn It Off By Chrissy
The body functions like one complex machine and most times we never know how connected the different systems really are. Studies have shown that a deficiency in magnesium or Vitamin D could make people more prone to anxiety disorder.

5. Food Sensitivities

Seafood Chowder Photo Credit: Fish Tales
Food sensitivities are tricky because they vary from person to person. Reviews published in various medical journals have shown that people who are sensitive to certain foods might be prone to anxiety when they eat them. It’s best to identify these foods and avoid them as much as possible.
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Saturday 9 December 2017

Seven Healthy Foods Beneficial To Men

Do men need to eat differently? Not necessarily.

However, to live a healthy and fulfilling life, because of the differences between the male and female metabolism, there are some foods that contain unique properties that beneficial to men.
Let’s take a look at some of them, shall we?

1. Cherries

Cherries Credit: The Splendid Table
It’s difficult to drive around Lagos without seeing people selling cherries.
Cherries are a perfect blend of sweet and healthy. This is because they contain chemicals called anthocyanins which help prevent inflammation. They also reduce the risk of gout which according to statistics, is more present in men than women.

2. Fish With Omega-3

Sardines Credit: Home Remedy And Natural Cures
Omega-3 is a fatty acid found in certain types of fish. Sardines, Mackerel and Salmon are examples of fish with a high Omega-3 content.
Omega-3 helps lower the risk of heart diseases and although it can be found in other places, fishes are the safest source for men. This is because some of the plant-based sources have been associated with prostate cancer in some studies.

3. Ginger

Ginger  Credit: Jam Beverage Company
For a very long time, I was not a fan of ginger but I had to learn to embrace it. Ginger has a wide range of benefits, ranging from the relaxation of sore muscles to being a powerful antioxidant. There is also an ongoing study that may make ginger a potential tool against prostate cancer.

4. Ofada Rice

Ofada Rice Grains Credit: Guardian Nigeria
Also popularly known a ‘brown rice’, ofada rice has become a compulsory delicacy at almost every major social event in Nigeria today. However, there are some people who do not like ofada rice for various reasons like looks or smell.
Studies show that ofada rice is healthier than white rice because unlike the latter, it’s not intensely processed. This means that it retains most of its nutrients making it rich in fibre, proteins and essential minerals.

5. Green Leafy Vegetables

Spinach Leaves Credit: commons.wikimedia.org
You were probably waiting for this to make the list and you’re absolutely correct. Green leafy vegetables are highly beneficial to men and women alike containing high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin. These are antioxidants associated with eyesight and better vision.
Water Leaves, Scent Leaves (locally called ‘efirin’) and Spinach (locally called ‘efo amunututu’) are good examples of these.

6. Avocados

Pile Of Green Avocados. Credit: Food & Wine Magazine
Avocados are high in fat– have no fear, it’s the healthy kind. Avocados help increase good cholesterols and reduce bad cholesterols. They are highly nutritious with a high potassium, fibre content and antioxidants that help reduce cell damage.
In addition, it has gained quite a reputation over the years as a good aphrodisiac which is a win for everyone.

7. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate Credit: Men’s Fitness
Dark Chocolate, just like cherries strikes a balance between sweet and healthy. It’s particularly useful for reducing blood pressure and increasing blood circulation.
You should note however that dark chocolate is still chocolate and not a replacement for other healthy foods. It should be consumed in moderation.
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