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Tuesday 19 June 2018

Oh No! This Girl Just Messed My Life Up, I Need Advice

Dear Leadfortressers, Please read and attend to this carefully,

We both met each other last year during admission struggle. Eventually we both were admitted into the same institution and I now had to use that opportunity to build a career relationship with her as we both have four years ahead to round up our goals.

She knows I’m not working, I’m just a student. I explained to her that our friendship may not be adventurous and lively but definitely after graduation and we get a good job we’ll both be smiling at the end and I’ll get her whatever she needs.

She accepted the relationship and we got started. But what baffles me is that whenever we plan on seeing, she’ll set the rendezvous at costly and class places like Matt Ice, chicken Republic,Nadia Bakery and glittering places so at the end my pockets are being drained.

First day I took her to chicken Republic and she ordered for fry rice and chicken with salad and Hollandia juice and I spent more than 3k.

The second time we met she took me to Matt Ice and ordered for an ice cream and I spent 2k. We’ve met for about 5 times and I must confess I’ve spent a lot.

The last time we met I took her to the school’s environs and she knowing quite too well that I won’t buy her a dime, she feigned as though she’ll collapse and lied to me that she has ulcer, she started crying and I wasn’t with cash on me so I feared and Went to the bank and withdrew 2k.

Took her to buka but she said she doesn’t eat at restaurant before I knew it i saw myself at matt ice again and she ordered for fry rice and chicken again.

Mehn I knew this girl wants to shatter my destiny. Na so I kukuma run after sorting the bills. Now I’m broke, no cash to sort myself in school, no money to get materials and handouts cos that girl drained me. Now I’ve invited her over to my apartment but she refused and said she doesn’t visit guys.

My friends have invited her to a night party and she has agreed and we plan on fuccking her style up. What’s your advise guys?

Should I just forget about her or I should go ahead and mess her up?

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