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Saturday 19 May 2018

Ways To Be The Man Who Loves Her Right

A relationship is a two-way street. Everywhere we turn, there are tons of advice for women on how to keep their man happy and satisfied. This is great, but what about the men? Who is providing them with advice on making the woman they love happy and keeping her satisfied?
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You say she’s the wind beneath your sails, the delight of your eyes and the still waters by which you lay down. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Don’t believe the lie that it’s impossible to know what women want. You can make her happy and treat her like the queen that she is.

Here are a couple of tips to please the woman in your life as well as make sure she keeps falling head over heels for you.

Love her in the way she wants to be loved
Start by asking questions and taking notes. If she loves to hear you say how much you love her, then doing things for her without verbally expressing your love won’t cut it. If she loves having you around and basking in your company, buying her gifts won’t fill her love tank. So it’s not enough to express love; make sure the love you’re giving is actually touching the right spots.

Respect her
We’re often told that what men need the most is respect and what women need the most is love. Does this mean that men don’t need to love and women don’t need to respect? Certainly not! Mutual respect is as essential to a healthy relationship as passion is, and should be preserved.

Take care of yourself
In the beginning, when you were trying to win her, you always took the time to look sharp and smell good. There’s no reason to stop now or let yourself go. Every woman appreciates a man who takes care of his body. So, eat right, exercise and keep looking like the hunk she fell in love with.

Never forget that conversation is key
Recall all those long hours spent talking on the phone and chatting online? That was a major part of your bond, so don’t get careless and forget to connect with her. It’s also important that you listen to her. When you pay attention and are always up to date with the happenings in her life, you will be her “go to person” when she wants to talk.

Keep things spicy
If you want to enjoy the best of your woman and keep her hooked, never let your relationship grow boring. Send her those sweet, hot text messages that instantly have her melting for you. Find out what excites and fulfils her. Learn to put her pleasure before yours. Express yourself and allow her to do the same. Let her know she can be comfortable with you and you’ll be surprised at how your intimacy will sizzle.

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