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Sunday 13 May 2018

How Sexual Immoralities Actually Kills People

By Sunday Akanni Moshood
Image result for sexual immorality
After writing on 'How Sexual Immoralities Actually Kills People', some youngsters grumbled on how tough it is to live a life of sexual chastity, and they demanded for 'alternatives' to fill 'the vacuum'.

Immediately, the Lord begin giving me ideas. My attention was particularly drawn to an eminent figure in the Bible: King David. The only sexual sin recorded against king David in the Bible was the one committed with Bathsheba (Uriah's wife).

Now, let's look at it this way. Before the day David indulged in the sexual immoral act with Bathsheba, what were the things he had occupied himself with that had prevented him from committing sexual sins against God in previous times?

Those are the things we want to learn from. And by the Grace of God, we will approach them from these two broad headings:

1. David - A Man Of War:

David was automatically enlisted into Israel's army immediately he killed Goliath of the Philistines. He officially became a man of war when he killed that giant at a tender age that is below 20. And ever since then, he had occupied himself with wars. He was fighting various wars with the enemies of God, that he had no time to commit sexual sins.

However, in 2 Samuel 11, we discovered a major factor that pushed him into the sin of sexual immorality. HE IGNORED THAT WHICH HAD GOT HIM OCCUPIED ALL THESE WHILE.

Today, you can also get occupied with wars. However, these aren't physical wars, but are now on a spiritual level. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand." Ephesians 6: 12, 13

Today, irrespective of your age, you can become a man/woman of war by joining God's Army. How can you be enlisted and become part of the Army of God? Simply accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life and forsake your sins. Then you become a True Warrior of Christ when you continue in righteousness and holiness.

Here is the beauty of everything. Irrespective of how strong your sexual hormones are, when you keep occupying yourself with spiritual activities required of a Warrior of Christ, you will have dominion over your flesh!

Make it a regular habit to indulge in spiritual exercises like praying, fasting, studying the Word of God (the Bible), evangelism, and see how your life would change for good.

2. David - A Man Occupied With Skills, Talents And Purposes

Before David became the king of Israel, he was a shepherd of sheep. Why was no sexual sin recorded against him at that point in time? Simply because, he was busy with his 'sheep shepherding skills'. Additionally, he was a musician who is always busy utilising his talents for the Glory of God.

How then can he have the time to spare for some nasty disgusting sexual immoral acts? You can learn from David. Here are some things you should note:

- David has a talent in music (natural endowment) and he also acquired a skill (shepherding) - all kept him busy.

- You also have your talents. Discover them and get busy utilising them for the Glory of God.

- If you claimed you don't have a talent (or having difficulties discovering them), you can learn various skills that can keep you busy.

- David's shepherding skill was fetching him and his family some money. You should also focus on productive activities that adds positive values to your life, and not sin that can kill you.

- David was in places that were building him up for greatness. You too should get busy attending positive seminars, workshops, leadership submits and conferences that will make you a better person in the society. Keep your mind off sex if you are not yet married, it's not for you!

In conclusion, I want to confidently tell you that it is 100% possible to live a sexually chaste lifestyle for the Glory of God, and it is not something too difficult to achieve (I'm a living testimony)

Just ensure you walk faithfully with God, associate yourself with godly people of like-minds, avoid things and places that can make you commit sexual sins, and you will be fine. God bless everyone of us in JESUS NAME. AMEN

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