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Sunday 25 February 2018

Five Ancient Architectural that will make you Marvels

The existence of magnificent monuments like the Burj Khalifa is proof of mankind’s creative ingenuity. These monuments are proof that man’s creativity can be traced to the very beginning of human civilisation.

Derinkuyu’s Ancient Underground City
Derinkuyu cave underground city, Cappadocia , Turkey .Travel background
Discovered in the 1960’s in Turkey when a modern house above ground was being renovated, this city was constructed over 2,800 years ago. The phenomenal structure consists of chambers capable of housing 20,000 people. It is the largest of underground complexes built in the eighth century B.C.
The city had a depth of 18 stories underground with rooms for stables, churches, lodging, storage and of course a winery, lest citizens got bored.
Hypogeum of Hal-Saflieni
Photo: Projet Avalon
This prehistoric, three-level underground complex was made entirely out of megalithic stones. It was discovered on the island of Malta in 1902. Male voices between 95 to 120 hertz can reverberate throughout the structure from a spot; it has no effect when women spoke. Also, if a man chants at roughly the 110-hertz frequency, the complex turns into a trance-inducing room that can stimulate the creative centre of the human brain.
The Ancient Marib Dam
Photo credit: Mikakuplanet
In 750 B.C, the Sabaen Empire built a dam to subjugate the Yemen country because of their poor water supply. Regarded as one of the greatest feats of engineering of the prehistoric age, the dam was constructed before the existence of concrete. The Marib Dam stood for over 1,000 years, putting modern dams, which typically last between 50 and 100 years, to shame.
Photo credit: UFO – Contact News
Pumapunku, an ancient city built by the Tiwanaku people of ancient Bolivia, is known for its precise stonework. It utilised hundreds of large, identical building blocks to create an edifice so precise, it seemed like they were made out of LEGOs. The largest of these stones is 25 feet long and 17 feet wide and is estimated to weigh about 130 tons. Fascinatingly, the Tiwanaku were able to achieve this with mere chisels and rulers.
Gobekli Tepe
Photo credit: Sci-News
Dating to around 9000 B.C., Gobekli Tepe is considered to be the oldest human construction. Word has it that the structure predates agriculture. Although conventional knowledge suggests that humans didn’t start building until we learnt how to farm. Found in the 1960’s by surveyors in Turkey, the ancient buried complex is made up of huge stone pillars arranged in a circle, some standing over 30 feet tall.  Archaeologists conclude that, due to the number of bones found on the site, the Gobekli Tape was used for religious purposes.