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Monday 15 January 2018


              "What you are emotionally is what you are'' may be too strong a statement to be true,but it's close . We are all such emotional creatures that our emotions can influence every area of lives - for good or bad. I have noticed that whenever our emotions conflict for a length of time with any other area of our being, they eventually triumph.
         Consider the power of emotion to influence the other three most important area of life ---mind, will, and body. No matter how intelligent a person is, when he get emotionally upset he cannot think in an orderly manner. Emotions can disrupt his concentration and stifle his creativity.some people's mind  are totally dominated by their emotions.
           Everyone has had the experience of letting their emotions impair  their judgment.  How often have you asked, "why did i buy house, car, dress e.t.c?'' you know better, but you did it in anyway. you made an emotional decision. I wish i had a money for all my people that asked, ''Why did i marry her? We have nothing in common .'' Now can see why i said all  emotionally made decisions are bad decisions. The good life is one in which your mind controls your emotions, never  vice versa.
             The same, however, is true of your will.i don't care how strong-willed you are, if conflicts between your will and your emotions lasts long enough, you emotions will win. That's why the BIBLE tells us to ''flee youthful lusts'' and sins. our emotions are particularly powerful between the ages of fourteen and twenty-four. that is why the devil uses society, education,drugs, friends and amusements on our young people during those years. He knows how vulnerable they are to making bad life-time decisions when they are most emotionally combustible.
               Physically it is the same.doctors tell us that 65-80 percent of all illnesses are emotionally induced. what do they mean by that? very simply, most people in our country ruin and break down their health long before necessary by indulging bad emotions for long period of time. Good emotions seem to have a healthful effects on; bad emotions destroy us. The BIBLE says, ''A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the  bones [ prov.17: 22,NIV].
          Throughout the BIBLE there are literally hundreds of illustrations of the harmful effects of fear and anger. And there are hundreds of biblical admonitions to ''fear not'' '' let not your heart be troubled'' and '' cease from anger''. God knew that fear and anger feed on all mankind, working relentlessly toward our destruction or limiting our potential. Additionally, the BIBLE offers many antidotes to those two emotional cripplers.

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