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Monday 29 January 2018

Guys!! Here is How to chat with a girl you like

It can be quite daunting to start chatting with a girl you like, especially if you are shy or not very good at starting conversations. If you find it difficult, and you don’t know how to start a conversation with a girl, then our tips and advice below are for you.
How to chat with a girl

How to talk to girls? Main rules

  • Feel comfortable.You should have something that will interest her. You do not have to be a genius to find topics for conversation, but you should have hobbies and interests. A person who can support a natural conversation about some interesting topic is much more interesting than the one who armed himself with pre-written tips and a fragile hope for a date;
  • Make a list. Write out everything you are interested in. Pay more attention to details. For example, instead of “music” write as “playing the classical guitar, visiting concerts, collecting old rare albums”;
  • Make a note in your mind about your opinion on each topic. This will help you to know yourself better. When you talk about any topic you are interested in, you can confidently talk and explain why you are interested in this, it will make you an interesting interlocutor;
  • Practice in conversation or you can never speak well. The simplest thing you can do to improve your comfort level is to talk. This will help you to understand better how to talk at all, and you will feel less shy. Talk more with the girls. It does not matter if you talk about work, school or anything else. This will teach you that there is nothing to fear in conversation with a girl.
chat with a girl you like

Start this practice with familiar girls, for example, with employees. Be friendly with colleagues at work or school mates.
  • Always be ready. If you want to make a good impression on a girl, you at least need to control your behavior and hygiene. Always dress as best as possible, wear only clean clothes. Behave properly. Be kind,
  • Think up your approach. Whenever you see a good opportunity to talk with a pretty girl you like, even for a minute, come up and do it. Attract her attention, do not wait for her to come to you;
  • Be positive. Smile and do not be afraid to look at her while she is speaking;
  • Take the initiative. If there is a pause, but everything is going well, tell her about the last event in your life that relates to your personal interests;
  • At the stage of conversation you should be comfortable and be sure that you are an interesting conversationalist, and you have something to say about any topic. This is your chance to impress her with the skills you have developed;
  • If your question is how to chat with a girl you just met? – All the mentioned tips are also relevant, just use them.

How to chat with a girl online?

How to start a conversation with a girl online? This is another frequently asked question. Let’s try to figure it out.

1. Start successfully:

  • Be original. Send her such kind of messages, she will never get from the other guy.
  • Do not just say “hello” or send her a strange smile, think of a way to make her smile.
  • Enchant her with your wit. Make a witty remark, make her laugh. Show her that you can be smart, even in the message.
  • Tell her something new. If you’ve just heard the great news that could surprise her, share your knowledge.
image: https://madailygist.ng/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/vllkyt6qgcsg0cfu6.bc3b3f42.jpg
chat with a girl you like

2. Ask a good questions:

  • It is better to start with a question so that the girl understands that you are waiting for an answer.
  • Do not make her spend the evening thinking about what she should say. Make sure that your question can be easily answered.
  • Do not complicate things.

3. Avoid mistakes

The next answer to the question how to chat with a girl, is – avoid mistakes. This may seem silly, but you need to check the spelling of words and punctuation before sending a message.

4. Do not try too hard

Remember that you need to be yourself and not to do anything weird. Relax, do not send long unnecessary messages.

5. Hold her attention

6. Find common interests:

  • Mention something that you are passionate about.
  • Find out what she likes and talk about about it, you do not have to pretend that you like the things she likes. Allow her to tell you about the things she likes and enjoys, listen to her and be pleasant.

7. Flirt:

  • Flirting with a girl will tell her that you like her. At the right time, show her your cheerful side – make a foolish comment. Nobody likes guys who take themselves too seriously;
  • Do not be afraid to insert emojis. Do not use them too often.

8. Show that you think about her and want to get to know her more:

  • Ask her questions about herself, the questions should not be too personal, but ask what she is doing or what she likes to do on the weekends;
  • Show her that you remember your common conversations.

How to start chat with a girl?

1. Do not write messages constantly and do not expect that she will respond immediately. Remember that she has other friends;
2. If the girl does not answer you right away, be patient. Do not ask her why is she so busy;
image: https://madailygist.ng/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/vllkyt6bluniodh7j.599b2080.jpg
a girl you like

3. Pay attention to how long your conversations last. If the chats last for hours, she likes you;
4. Do not write a lot often or respond immediately to her message.

How to chat with a girl on phone?

  • Choose the right time and place for the call. Determine the time when your favorite girl will be free. Do not put her in an uncomfortable position and do not force her to choose between a conversation with you or with friends or family;
  • Call her from a quiet secluded place. The girl will be more open and honest with you if she knows that no one hears the conversation;
  • Give her all your attention. She gives you her time, and you should do the same. Let her know that talking to her is the most important thing for you;
image: https://madailygist.ng/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/vllkyt34ul0dn6hbg.e54981b2.jpg
a girl you like

  • Be emotional. Do not be shy to show your emotions, but do not forget to control them.
  • A casual conversation is suitable. A casual conversation creates a sense of connectedness because people can learn a lot about each other.
These are simple tips that can help you to feel free. We hope that they will be useful for you. So do not waste time, go talk to a girl and apply these tips.

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