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Wednesday 8 November 2017


I presume there are a number of us today going through some difficult times. We are probably overwhelmed and perplexed by situations and circumstances that tend to stress us, bother us and constrain us. We are facing situations we lack the capacity and ability to easily surmount, hence the worries, anxiety and tension.
Some of us are facing financial difficulties, relationship difficulties, marital difficulties, academic difficulties, business, career, family and even health challenges. We have done all we can but it appears the problems wouldn’t just go away.
We look around us and see no solution or even hope in sight. All we’ve tried to do to overcome appears to be failing, helpers we assumed would show up and help us have all disappointed us. We are perhaps right now at that point of giving up and believing except God helps us.
Of course nobody wants to be stressed up in life. We want a peaceful, enjoyable and perpetually comfortable life. A peaceful home, a happy marriage, a rewarding career, a profitable business, sound health, great kids and of course, a lot of money. When any of these areas come under pressure or attack, we become worried and uncomfortable, this is because hardship and difficulties come with a lot of pain. This pain can either be physical, emotional or psychological. Difficulties and troubles come with pain, that’s basically why we don’t want difficulties in our lives.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you know pain, as a by-product of difficulty, is present and active in this world because it is very essential for the growth, advancement and development of humanity?
Intense discomfort is the trigger for creativity. As mankind, we are creative agents by nature, that’s what makes us superior to other creatures. We can create and build, other creatures cannot. The best of any other creature is mild intelligence, not creativity. Creative tendencies is the exclusive of human beings.
The commercial aspect of our world system is also predicated on our ability to create solutions to avert difficulties and pain. We are to create solutions to different human discomfort and challenges and in exchange earn rewards. When you’re able to create a solution to a human problem, a system problem or an earth challenge, humanity is bound to reward you for the solution you’ve birthed and that’s how you earn your living in life.                                                                         
Ladies and gentlemen, the world we live in is purely and essentially about problems and man’s creative ability to solve these problems. The nature of this world has difficulties inherent within its system. Wishing away problems from this world is tantamount to wishing away the world itself, it is impossible. A trouble free world questions the need for mankind’s existence and ruler-ship. Without trouble, potential problems and managerial requirement, mankind would have no major purpose or relevance here on earth.
The purpose of humanity today is to manage, improve and advance the world and its subsystems. Your purpose as an individual is to contribute your quota in solving or growing an area or aspect of the world’s sub system and get rewarded for it.
Without problems there would be no need for solutions, without the need for solutions, enterprises and companies wouldn’t exist, without businesses, there would be no employment, without employment, there would be no orderly means of making a living, without order, mankind will subsequently have to fight and survive like mere beasts in the jungle.
As mankind, we are naturally laid back. We would rather just be without any thinking or labour. We love comfort, we love pleasure, we love to relax and our inertia is a natural disposition.
The pain that comes with trouble and difficulties however, forces us out of this state of being and triggers our creativity, intelligence, diligence, hard work and persistence until solution is created. When you sell these solutions you earn money to address most of your difficulties. Pain pushes us to birth creativity and inventions for commercial purposes.
Ladies and gentlemen, every problem in this life has a solution, if there is no solution, it is not categorised as a problem; it is called nature. 24 hours a day is not a problem because we can’t do anything to increase or reduce it, hence we accept it. Anything you can do nothing about is not a problem.
If you really want to rise up to your stature and place as a real human – a real man or a real woman, you can’t bow or submit to the difficulties in this life. It is time to start creating and commercialising solutions to our various difficulties in life.
Difficulties come to grow you, make you reason, make you work hard, make you think deep, make you learn more, make you creative and make you productive. To bow to any difficulty is to give up on your growth, creativity, relevance and opportunity to create wealth in this life. Without difficulties there can’t be solutions to sell and make money. Challenges or battles of life are business opportunities. If you really want a life of great wealth, glory and greatness, the secret is in the number of troubles you’re able to create solutions for, not in ease, bliss and comfort.
See every trouble as an advantage to birth your own business. Turn every trouble into a business advantage, your high in life wouldn’t be so glorious if your low isn’t deep enough to make you birth a great solution. The magnitude of your difficulty is a reflection of the brightness of your coming glory.
Think of all the difficult people and situations in your life today, resolve to confront every relevant challenge with a glorious end in mind.
Resolve today not to panic anymore, take in a deep breath and start to think creatively about various difficulties. Process and consider how to commercialise the solution to a common problem.
There is more in you than that which is challenging or troubling this country and the world at large. In this world you will face many sorrows and difficulties, but be of good cheer because an overcomer lives within you.
Resolve to create and commercialise solutions and in a short while, your wealth will appear. Don’t bow to difficulties, commercialise them.

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