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Friday 22 September 2017

Five Tips For Working Out In The Morning

Most people have love-hate relationships with exercising in the morning (or even getting out of bed if we are being honest). But you find that on days when you do get out of bed to exercise before going about your daily activities, it ends up being totally worth it.
No matter what your day throws at you, you’ve already accomplished one good thing.
So how do you figure out a way to get out of bed when your alarm goes off and actually start working out? Well, we’ve got you covered.
These five tips will help you form a habit of working out in the morning and be eager to do it.

1. Picture yourself waking up happy to work out and enjoying it

Sounds too easy to be true, right? If you can’t imagine yourself getting out of bed to exercise, you most likely wouldn’t do it. You’d even dread that moment when your alarm goes off. So for just a few minutes before bed, or even during your day, imagine waking up eager to workout in the morning. DO this regularly and you will start to see yourself as someone who likes working out in the morning.
Bad morning mug. Photo: Pinterest

2. Prepare the night before

You don’t want to wake up and start looking for what to wear to workout. That can be tedious and discouraging. So set aside your workout clothes the night before, ready a bottle of water, bring out your running shoes. Make sure all you have to do in the morning is get up, get dressed and get going.
Cardio exercise. Photo: Pinterest

3. Do what you have to do to wake up

Set an alarm, make it loud and put it across the room. That way, you have to get up and walk to it to turn it off. Do not hit that snooze button. Then switch on the lights, play some fun music to make you pumped, or any other thing that is sure to make you wake up. Also, learn to ease into your workout. Do some warm-up exercises like jumping jacks to get you going before getting into your workout proper.
Fitness quote. Photo: Goddess Workout

4. Motivate yourself to workout

Find a fun workout buddy you look forward to seeing and hold each other accountable. Promise yourself a tasty breakfast when you’re done and plan what you’ll have in your head as you exercise. Write down quotes that motivate you or the reasons you need to workout in the morning and put it close to your alarm clock. Read it when you don’t feel good enough to workout. It might be all you need to get going. Or you can grab a small bite to get your metabolism started before you leave.
Workout buddies exercising. Photo: Pinterest

5. Take it easy

If you aren’t used to getting up early every morning to workout, forcing yourself to workout six days a week isn’t really a good idea. Try easing yourself into it. Wake up slightly earlier every other day. Give your body time to adjust and when it does, push it a little harder.
It is important to note that some people prefer working out at other times of the day, like during lunchtime or on cool evenings. Find out what works for you and stick to it.

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