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Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts

Monday 22 January 2018

Tips For Losing Stubborn Belly Fat

Belly fat is a total nuisance, we all agree on that. It not only makes your clothes feel tight and uncomfortable, it can also be very harmful. It doesn’t matter if you look slim, people with excess visceral fat are at an increased risk of metabolic disease, type 2 diabetes or heart disease.

Photo credit: Pinterest
Here are some things you can do to reduce excess abdominal fat. We have classified them into two parts: things to avoid and things you should do. You may need to change your lifestyle habits and combine different methods, including exercise to get that big effect you desire.


Trans fats
Trans fats are made when hydrogen is pumped into unsaturated fats like soybean oil, spreads and some packaged foods. They have been linked to inflammation, heart disease, insulin resistance and abdominal fat gain. Read ingredient labels carefully and staying away from foods that contain trans fats or “partially hydrogenated” fats.
Alcohol, when drunk moderately, can have some health benefits; but, when drunk too much, it can be very harmful and also make you gain belly fat. You don’t have to get rid of it totally, but cutting back on alcohol can help reduce your waist size.
Sugary foods and drinks
Sugar contains fructose which, when consumed in excess, has been linked to several chronic diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and fatty liver disease. Even “healthier” sugars like real honey should be used sparingly. Fruit juices have just as much sugar as you’d find in sweetened beverages, so replace your fruit juice with water, unsweetened iced tea or sparkling water with a wedge of lemon or lime.
Stress triggers your adrenal glands to produce cortisol which, when high, can increase appetite and drive abdominal fat storage. Reduce belly fat by engaging in pleasurable activities like yoga or meditation that relieve stress.
A good way to lose fat, especially abdominal fat is to reduce carb intake. You do not have to follow a strict low-carb diet to get good results; simply replacing refined carbs with unprocessed starchy carbs may also help improve metabolic health and reduce belly fat.


Soluble Fiber
Here’s what soluble fibre does: it absorbs water and helps slow down the food that passes through your digestive system, making you feel full and eat less. Soluble fibre also helps fight belly fat. Try to consume high-fibre foods like flaxseeds, avocados, legumes and blackberries every day.
Fruits and vegetables. Photo: Al Peakes and Sons
Protein is very important for controlling weight. It increases the feeling of fullness, decreases appetite, raises your metabolic rate and helps you retain muscle mass during weight loss. Include a good protein source like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts of whey protein in every meal.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil helps boost metabolism and reduce abdominal fat loss. Boost belly fat loss by taking about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. Remember though that coconut oil is still high in calories, so replace some of the fats you are already eating with coconut oil.
Fatty fish
As ironic as this may sound, fatty fish are incredibly healthy and can help significantly reduce liver and abdominal fat. They are rich in protein and omega-3 fats that protect you from disease and reduce visceral fat. Add two to three servings of fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and anchovies) to your diet every week.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Drinking ACV has impressive health benefits including lowering blood sugar levels and reducing abdominal fat storage. Although there are no human studies in existence yet, it is safe to take one or two tablespoons of ACV per day for modest fat loss.
Probiotics are bacteria found in some foods and supplements that have many health benefits, including improved gut health and enhanced immune function. They can help regulate weight and this balance can help with weight loss. Probiotic supplements contain different bacteria, so look out for those in the Lactobacillus family, which can help reduce belly fat.
Green Tea
It is known that green tea is an exceptionally healthy beverage. It contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which help boost metabolism. Combine this with exercise and watch that fat burn.
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Saturday 20 January 2018

The Benefits Of Eating Spinach

Remember Popeye and his popular Spinach? Remember what the spinach did to his muscles?
Popeye With His Spinach. Photo credit: Pinterest
Spinach is a superfood is often considered for its highly potent health properties. This antioxidant contains essential vitamins such as potassium, calcium, vitamin B, C, and E, caroteniods, fiber, protein, thiamin, and iron. When you eat cooked spinach, important carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin become more absorbable.
These are some of its loaded benefits:
  1. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin which fights and protects against cataract.
  2. Adult acne can be such so horrible. Regular intake of spinach helps maintain healthy skin. Most times, this antioxidant is used as a face mask. The simple procedure is to blend or mash the spinach, leave on your face for at least 15 mins. Wash off after that. This will help remove inflammation from your skin.
  3. It destroys cancer cells. It contains carotenoids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants which destroys prostate, ovarian and a lot of other types of cancer.
  4. As a body cleanser, spinach, like other green vegetables, cleanses the system inside out. Mixing it with other vegetables such as tomatoes, coconut, cucumber, carrot, onion can make your skin pop. It will also slow down your aging process.
  5. Everyone wants a beautiful skin tone. Spinach clears the complexion. The vitamin K and folate contained in this vegetable relieves you of dry skin and gives your skin a general boost. It also repairs the skin cells.
  6. When fat covers the human arteries, it poses a very dangerous risk of heart attack. Consuming spinach, which contains lutein, prevents the clogging of arteries.
  7. We need our brain to function effectively. Asa we age, our brains slow down. Regular consumption of spinachimproves the brain’s power and causes an improvement in learning.
  8. It contains Iron, vitamins C, B, and E, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids. These vitamins are all necessary for hair growth and promote red blood cells to carry oxygen to the hair follicles leading to hair growth.
On the downside, spinach contains oxalates, purine, and goitrogen. This can lead to problems in the thyroid and kidney when it is consumed excessively. As a result, it is often advised to mix it with other vegetables and/or meals. Also, olive oil or squeezed drops of lemon goes well with spinach.
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Friday 19 January 2018

The Secret Between Diabetes And Carrots

Having diabetes is such a big deal. You become restricted from eating some of your favourite meals and a little clumsiness or a cheat meal or fruit like a pineapple can trigger high sugar levels which might lead to health problems. This is because an “unofficial red sign” on the Glycemic Index literally means trouble.
Varieties Of Carrots. Photo credit: Seasoned Advice
The GI is the index used to know how high your sugar level has risen due to the food consumed. Because of this, it seemed absolutely normal that high GI meals be taken out of a diabetic’s list and for a long time, carrots fell into this list partly because of its sweet taste. This was understandable because after consuming carrots your blood level rises to 41 on the Glycemic Index (GI). When blended, they contain carbohydrates which convert to glucose.
However, recent research by the Stanford University, California indicates that meals containing carotene like raw carrots might actually prevent or reduce type 2 diabetes. According to their research, increased consumption of carotene reduced the risk of diabetes type 2 drastically. The findings reveal that, when people with common genes variations such as the gene SLC30A4 come consume meals with beta-carotene, the carotene converts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the necessities for a diabetic patient. A school of thought argue that lack of vitamin A “might” be the “cause” of diabetes. Raw carrot is known as a meal with a lot of carotenes. In fact, top of the head recall for beauty enthusiast when they see carrot is carotene.
While meals and fruits with high GI provide you with energy that makes you feel energized and very active temporarily, it causes your blood sugar to rise. On the other hand, fruits or meals with low GI are slowly used by the body. That is why when you eat them they fill you up but the glucose is not used immediately.
Although the researchers still call for more research into their findings, don’t stop exercising and eating carrots.
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Tuesday 16 January 2018

12 Health Benefits, You Have To Eat Avocado

Image result for avocadoThe avocado is a rather unique type of fruit.

Most fruit consists primarily of carbohydrate, while avocado is high in healthy fats.

Numerous studies show that it has powerful beneficial effects on health.

Here are 12 health benefits of avocado, that are supported by scientific research.

1. Avocado is Incredibly Nutritious
What we refer to as "avocado" is the fruit of the avocado tree, called Persea americana (1).

This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to all sorts of dishes due to its good flavor and rich texture. It is the main ingredient in guacamole.

These days, the avocado has become an incredibly popular food among health conscious individuals. It is often referred to as a superfood... which is not surprising given its health properties (2).

There are many kinds of avocados, and the shape (from pear-shaped to round) and color (from green to black) can vary between them. They can also weigh anywhere from 8 ounces (220 grams) to 3 pounds (1.4 kg).

The most popular type is called Hass avocado.

It is often called "alligator pear," which is very descriptive because it tends to be shaped like a pear and have green, bumpy skin... like an alligator.

The yellow-green flesh inside the fruit is eaten, but the skin and seed are discarded.

Avocados are very nutritious and contain a wide variety of nutrients, including 20 different vitamins and minerals.

Here are some of the most abundant nutrients, in a single 3.5 ounce (100 gram) serving (3):

Vitamin K: 26% of the RDA.
Folate: 20% of the RDA.
Vitamin C: 17% of the RDA.
Potassium: 14% of the RDA.
Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDA.
Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDA.
Vitamin E: 10% of the RDA.
Then it contains small amounts of Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin) and B3 (Niacin).
This is coming with 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. Although it contains 9 grams of carbs, 7 of those are fiber so there are only 2 "net" carbs, making this a low-carb friendly plant food.

Avocados do not contain any cholesterol or sodium, and are low in saturated fat. I personally don't think that matters, but this is one of the reasons they are favored by many "old school" experts who still believe these things are inherently harmful.

Avocado is a green, pear-shaped fruit often called an “alligator pear.” It is loaded with healthy fats, fiber and various important nutrients.
2. They Contain More Potassium Than Bananas
Potassium is a nutrient that most people aren't getting enough of (4).

This nutrient helps maintain electrical gradients in the body's cells and serves various important functions.

Avocados are actually very high in potassium... with a 100 gram (3.5 ounce) serving containing 14% of the RDA, compared to 10% in bananas, which are a typical high potassium food (5).

Several studies show that having a high potassium intake is linked to reduced blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure (6).

Potassium is an important mineral that most people don't get enough of. Avocados are very high in potassium, which should support healthy blood pressure levels.

3. Avocado is Loaded With Heart-Healthy Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
Again, avocado is a high fat food.

In fact, 77% of the calories in it are from fat, making it one of the fattiest plant foods in existence.

But they don't just contain any fat... the majority of the fat in avocado is oleic acid.

This is a monounsaturated fatty acid that is also the major component in olive oil and believed to be responsible for some of its beneficial effects.

Oleic acid has been linked to reduced inflammation and been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer (7, 8, 9, 10).

The fats in avocado are also pretty resistant to heat-induced oxidation, making avocado oil a healthy and safe choice for cooking.

Avocados and avocado oil are high in monounsaturated oleic acid, a "heart healthy" fatty acid that is believed to be one of the main reasons for the health benefits of olive oil.
4. Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber
Fiber is another nutrient found in relatively large amounts in avocado.

Fiber is indigestible plant matter that can contribute to weight loss, reduce blood sugar spikes and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases (11, 12, 13).

A distinction is often made between soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber is known to be able to feed the friendly gut bacteria in the intestine, which are very important for the optimal function of our bodies (14).

A 100 gram (3.5 ounce) serving of avocado contains 7 grams of fiber, which is 27% of the recommended daily amount.

About 25% of the fiber in avocado is soluble, while 75% is insoluble (15).

Avocados tend to be high in fiber, about 7% by weight, which is very high compared to most other foods. Fiber can have various important benefits for weight loss and metabolic health.

5. Eating Avocados Can Lower Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels
Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the world (16).

It is known that several blood markers are linked to an increased risk.

This includes cholesterol, triglycerides, inflammatory markers, blood pressure and various others.

The effects of avocado on some of these risk factors has been studied in 8 human controlled trials.

These are studies where people are split into groups... one group is instructed to eat avocados, while the other is not. Then researchers see what happens to their blood markers over time.

These studies have shown that avocados can (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23):

Reduce total cholesterol levels significantly.
Reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20%.
Lower LDL cholesterol by up to 22%.
Increase HDL (the "good") cholesterol by up to 11%.
One of the studies showed that including avocado in a low-fat vegetarian diet led to improvements in the cholesterol profile (24).

Unfortunately, all of the human studies were small (13-37 subjects) and short-term (1-4 weeks), but the results were impressive nonetheless.

Numerous studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, as well as blood triglycerides.

6. People Who Eat Avocados Tend to be Healthier
One study looked at the dietary habits and health of people who eat avocados.

They analyzed data from 17,567 participants in the NHANES survey in the U.S.

Avocado consumers were found to be much healthier than people who didn't eat avocados.

They had a much higher nutrient intake and were half as likely to have metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms that are a major risk factor for heart disease and diabetes (25).

People who ate avocados regularly also weighed less, had a lower BMI and significantly less belly fat. They also had more HDL (the "good") cholesterol.

However... correlation does not imply causation and there is no guarantee that the avocados caused these people to be in better health.

Therefore I don't think this particular study carries much weight.

One dietary survey found that people who ate avocados had a much higher nutrient intake and had a lower risk of metabolic syndrome.
7. The Fat in Them Can Help You Absorb Nutrients From Plant Foods
When it comes to nutrients, the total amount of them is not the only thing that matters.

We also need to be able to absorb them... move them from the digestive tract and into the body, where they can be used.

Some nutrients are "fat soluble," meaning that they need to be combined with fat in order to be utilized.

This includes vitamins A, D, E and K... along with antioxidants like carotenoids.

One study showed that adding avocado or avocado oil to either salad or salsa can increase antioxidant absorption by 2.6 to 15-fold (26).

So... not only is avocado highly nutritious, it can dramatically increase the nutrient value of other plant foods that you are eating.

This is an excellent reason to always include a healthy fat source when you eat veggies. Without it, a lot of the beneficial plant nutrients will go to waste.

Studies have shown that eating avocado or avocado oil with veggies can dramatically increase the amount of antioxidants you take in.
8. Avocados Are Loaded With Powerful Antioxidants That Can Protect The Eyes
Not only do avocados increase antioxidant absorption from other foods, they are also high in antioxidants themselves.

This includes nutrients called Lutein and Zeaxanthin, which are incredibly important for eye health (27, 28).

Studies show that these nutrients are linked to a drastically reduced risk of cataracts and macular degeneration, which are common in the elderly (29, 30).

Therefore, eating avocados should have benefits for eye health over the long term.

Avocados are high in antioxidants, including Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients are very important for eye health and lower the risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

9. Avocado May Help Prevent Cancer
There is limited evidence that avocado may be beneficial in preventing cancer.

One study showed that it may help reduce side effects of chemotherapy in human lymphocytes (31).

Avocado extract has also been shown to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells (32).

However, keep in mind that these studies were done in isolated cells and don't really prove anything about what happens in a living, breathing human.

Some studies in isolated cells have shown that nutrients in avocados may have benefits in preventing prostate cancer, and lowering side effects of chemotherapy in some cells.
10. Avocado Extract May Help Relieve Symptoms of Arthritis
Arthritis is a common problem in Western countries. There are many types of arthritis, and these are often chronic problems that people have for the rest of their lives.

Multiple studies have shown that extracts from avocado and soybean oil, called Avocado and Soybean unsaponifiables, can reduce symptoms of arthritis of the bones, called osteoarthritis (33, 34).

Whether avocados themselves can have this effect, and not just the extract, remains to be seen.

Studies have shown that an extract from avocado and soybean oils can significantly reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis.
11. Eating Avocado May Help You Lose Weight
There is some evidence that avocados are a weight loss friendly food.

In one study, people were split into groups. One group was instructed to eat a meal that contained avocado, the other a similar meal without avocado.

Then they were asked a series of questions related to hunger and satiety.

The people eating the avocado felt 23% more satisfied and had a 28% lower desire to eat over the next 5 hours (35).

If this holds true in the long-term, then including avocados in your diet could help you naturally eat fewer calories and have an easier time sticking to a healthy diet.

Avocados are also high in fiber, and very low in carbs, two attributes that should also help promote weight loss, at least in the context of a healthy, real food based diet.

12. Avocado is Delicious and Easy to Incorporate in The Diet
Not only are avocados healthy, they're also incredibly delicious and go with all sorts of foods.

You can add them to salads and various sorts of recipes, or you can simply scoop them out with a spoon and eat them plain.

They have a creamy, rich, fatty texture and blend well with various other ingredients.

A notable mention is guacamole, which is arguably the most famous use of avocados. It includes avocado along with ingredients like salt, garlic, lime and a few others depending on the recipe.

An avocado often takes some time to ripen and it should feel slightly soft when ripe. The nutrients in avocado can oxidize soon after fleshing it, but if you add lemon juice then that shouldn't happen as quickly.

If you're serious about adding avocado to your diet, then I highly recommend that you watch this video about how to pick, prepare and eat avocados.

At the end of the day, avocados are an awesome food. They're loaded with nutrients, many of which are lacking in the modern diet.

They are weight loss friendly, heart healthy and... last but not least, taste incredible.

What more could you ask for in a food?
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AVOCADO ICE CREAM, Creamy (Procedures)

Image result for avocadoAvocado is a healthy snack that can be taken by just anyone. Avocados are an easy source of vitamins, carotenoids, and contain mono-saturated fat.

The avocado ice cream is made with the finest natural ingredients. This easy-to-prepare recipe will make your taste buds come alive and the good news is, you don’t need an ice cream maker to prepare it.

Avocado (peeled)

Milk (preferably coconut),

Honey (raw honey is most preferred)

1. Mash your avocado meat or put it in a blender. You don’t want to have lumps in your meal.

2. Add your raw honey and milk into the mashed meat, blend until it is creamy and smooth.

3. Bring out and refrigerate.

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Monday 15 January 2018

Heart failure deadlier than HIV, cancer – Experts

Image result for heart failureCardiologists in Nigeria have identified heart failure as a deadlier disease than the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and all forms of cancer except lung cancer. The heart diseases experts made this known at a press conference held recently in Lagos supported by Novartis, which had consultant cardiologists drawn from federal universities across Nigeria, was aimed at sensitizing members of the public on the dangers of heart failure, correcting the misconception about it and providing experts’ advice on how to manage the health challenge. Fielding questions from the newsmen, Dr. Ikechukwu Ogah, a Consultant Cardiologist University College Hospital, Ibadan, said 50 per cent of people living with heart failure don’t live more than five years before they die, noting that the commonest cause of heart failure is hypertension. Speaking on the need for all stakeholders – government, pharmaceutical industries, the media etc- to play their roles effectively to reduce the spate of heart failure, the president of the Nigerian Cardiac Society, Prof. Amam Mbakwem, Consultant Cardiologist, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, said a lot can be done by governments at all levels to make medications for people living with heart failure more affordable. Prof. Mbakwem called on the Federal Government to earmark more funds to the health sector in its annual budget, adding that there is need for the press to take the right information to the public sphere owing to the level of misinformation about heart failure among Nigerians. She said, “A lot of our patients don’t understand what heart failure is. Some patients will tell you ‘’if my heart has failed how come I’m alive?”! So, they believe that once your heart fails, you must die. We need you to put the right information out there. “But the government needs to help us, when we do our budget, go check the health budget. It’s not up to the 15% we signed on to at Addis Ababa.” She added: “And then, the dollar to the naira exchange rate is going up. 50% can’t afford the care they need, what they do is buy affordable care. Affordable care may be one medication out of three I have written for them. Everybody must come on board. Everybody needs to give up something even the pharmaceutical industries need to give up a bit of their profit.Medical practitioner urges FG However, Prof. Michael Balogun, Consultant Cardiologist, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital called on Nigerians to go for regular medical checkups as the first evidence that someone has been living with heart failure may be death. Other experts advised patients to desist from eating too much at a time, take more vegetables, watch their salt intake and take enough rest.
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Sunday 14 January 2018

technological advancements, Wearable Technology: The Future Of Healthcare

As with everything else in the world, the technological advancements that have been made in the health sector over the past ten years have been tremendous. Decades ago, no one would have thought that devices that can track how many calories you’re burning, measure your heart rate or how much sleep you’re getting will exist, but here we are.

With the rise of new experimental wearable technology that claims to help posture, fix sleeping cycles and even help regulate body temperature, here are a couple of reasons why wearable technology might rule the health sector in the coming years.

Makes users more proactive about health
For a lot of people, healthcare is reactive. Until something is actively wrong or noticed, most people just go about their daily lives in their usual routine.

With wearable technology, your body is under constant monitoring and that could lead to more proactive healthcare. Instead of waiting until something is obviously wrong, users can track and make the necessary adjustments to lifestyle and diet.

Gives health a personal feel
Wearable technology keeps its users constantly engaged and updated with their health status, which gives health a more personal touch. On some level, healthcare can tend to feel external especially if, at that moment, nothing feels or seems wrong.

This feeling also contributes to the reasons why people tend to forget doctors’ appointments, particularly when it’s just a routine checkup. With wearable technology and its constant updates and suggestions, users are involved in their wellbeing all the time and that is a huge advantage.

Can be used to monitor ill and vulnerable patients
This is particularly useful for patients or family members who are ill and need constant monitoring. Wearable technology makes it easier to keep track of their state of health and might be the difference between life and death in times of emergency.

It is also used to monitor kids and aged family members who might not be ill but need to be looked after because of their age group. This helps hospitals and healthcare professionals sleep easy because the number of patients they need to actively monitor at the hospital reduces.

Helps improve safety and reduce risks
Safety is a primary aspect of living a healthy life and wearable technology takes this into account. This applies a lot more to users who are into fitness training because as much as working out is great, it’s also important to know when to relax and take a break.

The devices constantly keep track of the user’s progress at every point and create plans for rests and stop to reduce health risks.

Multifunctional and limitless
With the invention of new devices every day, the functional capabilities of wearable technology are almost innumerable. From general consumer devices to specialised devices tailored to specific needs, there is a wide range of devices in existence today.

Examples include wearable bio-sensors used to monitor heart rate and respiratory rate, devices that continuously monitor glucose levels using a sensor placed under the skin and connected to a smartphone for diabetic patients; electronic smart hearing aids are also becoming popular.
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How To Make Chocolate Banana Nut Bread

Banana and chocolate lovers will definitely love this one.
Asides its yummy taste and dense end-result, it is so easy to prepare. All you need is your whisk and a bowl! Great right?
So let’s get started.

All-purpose flour – 460g
Sugar – Brown sugar: 100g
White sugar: 200g
Vegetable oil – 200g
Cocoa powder – 30g
Baking powder – 2 teaspoons
Baking soda – 1 teaspoon
Nutmeg powder – 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon powder – 1 teaspoon
Eggs – 4 large eggs
6 medium sized very ripe bananas mashed
One cup of choice nuts (I use pecan, almonds, and walnuts)


1. Grease and line two medium size loaf pans or one large loaf pan, set aside
2. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
3. Combine all dry ingredients excluding sugars and give a quick stir until well combined. Sieve to incorporate air and remove lumps
4. Combine your eggs, oils, and sugar in a bowl
5. Add your dry ingredients in three additions and mix until well combined. Do not over mix. The result at this stage will be thick, don’t fret. The mashed banana will lighten things up.
6. Using a spatula, gradually fold in your mashed banana until thoroughly combined
7. Pour evenly into prepared pans and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean

Viola! Your bread is ready. For a top of the world feel, eat it with your favourite drink.
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Friday 12 January 2018

Healthy Foods That Can Help You Burn Fat

Burning fat becomes much easier when you increase your metabolic rate. There is no safe “magic pill” that can help you burn hundreds of extra calories every day, but there are quite a number of natural foods and beverages that are proven to help increase your metabolism and able to lose fat. Here are some of these fat-burning foods:

Healthy foods. Photo: That Sugar Film

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish can help you burn fat (as odd as this statement sounds). Oily fish like salmon, sardines and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids that may help promote fat loss. It is also a good source of protein, which gives you the feeling of fullness and helps increase your body’s metabolic rate. It also helps promote heart health. Include a minimum of 100 grams of fatty fish in your diet at least two times every week.


Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Although the yolks are normally avoided due to their high cholesterol content, whole eggs have been proven to actually help protect heart health, especially in those at increased risk of disease. Apart from this interesting discovery, eggs are also a killer weight loss food. Breakfasts that include this high source of protein, according to studies, reduce hunger, increase metabolism by up to 35 percent and promote feelings of fullness for hours after eating.


One of the most popular beverages in the world, coffee is a good source of caffeine, which has been shown to improve one’s mental and physical performance and also boost metabolism and help burn fat. Take caffeine before exercising and you can lose twice as much fat and still be able to exercise longer than when you don’t take caffeine, as a small study has shown. To get the fat-burning benefits of caffeine without the potential side effects, like anxiousness or insomnia, aim for about 1–4 cups of coffee, depending on its strength.

Olive oil

Another healthy fat is olive oil. It appears to aid the reduction of the risk of heart disease, promote feelings of fullness and boost metabolic rate, thus promoting fat loss. A study showed that eating extra virgin olive oil as part of a meal significantly increased the number of calories the women burned for several hours. Add virgin olive oil to cooked food or drizzle a tablespoon or two on your salad.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is packed with health benefits. Adding this to your diet potentially increases “good” HDL cholesterol, increase the feeling of fullness, promote fat loss and reduce heart disease risk factors. The fats in coconut oil help with appetite-suppressing and fat-burning properties. However, some studies suggest that the metabolism-boosting effects may reduce after long use. Start with one teaspoon and gradually increase to two or more over time to help maximise the fat burning effects.

Green Tea

If you are looking for a beverage that will totally help improve your health, green tea may help reduce heart disease risk and protect against certain types of cancer. It provides a moderate amount of caffeine and is an excellent source of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), both of which may boost metabolism, promote weight loss, protect heart health and reduce the risk of cancer. However, there is a difference in different studies, with some showing an increase in fat burning after taking green tea, while others have found that it has little to no effect on metabolism or weight loss. This means that its effects possibly vary from person to person, depending on the amount consumed.
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Thursday 4 January 2018

How regular washing of face prevent blindness – Ophthalmologist

Dr Ogbe James, an Ophthalmologist, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital on Friday said that constant washing of the face would prevent blindness.
James said this at an annual healthy talk organised by the Knights of St. Mulumba, Nigeria held at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Gwagwalada, Abuja.
According to him, the common disease condition that leads to blindness in our society include cataract, glaucoma, refractive error, xerophthalmia, tracheoma and onchocerciasis.
“The prevention of blindness involves early detection of the disease which attracts early intervention and those that are detected late can involve operation.
“The prevention of blindness involves health education like embracing basic eye hygiene like washing of face and eating of vitamin A rich diet to prevent blindness,” he said.
James also advised Nigerians to avoid self-medication and educate children to avoid playing with sharp objects.
He encouraged members to embark on preventive measures by regular eye checks in an eye clinic and by an ophthalmologist.
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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Kickstart Your 2018 Fitness Goals

Kickstart Your 2018 Fitness Goals

As much as anyone may lose the motivation to work out once in a while, the new year is a way to start afresh and motivate one to achieve that body goal. So, in a bid to get you to accomplish your fitness goals for 2018, we have put together a few tips to help you. Keep in mind, that different things work for different people, so don’t beat yourself up when things don’t seem to be shaping up the way they did for someone else.
Couple out for a morning run

Be realistic

No matter what fitness goals you decide to make, keep them realistic. Setting a goal too high to reach will eventually discourage you from even trying to work out. Everyone, including you, should know that you won’t lose 25 kilos in a week. Also, make sure that your goals are specific. Instead of planning to “run more”, “get healthy” or “lose weight”, plan to run a 5k marathon. Pace yourself and set achievable goals that you may even surpass over time.

Keep a workout diary

When you have a specific and realistic milestone to achieve in mind, write it down. Writing down goals increases the possibility of reaching them. Keep it in a visible spot and hold yourself accountable for it. Having a physical reminder of your goals staring at you in the face will help you focus on them and keep a record of what you did and didn’t do.

Workout from home

It is important to make sure that working out is convenient for you or you will lose motivation to exercise very quickly. Beating traffic after work to go to the gym and then fighting in traffic again to get home can make going to the gym seem very difficult. An effective way to handle this is to work out at home. When done right, it can have results that are just as good as the same you get visiting the gym.

Get a coach

It’s one thing to want to work out, but it’s another thing to know what to do or how to get started. Find a coach to help out with this. You can use a virtual app, hire a trainer or read books on different exercise programs to create a structure of your own that you can follow and modify as the year goes on. If you’re not in the mood to learn a new program, workout apps can be your virtual coach and give you easy-to-follow workouts each day so you don’t have to think about it.

Workout with music

If you find working out boring, chances are that you won’t stick to it for long. The right music can have an impact both on your motivation and overall performance. Spice up your workouts by integrating your personal upbeat favourites into your sessions and watch them transform into fun power-packed experiences you’ll look forward to. You may need an armband and Bluetooth headphones to make it as hassle-free as possible.

Get a “fit fam”

One mistake many people make is trying to work out alone, especially when they’re just starting their fitness journey. Find supportive people to surround and motivate you. You don’t need to go to a gym to do this. Some apps can help you connect with other people trying to get in shape. They will help hold you accountable and keep you honest as you work towards attaining your goals. Be sure to keep it small and personal so that you can get the most out of it.

Reward yourself

Reward systems are often the best incentive for a powerful workout. Don’t limit yourself to edible results only, especially those that will ruin all the work you’ve put in. Find something you enjoy doing and only do it if you meet a specific benchmark. Treat yourself to a new outfit or find something else you’d love. There are also a variety of apps that will track your progress and reward you when you meet your goal by the end of the cycle.
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Saturday 30 December 2017

How to Prevent Kidney Disease

Image result for kidneyBy Robert C. Stanton, M.D.
Chief, Nephrology Section, Joslin Clinic
Diabetes, particularly type 2 diabetes, has become so common that diabetic kidney disease (nephropathy) has leaped ahead of high blood pressure as the leading cause of kidney failure in much of the world.
Kidney failure is a serious matter: The kidneys’ job is to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood circulating through our bodies. If the kidneys fail, survival depends on either dialysis (being hooked up to a machine to do the kidneys’ blood-filtering) or a kidney transplant.
High blood glucose levels can damage blood vessels all over the body, including the tiny blood vessels that do the kidneys’ filtering. When those tiny vessels are damaged, they can’t do the job correctly. High blood pressure can result and make the problem worse, damaging more blood vessels and speeding up the progression of kidney disease. Both kidneys are affected.
Though 20-40 percent of those with diabetes develop kidney disease, it can be slowed significantly if diagnosed early and treated.

Prescription for Kidney Health

Five principles should be followed by everyone with diabetes to help prevent and treat kidney problems:
  • Tight control of blood glucose levels (A1C less than 7 percent)
  • Tight control of blood pressure: aim for lower than 130/80
  • Control of lipids: LDL (“bad”) cholesterol should be less than 100 mg/dl, HDL (“good”) cholesterol should be above 50 mg/dl and triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dl
  • No cigarette smoking
  • Blood pressure-lowering drugs, such as ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), are effective in protecting the kidney from damage if you have signs of diabetic kidney disease

The Earlier You Know, the Better

There are no symptoms in the early stages of diabetic kidney disease. Symptoms of kidney failure—fatigue, nausea and fluid retention—usually don’t occur until the late stages of kidney disease because the kidney can still adequately filter the blood even after extensive damage.
Usually the first sign that the kidneys’ filtration system is damaged is an excess amount of protein in the urine, known as microalbuminuria. This is not just an early sign of kidney disease, but a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack and stroke.
Two tests—one using urine and the other blood—must be performed annually for early detection. The urine sample is used to screen for microalbuminuria. The standard urine dipstick used in doctors’ offices does not measure this—a special machine is required instead.
The blood sample is used to measure the level of creatinine, a substance normally present in the blood, which increases if your kidneys are not functioning properly. The blood sample results are then plugged into a formula that estimates your kidneys’ filtering capacity. The most commonly used formula is called the MDRD equation.
One cannot overemphasize how important it is to measure your blood creatinine and to use the MDRD equation to estimate total kidney filtering. The creatinine value alone can be misleading, as it must be interpreted within the context of age and gender. Patients often have more advanced kidney disease than their blood creatinine value alone suggests.
For this reason, the National Kidney Foundation strongly urges all physicians to use the MDRD equation; however, not all (besides kidney specialists) routinely use it. An accurate estimate of your kidney function is essential for your doctor to decide what, if anything, needs to be done.

With aggressive treatment and yearly testing, we can greatly slow the decline in kidney function and reduce the number of people developing kidney failure.
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Thursday 28 December 2017

Nutritional benefits of garden eggs

The garden egg plant with its bitter taste and spongy texture could really make an
amazing pot of stew with a nice aroma.
When eaten with boiled yam or rice, it
becomes a delicacy you don’t want to miss at the slightest opportunity.

The garden egg, also known as eggplant is a very good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, copper and thiamin (vitamin B1). It is also a good source of vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and niacin. Eggplant also contains phytonutrients such as nasunin and
chlorogenic acid.

Garden Eggs are one of the healthiest food you can eat. Being a member of the vegetable family, it contains nutrients that include better carotene, vitamins B6 E and foliate, calcium, iron, magnesium fiber and many essential vitamins and minerals. They come in two shades, the cream and green colour.

There are so many health benefits of Garden eggs that make them exceptional for our body and it will shock you.

Garden egg aids weight loss: Nutritionists recommend it as a perfect food option for those interested in losing weight because of its high fiber content. It fills up the tummy quickly, and this subsequently reduces consumption of other high calories options. When it comes to weight loss, the green garden eggs works better.

Garden egg lowers in calories: 
The fiber content in the eggplant also helps to lower cholesterol levels in the human body, protecting the heart in the process.

Garden eggs helps to lowers blood sugar: 
It is a great dietary option for diabetic
patients because of its ability to reduce
glucose absorption in the body and lower
blood sugar levels. It also possesses low
soluble carbohydrates, which assist in this

Garden egg aids digestion: 
It improves digestive system, beneficial for constipation and ruling out bloating totally.

Protection from poor vision: 
The cream-colour flesh has a pleasantly
bitter taste (due to the presence of small
amounts of nicotinoid alkaloids) and spongy consistency for protection from poor vision due to glaucoma.

Protects from cardiovascular
This natural fruit is rich in vitamin! Garden egg provides the body with both soluble
vitamin and water soluble vitamins; they are rich in thiamin (vitamin B1) required for normal growth and proper functioning of the heart and Nervous system, Niacin (Vitamin B6) needed for cellular respiration Garden egg has the power of reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart diseases. Finally, garden eggs are cheap and widely
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Wednesday 27 December 2017

7 Lessons In Hygiene Some Women Need To Learn

womenIt sometimes comes as a surprise when some women passes by you and you cannot help but wonder when she last took a shower. The concoction of smells that emerge from some people is reason enough to spoil your day and even postpone your lunch. It might not be common knowledge to everyone but hygiene is something you CANNOT live without. I will tell you this; lack of hygiene exposes you to germs, bacteria, and illnesses. Most importantly, do not start wondering why family, loved ones, and even strangers never want to be near you when you cannot stay clean. There are things that you cannot take for granted when it comes to hygiene.                                                                                                       Here are 7 lessons in hygiene some women take for granted:                         1. Wash your face.                                                                                                         Washing your face helps your skin glow and also prevents the formation of white heads and blackheads. You need to know if your face is sensitive to different types of soaps or not. Some people need to use clean warm water without soap and others need soap. It’s always best to use mild soap. Ensure to wash your face every morning.                                         2. Wash your hands after visiting the toilet.                                                                    It annoys me how some people take this little fact for granted. It’s hygienic to wash your hands after visiting the toilet. Washing your hands prevents you from common illnesses such as amoeba and cholera. If you want to know how bad it is, just think about how many times you have had amoeba after visiting a restaurant. I once saw a chef getting his trouser unstuck from his butt crack as I passed by the kitchen. Let’s just say I did not even sit down to order. Amoeba is actually caused by faeces.                                                                                                                                                                                               3. Brushing your teeth. Brush your teeth every day.                                                           Do you need to be told this? A clean mouth is the beginning of a beautiful smile. Failure to do so can lead to dental caries, bacteria lodging in your throat, tartar, and other common problems.                                                                                                                       4.  Shower after a workout.                                                                                             Sweat feels itchy and uncomfortable.  Ensure to take a shower after a rigorous workout. There is always that temptation to slack on the couch because of fatigue but it is wrong.                                                                                                                                             5.  Clean off your makeup at the end of the day.                                                            Sleeping with makeup is the worst habit you can adopt. Make up can cause your skin to break and form black heads. To give your skin a flawless look the next day, just remove all your make up. Keep your hair neat. Grooming is important because first impressions are everything.                                                                                                                  6. Take care of your hair by oiling or alternatively, get a hairstyle that is easy to maintain. Trim your nails.                                                                                                              7.Trim your nails.                                                                                                           Trimming your nails prevents your nails from picking up dirt and fungus. Ensure that your nails are of manageable height and always wash them thoroughly with every hand wash. Remember amoeba.
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