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Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts

Monday 12 February 2018

The Rason Why men should stop using Tramadol for sex, ‘highness’ – Expert

Image result for tramadol
A  Consultant Pharmacist, Dr Clever Okeke, has warned that the use of Tramadol for “highness” or delayed ejaculation during sex could lead to depression and irrational behaviour.

According to him, even though Tramadol is meant for the treatment of severe pains, it is sometimes abused because of the euphoric feeling that comes with its use.

“Tramadol belongs to a group of analgesics called Opioid Analgesics. It is the lowest in the class of cocaine.

“It has a very strong analgesic effect which is used for strong or severe pains.

“But you find that because of the opioid effect- the euphoric effect- which is one of the side effects, it makes the user feel high.

“The pain goes away but the euphoria remains,” he told NAN.

Okeke disclosed that some users may be tempted to seek out the drug after the completion of treatment because of the ‘good’ feeling experienced while using it to kill pains.

According to the pharmacist, the recommended dose of Tramadol is 50mg to 100mg with a maximum of 200mg in severe cases.

“Anything above 200mg will cause a massive euphoric effect,’’ he added.

Okeke, however, noted that because cocaine was not easily accessed, some people resort to using an overdose of Tramadol to get the desired ‘high’ effect.

“Getting high or achieving delayed ejaculation cannot be gotten with the recommended dose,’’ he added.

He also warned that high doses could cause convulsions and seizures.
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Monday 5 February 2018

Superb Health Benefits, Why You Need Cucumber

Pick a firm, dark green cucumber and pop it into your shopping basket. Congratulations! You have just bought yourself a fruit (yes, the cool cuke is fruit, not a vegetable) full of good health!

Here is a short list of the impressive health benefits that a cucumber carries:

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1. Keeps you hydrated. If you are too busy to drink enough water, munch on the cool cucumber,              which is 96 percent water. It will cheerfully compensate!
2.Fights heat, both inside and out. Eat cucumber, and your body gets relief from heartburn. Apply           cucumber on your skin, and you get relief from sunburn and itchy skin.
3.Flushes out toxins. All that water in cucumber acts as a virtual broom, sweeping waste products            out  of your system. With regular use, cucumber is known to dissolve kidney stones.
4.Nourishes you with vitamins. A B and C, which boost immunity, give you energy and keep you           radiant. Give it more power by juicing cucumber with carrot and spinach.
5.Supplies skin-friendly minerals: magnesium, potassium, silicon. That’s why cucumber-based treatments are popular in spas.
6.Aids in weight loss. Enjoy cucumbers in your salads and soups. My favorite snack? Crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy yogurt dip.
7.Revives the eyes. Placing chilled slices of cucumber on the eyes is a clichéd beauty visual, but it really helps reduce under-eye bags and puffiness.
8.Cuts cancer risk. Cut down your risk of several cancers by including cucumber in your diet. Several studies show its cancer-fighting potential.
9.Stabilizes blood pressure. Patients that struggle with blood pressure, both high and low, often find that eating cucumber brings relief.
10.Refreshes the mouth. Cucumber juice refreshes and heals diseased gums, leaving your mouth smelling good.
11-Smooths hair and nails. Silica, the wonder mineral in cucumber makes your hair and nails stronger and shinier.
12.Soothes muscle and joint pain. All those vitamins and minerals in cucumber make it a powerful enemy of muscle and joint pain.
13.Keeps kidneys in shape. Cucumber lowers uric acid levels in your system, keeping the kidneys happy.
14.Good for diabetics. Patients of diabetes can enjoy cucumber while also reaping its health benefits: cucumber contains a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin.
15.Reduces cholesterol. A compound called sterols in cucumber helps reduce bad cholesterol.
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Saturday 3 February 2018

Simple Ways To Relieve Baby Eczema

An eczema is an itchy blister that makes the skin look cracked and scaly. This skin rash is commonly seen among little children.
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Eczema appears on the skin from the first year when children are born and when they are five. As a child grows, its symptoms change but it generally includes scaly skin. Although there are six different types of eczema, the most common is atopic dermatitis.
The most common places eczema appears are the wrists, the ankles, the inside of the bowels and the back of the knees, face and neck. There is no known cause of this skin rash.
Certain chemicals in skin products can trigger eczema. Some of the chemicals include retinol, parabens, oxybenzone, salicylic acid, methylparaben and fragrances. Also, eczema can be inherited and triggered by environmental smoke.
As is with asthma, a lot of people born with eczema outgrow it.
Although there is no cure, these are some of the methods used to relieve the itching:
We recommend that you apply coconut oil on your baby’s skin always. Coconut oil is said to contain antifungal and antibacterial properties that help to relieve the itch. Besides this, there are several ointments and oral medications that can be purchased over-the-counter. Consult your doctor to recommend the most suitable medication for your baby.
The Wet Wrap Method
The wet wap method is regarded as one of the best ways to relieve itching. To do-it-yourself, get a clean white cloth and put in warm water so it is slightly damp. Wrap the cloth around the area. Next, wrap a dry cloth around the area. Wear a cloth to avoid disturbing the cloth. A doctor should be consulted before doing the DIY.
Also, a study revealed that bleach-concentrated bath water is very effective in relieving eczema. The study which was published in Pediatrics in 2009 reports that there was 5 times more improvement than using ordinary water.
Use light and breathable clothing such as cotton and linen. This will help the skin breathe as heat can trigger symptoms of eczema.
Psoriasis has similar symptoms with eczema, which is why the two are often mistaken. It is often recommended to consult a doctor to know which is affecting your child.
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Friday 2 February 2018

Medical expert reacts to Sex dolls trends

A Family Planning Consultant, Mrs Appolonia Eke, has warned against the use of sex dolls as alternative to family planning method.

Eke said the use of sex doll was unscriptural, sodomy and should not be encouraged.

The medical expert, who is also the Financial Secretary, Public Health Sustainable Advocacy Initiative (PHSAI), made this known on Thursday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

She said ”Sodomy is generally anal or oral sex between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but it may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity.

“Originally, the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Book of Genesis,[4] was commonly restricted to anal sex.”

According to her, it was like having intercourse with an inanimate object which the scripture strongly objected to.

Eke said, “The use of sex dolls as a means of family planning is sodomy and should not be encouraged.

“It is like having an intercourse with a dead person or an inanimate object.

“The scripture is very clear about sex and it forbids having it with either the dead or animals.

“Aside that, there may be other consequences, including electrocution of the user, because sex doll is attached to electrical appliances for it to work.

“The user may be electrocuted because it is powered by electricity and such thing should not be associated with family planning methods.

“The best method to control childbirth is through family planning which Lagos State Government had made more affordable now.

“The woman should be given adequate rest before the next conception because the womb needs rest.

“It is like an apple shaped structure which is being scrapped on the surface.

“The walls of the womb needs rest after childbirth, because it is enlarged after the childbirth and needed to contract after childbirth; frequent enlargements will not help the womb to heal.”

“If this is not adhered to, it can lead to death and high maternal mortality rate we are talking about,’’ she said.
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Monday 29 January 2018

Tips To Help You Boost Your Metabolism

2018 is the year to ‘pepper dem’ and go all out in every area of your life. New year resolutions are inevitable. For most, losing weight or maintaining a fit lifestyle is at the forefront. You may be looking for the quickest way to lose weight, or diets products that promise you unbelievable results. Well, fad diets are a no-no because they are unsustainable. One major issue with them is that they crash your metabolism. This is not good!

Man jogging. Photo credit: Liberal America
Metabolism is a complex biochemical process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Even when you’re at rest, your body needs energy for functions like breathing, circulating blood, adjusting hormone levels, and growing and repairing cells. The number of calories your body uses to carry out these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate. Metabolism is the key regulator of homeostasis, keeping one in a balanced state. Think of your body as an engine and metabolism as the rate at which your engine runs. If this balance is disrupted, it will affect your hormones and ability to burn off fat or build muscle.
The key to maintaining your metabolism, in the long run, is by paying attention to how much and what you eat. Here are a few ways to boost your metabolism.

Avoid fad diets

Very low-calorie diets may result in fast weight loss and, eventually, fast weight gain. Fad diets are hard to maintain and, instead of staying on the diet, people rebound and gain the weight (or more) back. To maintain your metabolism, it is better to use a slow and steady, consistent approach to your weight loss. Determine the number of calories you’re taking in currently, and compare to the amount you should be taking. Then slowly reduce your calories and up your activity level until your body adjusts and you no longer feel too hungry or too low on energy!
Photo credit: Very Well

Know your calorie intake

Do you know how many calories you’re taking in? Are you tracking your calories and weighing your food? A lot of times, people say, “I’m gaining so much weight and I hardly eat, what do you think is wrong?” The truth is most people aren’t tracking what they eat. Like that packet of plantain chips at your office desk, the delicious pot of egusi soup your mum made or a “taste” of your children’s leftovers. These “little things” make a huge difference. To optimise your metabolism, make sure you’re tracking your calories to maintain muscle, avoid fat gain and still have enough energy to kill your workouts. It’s important to create a calorie deficit, but too much of a deficit will be damaging. Your body will turn to muscle for fuel and, instead of burning fat, you will start to hold onto it.

Vamp up your exercise

Physical activity is by far the most variable of the factors that determine how many calories you burn each day. Exercise affects your metabolism during and even up to 24 hours after you finish your session. It is particularly helpful after the age of 40 when your metabolism naturally begins to slow down due to an inevitable loss of muscle mass.
We want to do everything we can to maintain our health on the outside, but, truthfully, what you see on the outside starts on the inside.
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Cervical Cancer: The Cancer Killing Nigerian and other Nation Women

Every two minutes around the world, a woman dies of cervical cancer.Image result for cervical cancer

In 2017, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that the number of Nigerian women suffering from cervical cancer annually totalled 14,089 making it the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Sadly, this statistics is not only high in Nigeria. Up to 530, 000 cases and 275,000 deaths are recorded in developing nations every year. Put together, this is 80% of the cervical cases in the world. This is quite unfortunate knowing that this type of cancer can be avoided before it becomes full blown.
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the lowest part of the uterus (womb). A woman is at risk once she clocks fifteen.
Factors linked to cervical cancer include but not restricted to the following:
HPV Infection
The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. This infection is so widespread that 79 million Americans have this infection. Over 35 out of the 100 types of this infection can get into a woman’s vagina, cervix, the anus, a man’s penis, and scrotum, the mouth and throat. Men who have been diagnosed with head and neck cancer because of this has increased in recent times.  It takes about 10 to 30 years before it becomes developed. Hence the need for a pap smear screening every three to five years irrespective your sexual status.
Sexually active women who started at a young age have a high risk of getting this cancer.
It has been said countless times that smoking is more dangerous than we imagine, yet the nicotine in it makes us addicted. Besides lung cancer, smoking increases the chance of having cervical cancer by double.
Immune System
Quite a number of women who have a weak immune system are prone to cervical cancer.
Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
This synthetic form of estrogen is a leading cause of cervical cancer.  Women whose mothers took this drug are likely to get cervical cancer.
Women who have been diagnosed usually have about five years to live yet this preventable cancer can be diagnosed with Pap smear screening and HPV vaccine. Unfortunately, over 75% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer have never had a pap smear done before.
The pap smear is painless and is carried out by an obstetrician-gynaecologist. A pap smear test is recommended for sexually active women between the ages of 21 to 65. After the speculum is inserted into the vagina, the cells collected are placed under a microscope to test for cancerous tumours. If a woman bleeds excessively, it signals a problem. However, there are exceptions. Quite a few number of women who have cervical cancer have undergone a pap smear screening.
Although there are debates on if a virgin should go for a pap smear or not, we recommend you consult your doctor.
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Thursday 25 January 2018

6 Foods That Reduces Body Stress and mental stress

Trust it or not, those sound natural products, veggies, and entire grains we attempt to pack in our eating methodologies may accomplish more than simply nourish our bodies well—a hefty portion of them are considered to have calming properties. In some cases aggravation is something to be thankful for, we’ll issue you that—it ensures our body when we’ve been harmed however it can likewise be excruciating. (Think asthma and joint inflammation, kindled sore throats, and cuts or scratches.) While some have connected certain nourishments (counting chocolate, eggs, wheat, meat, and corn) to bringing about aggravation, there’s likewise prove that a couple of select delectables could help avoid it, too . Here are eight sustenance that exploration proposes might really help diminish Pain

1. Coffee
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Just one more excuse to grab that second cup of Joe! Research suggests caffeine can reduce pain in those suffering from exercise-induced muscular injury and pain . Not only that, when taken with a standard dose of pain reliever (ibuprofen, for example), one study found that a 100mg to 130mg caffeine supplement — equal to about the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee — increased pain relief .
2. Ginger
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Ginger is basically a wonder root. It combats nausea and motion sickness, and fights off pain with its anti-inflammatory properties . Some especially great news for the ladies: One study showed that ginger (specifically in the form of a 250g or 500g capsule of powdered ginger) was as effective as ibuprofen in relieving menstrual pain ! Plus, ginger can be ingested a variety of ways, from supplements, to tea and cookies, to stir fry.

3. Salmon
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Not only is salmon tasty and a healthy protein, but it’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce arthritic pain (especially in the neck and back) . In one study, the relief experienced from consuming omega-3s in the form of a fish oil supplement was comparable to the relief experienced from taking ibuprofen. Chow down on some of those omega-3s with this baked salmon with avocado yogurt sauce tonight.
4. Tart Cherries
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Turns out tart cherries are good for more than causing a pucker face. Studies have found they can help treat gout (a painful form of arthritis that causes swollen, hot, red joints caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood) . But it’s not just for gout—athletes can benefit, too. In one study, those who drank tart cherry juice for seven days prior to an intense running event showed reduced muscle-pain after the race . Drink up!

5. Echinacea and Sage

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Got an aching throat? Some research shows that throat sprays containing sage or echinacea can help provide relief from that nasty sore throat , though there have been few other studies on this benefit, so the evidence isn’t hulk strong. Another survey looking at 14 different studies found that echinacea can decrease the number of cold infections caught, and reduce their durations . Sage is easy to find at most grocery stores and is also especially tasty in any of these recipes, while echinacea is more commonly found in pill and ointment form. When choosing to take a supplement like echinacea, be aware: Supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA, so manufacturers can often get away with making unproven claims about both the contents of the pills and the benefits of those contents.
6. Oranges
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While vitamin C has been linked to helping prevent the onset of colds and respiratory infections, an antioxidant called beta-cryptoxanthin, found in oranges and other orange fruits and veggies such as sweet potato and cantaloupe, has been found to help reduce the risk of anti-inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis . Another reason to get out that juicer and start making fresh OJ each day. (Or, you know, just eat an orange.)

7. Evening Primrose

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Usually found as an oil, this flower’s powers have been linked to treating atopic dermatitis (a chronic itchy skin condition), rheumatoid arthritis, and PMS symptoms . The gamma-inolenic acid in the oil has anti-coagulant effects that may help reduce the effects of cardiovascular illnesses .

8. Whiskey
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No, we do not recommend whiskey for a broken heart or curing any sort of emotional pain. But, it turns out adding a spoonful to warm water may just do the trick to kick that pesky sore throat.

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