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Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH'S. Show all posts

Sunday 20 May 2018


Ahead of World Hypertension Day 2018, distinguished Consultant Cardiologist, Professor Ayodele Omotoso, has alerted on the increasing prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure) in the country, warning that hypertension is now the number-one risk factor for death globally.
Image result for hypertension

Speaking at the 4th Novartis International Cardiovascular Summit held recently in Lagos at the Lagos Continental Hotel, Victoria Island, Prof. Omotoso alerted that hypertension is now ahead of tobacco, high cholesterol, unhealthy weight, unsafe sex and other conditions as a risk factor for global mortality, adding that recent research has shown the disease is now a leading risk factor for poor health.

While also noting that hypertension is on the rise in both rural and urban areas of Nigeria among men and women, Prof. Omotoso said current treatment guidelines for the condition have now identified combination therapy as a requirement for majority of patients to reach the appropriate blood pressure goal.

He disclosed further that, according to the guidelines, mono-therapy only allows a limited number of hypertension patients to achieve set targets of blood pressure, adding that in the majority of patients, the use of more than one drug agent is necessary to achieve results.

Prof. Omotosho stated further that while hypertension has continued to be a major public health problem whose prevalence is increasing worldwide, the treatment of the condition has been a major medical success of the past half-century.

He however identified financial constraints, doubts over treatment benefits, unique patient characteristics, unwelcome side-effects or drug tolerability issues, need for more than one agent or complex treatment regimes, as well as a lack of understanding of instructions provided by physicians, as reasons for non-compliance of hypertension patients to treatment.

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Saturday 19 May 2018

Views On About Diabetes And Categories type Of Diabetes

Diabetes is a life-long disease in which the body cannot produce insulin or cannot use the insulin it produces. Insulin is the key hormone involved in the storage and controlled release of glucose in the blood. Glucose, a sugar, is transported into the muscles and fat cells with the help of insulin for use as energy. Without insulin, glucose remains in the blood which over time can cause serious health problems such as heart disease, vision loss and kidney disease.
Image result for diabetes
Diabetes affects about 400 million people worldwide today and about 50% of these people are undiagnosed. This number is expected to reach about 500 million people by 2040. It is the eighth leading cause of death worldwide and is usually irreversible. Although patients can lead a reasonably normal lifestyle, its late complications result in reduced life expectancy and major health costs.

There isn’t a cure yet for diabetes, but there are available therapeutic options that limit disease and reduce complications. These options include healthy lifestyle habits, taking medicine, self-management education, and keeping appointments with your healthcare team.

Insulin Dose

Types of Diabetes
There are three main types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes (diabetes while pregnant).

Type 1 diabetes
This is usually diagnosed in children, teens and young adults. If you have type 1 diabetes, you’ll need to take insulin every day to survive. The body’s immune system attacks and destroys the cells that produce insulin thereby stopping production. About five percent of the people who have diabetes have type 1. Currently, there are no documented ways to prevent this.

Type 2 diabetes
This is usually diagnosed in adults (though increasingly in children, teens, older people and a result of one’s lifestyle). It accounts for 90% of all cases of diabetes. The initial problem in Type 2 diabetes is the resistance to the action of insulin. Thereafter, your body is unable to produce enough insulin to keep blood sugar at normal levels. You may not notice any symptoms, so it is important to get your blood sugar tested if you’re at risk.

Gestational diabetes
This develops in pregnant women who have never had diabetes. During pregnancy, some women have such high levels of blood glucose that their body is unable to produce enough insulin to absorb it all. Gestational diabetes usually goes away after your baby is born but increases your risk for type 2 diabetes later in life. If you have gestational diabetes, your baby could be at higher risk for health complications.

Another entity that is even equally sinister but less talked about regarding poor glucose control is prediabetes.

It is a serious health condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough yet to be diagnosed as diabetes. Many people have pre-diabetes, and 90% of them don’t know they have it.

If your blood sugar level is above the normal range, your risk of developing full-blown diabetes is increased. It is very important for diabetes to be diagnosed as early as possible because it will get progressively worse if left untreated.
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Thursday 17 May 2018

10 Ways To Avoid Vaginal Infections

First of all, there are things that increase your chances of getting one, and they are: diabetes, a weak immune system, antibiotics, using birth control, douching or using perfumed vaginal products, pregnancy, and having multiple sexual partners.
Image result for virgina infection
Although it may not be possible to prevent these infections for all women, there are certain things you can do to lower your risk. They are:

1. Stay dry. Wear breathable underwear like those made of cotton as they will keep you dry. Also change out of wet clothes, a wet swimsuit after swimming, or gym clothes after working out.

2. Give your vagina room to breathe. Switch to looser-fitting underwear. Tight trousers and underwear will increase the amount of moisture around your private parts and that increases your chances of having an infection.

3. Don’t douche. “Feminine hygiene products” like douches and feminine wash can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your vagina by removing some of the good bacteria that is supposed to be there to fight off infections. Also avoid scented feminine products: bubble baths, tampons, pads, sprays, and soaps. Washing the pubic region regularly with clean water alone is enough to keep the vagina clean. Keep your vaginal area dry, especially after a shower.

4. Avoid using hot tubs or taking extra hot baths. That heat is not good for your vagina, especially when coupled with dampness.

5. Always wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. Wiping from back to front will mobilise bad bacteria from your anus to your vagina.

6. Change sanitary towels often. When on your period, be sure to change your tampons, pads, and panty liners often. Try not to use one for more than 8 hours.

7. Watch your blood sugar. If you have diabetes, be sure to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and keep them under control.

8. Practise safe sex. Do not keep multiple sexual partners. Condoms do not only prevent pregnancy, they also prevent infections and reinfection. You never know how many sexual partners your sole lover has. If you are diagnosed with an infection, your sex partner should also be checked. He or she may have other sexually transmitted diseases and also may re-infect you if not treated.

9. Pregnant women should see their doctor immediately if they are experiencing symptoms.

10. Use antibiotics only when you have to. When being treated for an infection, make sure to take your drugs religiously and finish them, even if you feel better after a few days. Vaginal infections can come back and they could come back worse than before.

Ensure to see your doctor the moment you experience a change in vaginal discharge (quantity or odour), if you start to itch or feel any discomfort when you pee, or any other symptoms that are not normal. There is no need to panic. The earlier this is handled, the better.
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Saturday 12 May 2018


Image result for GREEN TEAAdvertorials abound telling you that green tea is the best thing to happen to your tea world. Used for centuries and known for its tremendous benefits including weight loss, green tea is the beloved of health-conscious people who drink tea.
Like other types of tea, green tea contains caffeine. Although its concentration is not as high as other teas, one needs to be aware of green tea’s side effects.
Ideally, green tea should be consumed one to five times a day. Excessive consumption can have adverse health implications including

4.Iron deficiency
6.High blood pressure
6.Stomach acidity
7.Lowered iron absorption
8.Heart palpitations
10.One of the major causes of these illnesses is having it on an empty stomach.

The time when one drinks green tea is as important as the tea itself. This is because drinking it on an empty stomach can affect the liver. Health specialists recommend that is taken two hours before or after a meal or two hours before bedtime. The green tea should be brewed between 160° and 280° F.
It is recommended to consult your doctor before consumption if you have any medical condition. Also, do not drink it in extremely cold conditions.
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Saturday 31 March 2018

Signs That You Might Have Liver Failure

Liver failure is a life-threatening condition that requires hospitalization. Many people do not have any liver damage symptoms until serious liver problems have already developed slowly and silently.
Liver failure occurs if the liver has lost all of its function due to cirrhosis caused by different liver diseases, signs and symptoms of liver failure is what we will discuss in this post.
Image result for heart failure
What are the common causes of cirrhosis?
-Hepatitis B & C
-Alcohol-related Liver Disease
-Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) & Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
-Autoimmune Hepatitis
-Bile duct disease such as Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
-Metabolic diseases such as Hemochromatosis, Wilson disease and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

What are the symptoms and signs of liver failure caused by cirrhosis?
For some people, cirrhosis is diagnosed unintentionally. Cirrhosis often does not have any specific signs and symptoms in the early stage. The non-specific symptoms may be:
-Loss of appetite
-Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)
-As cirrhosis progresses, symptoms and complications can appear that make it apparent that the liver is not doing well.
These could be the symptoms of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE) and other complications due to cirrhosis. In addition to Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE), following complications are signs of liver damage or cirrhosis:

-Fluid build up and painful swelling of the legs (edema) and abdomen (ascites)
-Bruising and bleeding easily
-Enlarged veins in the lower esophagus (esophageal varices) and stomach (gastropathy)
-Enlarged spleen (splenomegaly)
-Stone-like particles in gallbladder and bile duct (gallstones)
-Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma)
-Chronic liver failure indicates that the liver has been failing gradually, possibly for years.

If the liver is failing, a liver transplant may be needed in some cases.
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Saturday 24 March 2018

5 Things You Can Benefit From Healthy Sex

Image result for sexHealthy sex boosts our healthy life but this boost doesn’t appear to work for casual sex or hookups. One study of nearly 7,500 US college students across 14 public universities found that those who had more hookups had lower levels of happiness and self-esteem, and higher levels of depression and anxiety.
In contrast to the notion that men are more likely to be OK with casual sex, the researchers found no differences between the sexes.
On that note, here are benefits of healthy sex.

It relieves stress
The act of sex floods your brain with all sorts of feel-good chemicals while reducing the stress hormone cortisol.
Dopamine, which impacts the brain’s pleasure and reward centres; endorphins, which can reduce pain and stress; and oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, are all released during sex, with higher levels after orgasm.
It boosts mood. Oxytocin promotes feelings of well-being and happiness. And you don’t have to boink like bunnies to feel that way.
It’s more than the coital act that brings benefits. Studies of older adults found that holding hands, hugging, kissing and mutual stroking also contribute to a greater quality of life.
Sex can ward off depression, too. Studies show that men and women who have intercourse with their partners have greater satisfaction with their mental health.
But the boost doesn’t appear to work for casual sex or hookups. One study of nearly 7,500 US college students

It improves sleep
Prolactin, a hormone that relaxes you, is also released after an orgasm. The combination of prolactin and all the rest of the “feel-good” hormones are why most people sleep better after sex.
To get the highest amount of prolactin, science suggests having an orgasm with a partner if possible. Research shows that the level of prolactin in both men and women after intercourse can be “400% greater than that following masturbation.”
Unfortunately, sleep deprivation can also impact sexual satisfaction. A study of nearly 10,000 women ages 50 to 79 found that those who got fewer than seven to eight hours of sleep a night were less likely to be sexually active. The older the woman, the more likely she was to report less sex when sleep deprived.

It boosts immunity
Having regular sex may also help you fight off disease. A study of 276 healthy volunteers at the University of Pittsburgh found that those with the most diverse social networks, including not just lovers but family, friends and organizations, were the least likely to catch colds.

It decreases the risk of prostate cancer
Frequent ejaculation appears to be linked to a lower risk for prostate cancer. A 2004 study published in the British Medical Journal studied the sex life of over 50,000 American males between the ages of 40 and 75. Men reporting 21 or more ejaculations a month were less likely to get prostate cancer than men who ejaculated four to seven times a month. A follow-up study published in 2016 showed the same results.
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Friday 23 March 2018

5 Illnesses To Treat With Avocado Leaves(Details Below)

Its avocado season and we are all for it. Packed with active nutrients such as alpha and beta pinene, monosaturated fat and flavonoids, avocado has been proven to be a potent drug and has health benefits are good for the overall human system. Not only is the fruit good for the body, its leaves have potentials of preventing diseases and contains healing properties.
Although some people exercise fear due to the presence of persin in avocado, research has proven that persin is not harmful to humans. With analgesic and detoxifying properties, it leaves are as good as the fruit.
Avocado Leaves Tea. Photo credit: Healthy World Network
Here are five  benefits you get from using avocado:
Treats Kidney stones: With active substances such as saponins and alkaloid, avocado leaves have proven to be an effective method for dissolve kidney stones. Drinking it two to three times a day breaks down the kidney stones within 7 to 10 days. During this period of drinking, you’d notice the froth-like substances come out through your urine.
Diabetes: Avocado helps stabilize blood level. As a monosaturated fat, it contains oleic acid which reduces the triglyceride levels in the blood. It also contains vitamin B. Vitamin B6 is particularly good for stabilizing blood glucose levels.
Asthma Attack: The presence of pinene in avocado effectively opens up the airways thereby increasing air flow to the lungs.
Cancer: People who want to prevent cancer or show early signs of early stages, are often advised to drink avocado tea. This contains antioxidants and phytochemicals such as zeaxanthin that stops the growth of cancer (prostate and breast) cells. It also serves a chemopreventive drug.
Insomnia: The presence of serotonin and limonene aids regulates the mood and appetite of a person thus preventing insomnia.
Now that you are all excited, here is how to prepare the avocado leaves tea.
1.Wash 4-5 pieces of avocado leaves (depending on how much you’d like to consume)
2.Allow to boil in a pot with 1½-2 cups of water for 10 minutes (or until the water reduces by half)
4.Allow to cool (you can add your sweetener if you prefer it)
5.Drink two cups a day.
See? Its as simple as A, B, Tea.
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Tuesday 20 March 2018

cheap ways to care for your skin

Image result for beautiful skinCaring for the skin is one of the most money-consuming things you can go through, this is why knowing cheap ways to care for your skin is crucial. The key thing to keep in mind is that consistency is everything.
Here are cheap ways to care for your skin.
Drink loads of liquids – water, fresh lime, buttermilk, and don’t forget to say no to sugary drinks.
Stress can make you break out, and even cause stomach ulcer. Try silent meditations throughout the day.
To reduce the effect of stretch marks use natural cocoa butter or aloe-vera gel post your shower, while the skin is still wet. This will make it dry into your skin, hence becoming more effective.
For swollen feet use products like chamomile and cucumber, and apply them directly to your feet; this helps soothe that area.
Try to eat as many vegetables as you can. Eating vegetables fortifies your body with nutrients which in turn shows on your skin because what you put in your body is what shows on the outside.
Always use sunscreen to cover pigmentation or acne marks. Using sunscreen on your body also reduces darkness due to sun rays, and extreme cases of skin problem like skin cancer. Use sunscreen as often as possible from going out to run a simple errand to spending a day at the beach.
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The Unripe Pawpaw Has undisconverd fact For You

The pawpaw fruit is usually enjoyed ripe and orange and possess a lot of healthy benefits. Although, the green unripe pawpaw is usually not sweet to taste, it is still packed with an arsenal of essential vitamins and minerals. It is usually cooked before it is eaten and it has the following benefits.

Immune System Boost
The unripe pawpaw and its seeds contain a high concentration of Vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins boost the immune system and prevents infections, cold, catarrh and cough.

Helps Digestion
The unripe pawpaw is loaded with enzymes like papain and chymopapain which play an important role in stomach health and digestion. They also covert proteins into essential amino acids, help with cleansing of the colon and prevents constipation—with the help of the papain enzyme.

Boosts Breast Milk Production
For lactating mothers, beyond the vitamins and minerals already mentioned above, the unripe pawpaw increases the quality and quantity of breast milk production. This is because it increases the production of oxytocin hormones in the body which are responsible for regulating the production of breast milk in the body.

Fights Urinary Tract Infections
Unripe pawpaw has a high acidity which helps remove the bacteria that could cause urinary tract infections from the urinary system.
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Monday 19 March 2018

The Challenge Against Endometriosis

What is endometriosis?Image result for Endometriosis
Endometriosis is an often painful disorder in which the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus—the endometrium—grows outside the uterus. It involves the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining the pelvis.
The displaced endometrial tissue continues to thicken, break down and bleed with each menstrual cycle and, because the displaced tissue has no way of exit from the body, it becomes trapped. This can cause irritation and scar tissue development. This disorder can cause severe pain, especially during periods and fertility problems.
Most of the symptoms associated with endometriosis are linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle. They usually include chronically painful periods, excessive bleeding (especially during periods), pain  during or after sex, pain with bowel movements and infertility.
The challenge with these symptoms is that a number of them are already associated with menstruation so no one bothers to check for endometriosis. In the statement made by Saeon via her social media page she said, “Prior to the diagnosis, I hadn’t really heard of or paid attention to endometriosis and I catch myself wishing I had been educated on it as this knowledge could have helped in earlier diagnosis and my not having to go through the stress of some symptoms I dealt with.”
Another woman named Oyinda who works as a Human Resource Manager in Lagos said, “Usually I have pains a week to my period and I felt it was a normal thing. Over time, it started to increase to two or three weeks and the pain became more intense. I went to see a lot of doctors and they kept telling me different things…it wasn’t until I met a consultant gynaecologist who I told my symptoms and he told me I had endometriosis.”
With these cases, it is evident that most people with endometriosis had no prior knowledge of the condition before diagnosis.
There is no known cure for endometriosis, however, the symptoms can be managed depending on the stage it is discovered.
Some of the treatment methods include pain medications, hormonal therapy(supplementary hormones to regulate monthly changes and relieve pain), conservative surgery (remove endometrial growths without damaging organs) and a hysterectomy (last resort surgery that removes most reproductive organs).
Photo credit_ LookInsta
The problem with the medications is that they can’t be used over a prolonged period of time because of the side effects. Also, most known cases of endometriosis are discovered late so surgery is usually the only option.
Millen Magese underwent an egg-retrieval procedure in order to save her eggs — for a chance to have children in the future — before going through surgery, while Saeon, although not specifying the type of surgery she had to pass through, she pointed out that she was operated on. As for Oyinda, she has been diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis which means she has no choice but to undergo a hysterectomy.
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Saturday 17 March 2018

15 % Of Blindness Is Caused By Glaucoma – Expert

Dr Charles Omale, a consultant ophthalmologist, has attributed blindness due to glaucoma in Nigeria to 15.7 percent among individuals above 40 years.
Omale, who is also the Managing Director, Fortress Eye Hospital, Wuse Zone 1, Abuja, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja that the figure was alarming.
According to him, the disease is not receiving adequate attention in the areas of awareness, diagnosis and treatment.
He said that the disease was more prevalent among blacks than Caucasians, adding that unavailability of medical facilities, poor literacy level and poverty in Africa made it more difficult to suppress the disease in the region.

Photo credit: Lifehack
Omale said that these factors meant that people with glaucoma could not get the required treatment or care that they deserved.
He said that most people do not even go to the hospital for proper check-up and treatment hence they continued to live with the disease without any knowledge of it.
“The prevalence rate of glaucoma in Nigeria currently can be put at 4.2 percent but the proportion of blindness due to glaucoma is at about 15.7 percent among those who are above age 40.
“Most people easily attribute any issue of eye disease to spiritual attacks and so they will be going blind and believing that whatever the problem should be handled in a spiritual way.
“These are some of the reasons why this disease will continue to ravage the continent. There are however recent medical advancements both in the diagnosis and in managing glaucoma.
“Apart from the traditional clinical examination by the Ophthalmologists, there are advanced medical equipment that can help him or her make up his mind far more quickly than in the past.
“For example, there is a new machine we call Optical Coherent Stenography; it helps to analyse different layers of the retina and will tell you the particular layer that has been damaged by glaucoma.
“This equipment will also give you a graphical representation of that stage of disease you are dealing with.
“This has helped a lot in separating those who are suffering from nerve damage but do not have glaucoma and those who have a clear cut case of glaucoma.
“Laser is now a new form of treatment for the disease. It is used in form of the traditional surgical approach to create an opening that will promote the drainage of fluid in the eye.
“This form of treatment is fast gaining ground; prior to this type of treatment, the major treatment process used was either medical that is the use of certain medications or surgical,” Omale said.
He said that the optical coherent stenography was also a very important monitoring tool because it could give a progression report on whether a patient was improving or regressing with the disease.
He noted however that even with advancement in technology which has eased the treatment of the disease, many individuals were still faced with the high cost of undergoing the test.
Omale said that this machine could only be found in some private medical centres as public hospitals were yet to have it in their facility.
He called on the Federal Government to make efforts towards improving quality and affordability of treatment for the disease, deploy adequate equipment for diagnosis.
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Quick Natural Tips For That Skin Glow

Everyone wants awesome looking skin and here are some simple natural tips that can help achieve that.

1.Apply carrot juice on the face directly to get a natural glow.
2.Mix cabbage juice with a little honey and apply on the face to prevent wrinkles.
3.Mix a little groundnut oil with fresh lime juice and apply on face to prevent pimples and blackheads.
4.Apply aloe vera juice on the skin for proper hydration and removal of dark pigments.
5.Fresh milk, a pinch of salt and a little lime juice cleans and opens skin pores.
6.Mix tomato juice with lemon juice and apply to face to keep it soft and glowing.
7.Take a few grapes and rub on face or mash into paste and apply on face and skin.
8.Mix cucumber juice, glycerine and rose water and apply on the face and skin. It helps prevent dry skin by retaining moisture.
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Ways to avoid heart disease

A bad diet and too little exercise can hurt your heart. But there are lots of other sneaky sources of heart disease that you may not be aware of. Here are some you need to know about, and heart-smart steps to help you keep healthy.
Belly Fat
Any extra weight is hard on your heart, but the kind around your midsection is especially dangerous. It may trigger your body to make hormones and other chemicals that can raise blood pressure and have a bad effect on your blood vessels and cholesterol levels. If you’re a woman and your waist is more than 35 inches around, or 40 inches if you’re a man, talk to your doctor about a diet and exercise plan. Research shows that yoga and short bursts of high-intensity exercise are great ways to whittle your middle.
Dental Problems
Need extra motivation to brush and floss everyday? People with gum disease are more likely to have heart disease, too. The connection is not clear, but some experts think bacteria from your gums may move into your bloodstream, leading to inflammation of the blood vessels and other heart problems. See your dentist every six months for checkups. Make an appointment right away if you spot redness or soreness on your gums or changes in your teeth.
Traffic Delays
Anyone who’s ever been stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic will tell you it’s stressful. That may be why research links spending a single hour in traffic to higher odds of having a heart attack. High noise levels- like the kind you hear on a highway- are also linked to heart disease. If you cannot avoid traveling during rush hour, squash stress by listening to relaxing music. Or share the ride and chat with your fellow passenger.
Hepatitis C
If you have this liver infection, you’re more likely to have low cholesterol and low blood pressure than people who don’t have the disease. But even so, you still have a higher risk of heart disease. Researchers think Hepatitis C may cause inflammation of the body’s cells and tissues, including those in the heart. Work closely with your doctor to keep tabs on any heart symptoms.
Not Getting Good Sleep
When you routinely get less than six hours of shut-eye a night, you raise your risk of higher blood pressure and cholesterol. It increases the odds you’ll become obese and get diabetes, too (both of which can hurt your heart). That does not mean you should sleep your way through the day. When you spend more than 9 hours horizontal on a regular basis, it raises your odds of getting diabetes and having a stroke- major risk factors for heart disease. Baby your brain, body and heart -aim for 7 to 9 hours of slumber a night.
An Unhappy Marriage
A good match makes your heart happy and healthy. Older adults who are content in their unions have a lower risk of heart disease than those who are not, according to a recent study. The likely cause? Stress. When you’re stressed, you’re more likely to make bad diet choices and do other things that can hurt your ticker, like drink too much alcohol. What’s more, stress hormones may have a negative effect on the heart. So consider seeing a couples’ therapist or clergy member together if your marriage is not a happy one.
When you spend time with loved ones, it thwarts stress and helps you stay active. Lonely folks may be more likely to have heart disease. If you’re not near family or close friends, get connected by helping someone in need, or adopt a dog or cat. Volunteers and dog owners might enjoy better heart health and live longer, too.
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Thursday 8 March 2018

All You Need To Know About Kidney Stones

Image result for kidney stone
Kidney stones are a common occurrence in many adults today, especially in obese men. More often than not, most people do not know when they are dealing with a kidney stone-related problem.
Kidney stones are hard collections of salt and mineral that are usually made up of calcium or uric acid. They are created in the kidney and can travel to other parts of the urinary tract. They usually vary in size and the smaller ones rarely cause any problems except they move into the ureter. The larger ones, however, tend to be very painful and rarely pass out without treatment. Here are some signs that might mean you’re dealing with kidney stones.
Pain: Back, Belly or Side
Kidney stone pains are very severe and account for over a million visits to the emergency room every year according to statistics. The pain—also known as renal colic—is caused when a stone moves into the narrow ureter. This causes a blockage that builds pressure in the kidney. The pain comes in waves and changes location and intensity as the stone moves. Usually, the back, belly or side suffer the most side effects.
Painful Urination
Pain during urination comes when the stone reaches the junction between the ureter and the bladder. Most times it can be mistaken for an infection and although kidney stones sometimes come with kidney stones, it is advised to check for stones first.
Urgent Need To Pee
The constant need to use the bathroom urgently and frequently could be another indicator of kidney stones. This means that the stone has moved to the lower part of the urinary tract and you might find yourself running to the bathroom at odd times. This sign also mimics a urinary tract infection and needs to be dealt with swiftly by a doctor.
Blood In The Urine
This is a common indicator for kidney stones and is clinically known as haematuria. Haematuria occurs when the stones damage the walls of the urinary tract—particularly the ureter. The blood can be red, pink or brown and sometimes even too small to see with the naked eye. However, it is always very painful and a doctor’s immediate attention is advised.
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Wednesday 7 March 2018

Take Care Of Your Liver With These Helpful Nuggets

The liver has a wide range of tasks to perform making it one of the powerhouse organs of the body. Some of those tasks include, producing protein and cholesterol, breaking down alcohol and toxins, storing up vitamins and producing bile.

Liver Health Photo credit_ YouTube
Due to its importance, it is vital to keep this organ healthy at all times. Here are some foods that can help with that.
Studies have shown that drinking coffee is one of the best ways to promote the health of liver. It has also been associated with lowering the risk of liver cirrhosis and some types of liver cancer. This is because of its ability to prevent the build-up of fat and collagen which are prime indicators of liver disease.  In addition, it decreases inflammation and increases the level of an antioxidant called glutathione.
Tea is generally known to be a healthy beverage but studies have shown that it has specific benefits to the liver. Green tea in particular is known to have improved blood markers for liver health. A review showed that people who drank green tea were less likely to develop liver cancer—the lowest risks were found in people who drank at least four cups a day. Another study showed that drinking green tea for 12 weeks improved liver enzyme levels due to its high level of antioxidants.
Blueberries and Cranberries
These lovely members of the berry family contain anthocyanins which are antioxidants that give berries their different colours. Studies have shown that due to this antioxidant, cranberries and blueberries—as well as their extracts or juices—contribute to liver health.
Studies showed that regular consumption of these fruits protected the liver from damage and blueberries helped improve immune cell response and antioxidant enzymes. Additionally, they slowed the development of lesions and fibrosis in the livers of experimental rats.
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22 persons are convicted in Anambra for drug offences

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA, says 22 persons have been convicted for drug related offences between January 2017 and February 2018, a period of one year.
The Anambra State Commander of the Agency, Mr Sule Momodu, disclosed this in an interview with journalists in Awka, the Anambra State Capital.
Momodu said the suspects were convicted for being in possession of hard drugs, such a cocaine, heroin and cannabis sativa in different quantities, ranging from 0.7 grams to 18 kilograms and that they received sentences ranging from 12 months to seven years.
The State NDLEA boss revealed further that 19 convictions were secured in 2017 and three in February 2018.
He also stated that the agency would not relent in its efforts to ensure that the State was totally rid of drug trafficking and abuse.
He alerted that a new threat in the form of abuse of methaplythamine had been discovered in the state, calling on churches and community leaders, to join in the fight against drug abuse by educating people of its dangers.
He commended the State government for its support to the Agency in the fight, especially for retaining it as a member of the State security council, saying that such gesture is key to the successes being recorded in the fight against drug abuse in the society.
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Sunday 4 March 2018

Healthy Eating Habits You Should Know Today

1. Learn proper portion size. To avoid eating too much of even the healthiest foods, keep track of how much you’re eating. For most people, meat servings should be about the size of a deck of cards and other servings vary by the type of food.

2. Vary your meals. When the cafeteria has your favourite foods daily it can be easy to return to those old favourites every day. Changing up your diet from day to day is an important part of good nutrition so take advantage of the variety of selections available to you,                                                                                                                                          3. Eat breakfast. Start your day off right with a good meal when you get up. Whether you’re rolling out of bed at noon or up at the crack of dawn for class, make sure you start your day with a balanced, healthy meal.                                                                                  4. Keep healthy snacks around. It’s easy to eat healthy if you keep the Cheetos at bay and stock your dorm room with fruits and other healthy snacks. You’ll be more likely to reach for these than junk food if you keep them nearby or in your backpack.
5. Drink moderately. While college students are known for their party, you can still have a good time without consuming all the calories that come along with binging on beer, plus you’ll avoid the hangovers and other negative effects. Drink in moderation and you can have a good time without hurting your health.
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Tuesday 27 February 2018

Increasing in mental challenges,demand more psychiatric hospitals Nurses raise alarms

Nurses under the aegis of University Graduates of Nursing Science Association (UGONSA) have called for establishment of more Neuropsychiatric hospitals across Nigeria.
While observing that there were increased cases of mental health challenges across the country, the association noted that existing Neuropsychiatric facilities were stretched beyond their capacities.

In a statement on Monday by the National Secretary of UGONSA, Nur. G.I. Nshi, the association said it observed that “depression, anxiety disorders, suicidal ideation and post-traumatic stress disorders are on the rise in the country owing to unbearable level of stress probably orchestrated by the harsh economic reality in the land.”

It said, “the existing Mental Health facilities have been overstretched beyond their capacity. Nurses and Physicians in Mental Health facilities across this country are overworked beyond their carrying capacity and are adversely exposed to increased level of clinical harms.

“Regrettably, their hazard allowance remains the insulting sum of five thousand naira in a country that pays political office holders millions of naira as newspaper allowance.”

It drew example from the South-East, Nigeria and identified that “the whole of Ebonyi State is served by a 24 – bedded psychiatric ward of Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki (FETHA).

“This ward has 26 Nurses and 21 physicians, 1 EEG machine, 1 suction machine, 1 ECT machine, and 1 sphygmomanometer serving the whole of Ebonyi State and beyond.

“With the current shutdown of Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Enugu, by industrial crisis, the Mental Health Unit of FETHA is now almost the only alternative for the people of the South-East, Zone.

“This calls for urgent need to expand the Psychiatric Ward of FETHA to a fully fledged Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital. This should not only be for South-East zone. It should be replicated across other zones of the Country as well.

“The increasing incidence of Mental Health challenges facing the country require that we upgrade the existing facilities, update their equipment, build more centres, engage more professional healthcare workers and reward them appropriately by making an upward review of their hazard allowance.

“It is high time the Federal Government made concerted effort to promote the mental health of the citizens- the statement concluded.”
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Sunday 25 February 2018

Five Fast Facts About Hypertension

Also known as the “silent killer”, hypertension usually comes with no symptoms at all. In developing countries especially, most victims are unaware of the disease. There are also limitations to treatments that can control blood pressure and significantly reduce the risk of death and disability from heart disease and stroke. Sometimes, hypertension causes symptoms like headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, and nosebleeds, but this is not the case in many people. Thus, early detection, treatment, and control of hypertension is an important health priority worldwide.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is a rise in normal blood pressure beyond acceptable ranges. It causes complications severe enough to hamper the quality of life or reduce one’s life expectancy. Blood pressure is created by the force of blood pushing against the walls of blood vessels (arteries) as it is pumped by the heart. The higher the pressure, the harder the heart has to pump.

Having high blood pressure for a short time can be a normal response to many situations. Acute stress and intense exercise, for example, can briefly elevate blood pressure in a healthy person. This is why a diagnosis of hypertension normally requires several readings that show high blood pressure over time. Regularly checking your blood pressure is vital, as there will usually be no symptoms to make you aware of the condition.

Photo credit: Pixabay

Who gets hypertension?

As with other diseases, there are risk factors that increase one’s possibility of developing the disease. Below are some important risk factors for hypertension:

Black race: Hypertension is more common in blacks than in any other race. Several studies have been made to identify the peculiarity of the association. But, dietary habits can be fingered (excessive salt intake in a diet associated with processed and fatty foods).

Family history: People who have a family history of hypertension are more likely to develop hypertension.

Other factors: Factors such as obesity, use of alcohol and tobacco, mismanaged stress and physical inactivity. As well as existing health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and high cholesterol levels.

Fast facts

1.Acute causes of high blood pressure include stress, but it can happen on its own, or it can result from an underlying condition, such as kidney disease.
2.Regular health checks are the best way to monitor your blood pressure.
3.Unmanaged hypertension can lead to a heart attack, stroke, and other problems.
4.While blood pressure is best regulated through the diet before it reaches the stage of hypertension, there is a range of treatment options.
5.Lifestyle factors are the best way to address high blood pressure. To help control blood pressure, avoid stress, avoid using alcohol or drugs, refrain from smoking and eating unhealthily. Patients with hypertension are also encouraged to engage in 30-minute aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, cycling or swimming regularly.
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Thursday 22 February 2018

The Natural (Herbal) cures for uterine fibroids

It has become so common. Many young women are now complaining of uterine fibroids. Alternative names are uterine leiomyoma, fibromyoma, myoma, or fibroids.
Recent studies have shown that uterine fibroids are the most common non-malignant growths in women of childbearing age. Common symptoms may include heavy or painful periods; prolonged menstrual periods; bleeding between periods; pelvic pain or low back pain; ’fullness’ in the lower abdomen, with or without urinary or rectal symptoms due to compression; and reproductive problems, such as infertility, multiple miscarriages, or early onset of labour during pregnancy.

Many women with uterine fibroids do not have any symptoms.

The significant symptoms and progressive nature of the disease frequently require hysterectomy (removal of the womb), which is associated with surgical morbidity and precludes the opportunity for future childbirth. It has also been reported that the fibroids grew back after surgical evacuation.

But recent studies have validated more herbal remedies to provide permanent solution to the menace without adverse side effects.

Turmeric is a spice that comes from the root of Curcuma longa, a member of the ginger family, Zingaberaceae. It contains the active ingredient curcumin. Curcumin is a bright yellow chemical produced by some plants. It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric. (It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics ingredient, food flavouring, and food colouring.

In Nigeria, it is called atale pupa in Yoruba; gangamau in Hausa; nwandumo in Ebonyi; ohu boboch in Enugu (Nkanu East); gigir in Tiv; magina in Kaduna; turi in Niger State; onjonigho in Cross River (Meo tribe).

Thai researchers have successfully decreased the size of uterine fibroids after six months of daily oral administration of turmeric.

The study titled Curcumin in Reduction Size of Myoma Uteri was published in Thai Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

The researchers at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bhumibol Adulyadeji Hospital, Directorate of Medical Services, Royal Thai Air Force, Bangkok, Thailand, determined effects of curcumin in decreasing size of leiomyoma (uterine fibroid) and to determine adverse effects of curcumin.

The study was a prospective on conducted in reproductive women with leiomyoma in Bhumibol Adulyadeji Hospital. 35 women with 81 leiomyoma lumps were recruited to participate by convenience sampling.

Ultrasound measurement of size of leiomyoma was done before treatment with curcumin was started. Main outcomes measure was size of leiomyoma. Size of leiomyoma was compared between before and after taking curcumin for six months.

The results showed the mean diameter of leiomyoma were statistically different at before and after three and six month’s curcumin intake. And both mean volume of leiomyoma was statistically different at before and after three and six month’s curcumin intake. Adverse effect of curcumin was not found.

Also, Egyptian researchers have successfully used turmeric, in clinical studies, to decrease the volume of uterine fibroids in women.

The study published in Journal of American Science is titled “Curcumin a New Modality for Treatment of Uterine Myoma.”

The researchers from Heliopolis Research Center, Cairo and Department of obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt noted: “Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is known for its antitumor, anticancer, strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiangiogenic, proapoptotic, antiamyloid, antiarthritic, potent inhibitors of cytochrome p450, reduced cholesterol level. Uterine fibroid are the most common pelvic tumours and occur in 20 to 25 per cent of premenopausal women.

“Current pharmacological therapies include gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH agonists/antagonists, oral contraceptive, progestin selective modulator of progesterone receptor (Aspprisnil) and mifepristone.

“The aim of this work is to use for the first time in the literature curcumin for treatment of uterine myoma. A total of 50 women had uterine myoma were enrolled in the study, the inclusion criteria were age between 20-35 years mean age 32±3.25, no more than (3) intramural myomas the main diameter at 3 D transvaginal ultrasound >5mm.

“Curcumin is used in the tablet form each tablet 450 mg one tablet after meal three times daily for 12 weeks, assessment of uterine bleeding by using daily bleeding diapers and haemoglobin (Hb)/main constituent of the red blood cell concentration, uterine dimensions and myoma dimensions are measured by 3D ultrasound.”

Haemoglobin is the main component of red blood cells and serves as the transporter for oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

The results of the study found statistically significant decrease in the uterine volume and myoma volume (cm3), “again we find statistically significant increases in Hb percentage after treatment the bleeding stop completely in
88 per cent after two weeks treatment and after four weeks in 12 per cent of the cases.”

The researchers concluded: “Curcumin is a new drug with multiple pharmacological actions, no reported side effects of significances for treatment of myoma.”

Also, another study published in Gynecological Endocrinology showed curcumin suppressing fibroid cell replication by interacting with Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Gamma (PPARg). PPARg is a cell receptor that plays a role in controlling the cell cycle and cell division. It also has been found to suppress inflammation.

In order for PPARg to be active, it needs to bind to other molecules. Once this happens, it can then influence cell behaviour. In laboratory trials, the authors of the study found curcumin activated PPARg by binding to it. Doing so inhibited replication and growth of uterine fibroid cells. Curcumin and PPARg interaction also induced apoptosis, or programmed cell death, of fibroid cells.
Lime concoction

A study on herbal preparations for uterine fibroids published in Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies recommended: “…Grind Secamone afzelii leaves inside a bottle of Citrus aurantifolia (lime) fruit juice. Add a cowrie with no hole and little potash. Soak it for one day. Take two spoons once a week to treat fibroid.
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